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The Season of Lent


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Lent is a season of soul searching......... repentance..........reflection........ and taking stock in ourselves.

It begins March 1 this year.....and ends April 15.

I am giving up all sweets this year......including cookies, candy, cakes.

So, I have a question. Well 2 actually.

First...I eat carb bars for breakfast.......and sometimes dinner.

Since they sometimes contain chocolate, would they be considered a sweet?

I don't think so, but I don't want to have a rededication and be doing something wrong.

Second question....... anyone else observe lent?


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IMO if a bar contains chocolate, caramel, fake fruit filling, etc it is a sweet. Most of those bars really don't do much more than your average Snickers. You have 3 weeks to investigate, I am sure you can find one that will fill your Lenten needs.

I am probably going to try to eliminate candy also. Tough when your campany has bowls of M&Ms everywhere.

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I think, ( saying alot at this time of the morning..and having spent some of it so far pondering this), that the presence of chocolate doesn't immediately make something a "sweet". Chocolate being initially unsweetened., ( duh PCS). I think in the spirit, ( I assure you that there is no pun intended), of this, that sweetened is the presence of sugar. Refined or in some other form of refined sugar like fructose. Depending on how the bars, ( and other diet foods), are sweetened, I think it's pretty safe to eat them. Again, keeping in mind what you are actually trying to give up. If any of that makes any sense. :)

And no. But I should observe it.

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I used to observe Lent as a child, went to Catholic school, was an altar boy, the works, but I have strayed from religion in my adult years.

Blondie, the carb bars you eat are a staple in your diet right? If it is an actual part of your diet, due to health / fitness, I don't see a problem with continuing to eat them. Maybe you could find an alternate ingredient like raisins if you feel guilty about the carb bars having chocolate in them. The things you give up for Lent should be a non-necessity, a crutch or treat that you spoil yourself with.

Hope that helps.

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Despite not being particularly religous, I've found lent is a good time to deprive myself of something that I liek which is bad for me for at least a small amount of time. Some do it as new years resolutions. I just do it for lent.

I think this year, I'll give up cafeine. I've done it before, and usually I feel much better during lent (while I've given it up). It's just my caffeine consumption creeps back up after lent :-(...I'm a little weak willed on tha one. It's doable, but only if I know I can have a coke at some point in the future. When I've done caffeine in the past, that first coke or chocolate tastes soooooo good.

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Since the point is to give something up that you use for pleasure, I would have to say that you are fine with those carb bars. I mean, those are taking the place of your breakfast and dinner (on occassion).

I'm assuming that you are attempting to give up the snacking and dessert sweets. I wouldn't get too caught up in what technically falls into what category, but focus on the spirit of what you're doing. You are sacrificing even if you still eat those carb bars...therefore, I think you're fine.

You dig?

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My personal opinion is that if you're going to give up sweets you should give up diet sodas and sugar free deserts. I think you're making it too easy for yourself, and to my mind, not really following the spirit of Lent.

That said, I don't think there are strict rules associated with these types of Lenten sacrifices, so do what you feel is right.

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I have given up Fast food for Lent the past three years. I'm planning on doing it again this year, but I've really cut down on how much I've eaten in the past couple of months. So now, I'm thinking of giving up Chips this year. Because I eat that stuff all the time. I'm sure one could be healthier by eating less doritos.

I agree with the sentiment that the chocolate breakfast bars are ok. "Sweets" don't have to count as things that have a sweet taste to them. I consider sweets to be milky ways, chocolate, skittles, that sort of thing. The carb bars aren't bad for you, so I would consider them to be fine.....

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I say the carb bars are okay. It's not like you're eating them for the pleasure of the sugar or chocolate. You are eating them for health/diet reasons. Unwrapping a snickers and chowing down for breakfeast and dinner is one thing, having a diet carb bar with chocolate content to make them eatable is another :). Good Luck!

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Lent is a season of soul searching......... repentance..........reflection........ and taking stock in ourselves.

It begins March 1 this year.....and ends April 15.

I am giving up all sweets this year......including cookies, candy, cakes.

So, I have a question. Well 2 actually.

First...I eat carb bars for breakfast.......and sometimes dinner.

Since they sometimes contain chocolate, would they be considered a sweet?

I don't think so, but I don't want to have a rededication and be doing something wrong.

Second question....... anyone else observe lent?


Im not religious by any stretch but I do believe in the theory of lent.

However due to health reasons I've already recently had to curb or eliminate sweets, most carb rich foods, caffeine and drinking alcohol. Think about that for the 45 days you deny yourself sweets or whatever you choose for lent. :)

So what do I give up now? Heidenreich has it right with the fast food, most people eat far too much of it anyway. I cant have it anyway so that seems unfair. In the spirit of Blondie who rarely if at all "cusses" I will eliminate cusses from my vocabulary for lent. :)

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Second question....... anyone else observe lent?


I give up the same thing every year....potato chips, candy, and soda. It's also a good way to lose the weight I put on during the holidays and the inactivity during the winter.

Is it okay, on Sunday, to eat the things you are giving up? I've heard that but was never sure if it was true.

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What I do every year is try to give up something but failing in the process.

What I give up meat on Fridays, eat smaller meals every day and of course fast on Ash Wednesday.

I haven't thought about what I will be giving up this year-yet.

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I think you all should observe the old traditions.

From Wikipedia:

Fasting during Lent was more severe in ancient times than it is today. Meat, fish, eggs and milk products were strictly forbidden, and only one meal was taken each day. Today, in the West, the practice is considerably relaxed, though in the Eastern Orthodox, Oriental Orthodox and Catholic Oriental Churches abstinence from the above mentioned food products is still commonly practiced.


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My personal opinion is that if you're going to give up sweets you should give up diet sodas and sugar free deserts. I think you're making it too easy for yourself, and to my mind, not really following the spirit of Lent.

That said, I don't think there are strict rules associated with these types of Lenten sacrifices, so do what you feel is right.


Sounds like talking out of both sides of your mouth. Being too easy, but do what I feel is right.

I am giving up all sweets. I think that is what I said. I didn't say I would have sugar free.

KevinB..........I gave up caffine years ago............and it is great! I was a big diet soda drinker..........and one Friday many years ago.......I said ........no more.

That weekend I had the worse headache I have ever had in life. But I lived through it..........barely...... :laugh:

I have decided to not eat carb bars if they contain chocolate. I will go with the South Beach Diet bars that are peanut butter. Special K low carb cereal and almonds mixed in to it.

I may not go out at all during lent........to keep from being tempted.


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