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NBC Reporter to White House Spokesman: 'DON'T BE A JERK'


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NBCNEWS chief White House correspondent David Gregory warned President Bush's spokesman on Monday not to be a "jerk!"

The heated exchange came during a press gathering at the White House.

Gregory asked White House Press Secretary Scott McClellan about the Cheney hunting accident.

'David, hold on, the cameras aren't on right now,' McClellan replied. 'You can do this later.'

'Don't accuse me of trying to pose to the cameras,' Gregory said, voice rising. 'Don't be a jerk to me personally when I'm asking you a serious question.'

'You don't have to yell,' McClellan said.

'I will yell,'' said Gregory, pointing a finger at McCellan at his dais. 'If you want to use that podium to try to take shots at me personally, which I don't appreciate, then I will raise my voice, because that's wrong.'

'Calm down, Dave, calm down,' said McClellan.

'I'll calm down when I feel like calming down,' Gregory said. 'You answer the question.'

'I have answered the question,' said McClellan, who had maintained that the vice president's office was in charge of getting the information out and worked with the ranch owner to do that. 'I'm sorry you're getting all riled up about.'

'I am riled up,' Gregory said, 'because you're not answering the question.'"


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I saw a clip of this exchange this morning. I was thinking "who the heck do these reporters think they are?" Some reporter said something to the effect of "how dare you withhold this info from us for over 24 hours." My answer: "you're not the boss of me. Get off your high horse you lousy excuse for a journalist."

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McClellan has the worst job in America.

Gotta say, however, that some of the anger these reporters are expressing has to come from years and years of McClellan's non-answers to simple questions, his spin upon spin. He makes their jobs a lot harder than it needs to be, since they have to dig like terriers just to find out if the President is playing golf today.

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I was thinking the same thing.

This Press Sect. gets his arse handed to him over and over. He gets blindsided all the time.

Then he snaps back at the folks who catch the the difference between the Spin and the Reality.

Ever since the whole informal chat with the troops bs, the guy must feel like a man without a country.

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It's neither side (meaning press and govt)fault. It's the result of an instant news cycle, 24/7 coverage, and increasing bias in news organizations.

Gregory HAS to be an attack dog now, because otherwise some blogger will get the scoop and he's stuck quoting Drudge.

And McClellan HAS to attack back, otherwise he's taken advantage of regularly.

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Wasn't the press secratary the one that wasn't professional about this? He's the one that slammed him about the cameras?

You mean he slammed a journalist that routinely slams him and the administration for which he works? Sure. But you don't see McClellan throwing a temper tantrum everytime a journalist that he sees on a weekly basis writes something bad about him in the paper, do you?

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You mean he slammed a journalist that routinely slams him and the administration for which he works? Sure. But you don't see McClellan throwing a temper tantrum everytime a journalist that he sees on a weekly basis writes something bad about him in the paper, do you?

Maybe the cameras weren't on. :laugh:

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What a drama queen. The sense of entitlement that journalists have is pretty remarkable. I can't help but laugh everytime I read about these goons going after McClellan. I would **** with them too, if I were him.


It's funny... we all rip on sport's journalists for the same thing... but many in here will give Political reporters a free pass.

Kinda hypocritical if you ask me....

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Sean M has the worst job ever. The administration repeatedly sends him out to get slaughtered by the press. I feel for the guy.

Now there's a fact. He doesn't seem to have the respect of his own bosses, which leaves him making the most idiotic statements when he is trying to say nothing. He doesn't really have a flair with words which is a hinderance too.

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Journalists think they are entitled to answers to their questions. Gee, what nerve!

Gregory is a great reporter. He's tough and refuses to be snowed by some administration lackey trying to avoid answering a legitimate question by insulting the journalist. Make no mistake McClellan was insulting Gregory. McClellan WAS being a jerk. Gregory called him on it.

Are there people here who think journalists should be lapdogs of ANY administration? If they can't be tough and shove it right back in the pess secretaries' faces then they need to give up their seat in the press room to braver souls. There's no room for wusses in that business. They are there to get answers for all of us. No matter what administration it is. It's about time some reporters are getting a backbone. It's kind of embarrassing when the biggest balls in the room are on the oldest lady there. Don't be dissing Helen Thomas - she could probably take you all out.

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