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Murtha and Moran Owned by Army Sgt.


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Recently at a Townhall Meeting in Arlington VA, Reps. John Murtha and Jim Moran were confronted by a Veteran of the Afghanistan campaign.

Link to dowload video: http://michellemalkin.com/archives/004240.htm

Heres the transcript but the video is better:

"Yes sir my name is Mark Seavey and I just want to thank you for coming up here. Until about a month ago I was Sgt Mark Seavey infantry squad leader, I returned from Afghanistan. My question to you, (applause)

"Like yourself I dropped out of college two years ago to volunteer to go to Afghanistan, and I went and I came back. If I didn't have a herniated disk now I would volunteer to go to Iraq in a second with my troops, three of which have already volunteered to go to Iraq. I keep hearing you say how you talk to the troops and the troops are demoralized, and I really resent that characterization. (applause) The morale of the troops that I talk to is phenomenal, which is why my troops are volunteering to go back, despite the hardships they had to endure in Afghanistan.

"And Congressman Moran, 200 of your constituents just returned from Afghanistan. We never got a letter from you; we never got a visit from you. You didn't come to our homecoming. The only thing we got from any of our elected officials was one letter from the governor of this state thanking us for our service in Iraq, when we were in Afghanistan. That's reprehensible. I don't know who you two are talking to but the morale of the troops is very high."

Moran - who is one of the few congressmen supporting Charlie Rangel's call to restore the draft - responded quickly: "That wasn't in the form of a question, it was in the form of a statement. But, uhh... let's go over here." And he took the next question.



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I don't know who you two are talking to but the morale of the troops is very high.
If what that man is saying is true, then why do I hear both sides claiming morale is being hurt by the other? Liberals claim the lack of direction and leadership is hurting morale. Conservative claim the tone of dissent is hurting morale. Are they both just full of **** or what?
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No one person speaks for everybody's morale. Some people live for combat, so they will have a higher morale. Some people may not be in harms way 24/7 or have a less stressful duty, so they could have a higher morale. Other people may have joined the military only to escape poverty or the National Gaurd to get college money so they may not want to be there so their morale is probably lower.

There are soldiers with both high and low morale over there. Watching the documentary of the Arkansas unit that went over, the morale was low until they crossed into Kuwait, but you can't base everyone on that group of soldiers.

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No one person speaks for everybody's morale. Some people live for combat, so they will have a higher morale. Some people may not be in harms way 24/7 or have a less stressful duty, so they could have a higher morale. Other people may have joined the military only to escape poverty or the National Gaurd to get college money so they may not want to be there so their morale is probably lower.

There are soldiers with both high and low morale over there. Watching the documentary of the Arkansas unit that went over, the morale was low until they crossed into Kuwait, but you can't base everyone on that group of soldiers.

I watched some video of Marines in Takrit I think, could be mistaken on that but, they had high morale to say the least.

The thing that stuck with me about them was a statement from an officer that said basically "From the minute one marine was killed here in combat, it would be a dishonor to their names and their sacrifice, to leave and not finish the job."

Yeah so it can go both ways I suppose. But they still got some ownage!

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Great post, thanks for sharing it. I'm sure a few people (I won't mention names) will be on here later posting how wrong this ex-marine is and that it is all a bunch of BS, because they have sources on certain leftist site that tell them so. :doh:

Well I was hoping that the video evidence would speak for itself. Actually the guy is a current Army Seargent I believe, so he has even more credibility.:)

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try reading some military blogs Destino:


if anyone knows about the military, it is those of us in the military. that would make sense wouldn't it?

believe me, Murtha is despised by the vast majority of current members.

if the morale was so bad- why are REENLISTMENTS running at over 100% in combat deployed units?!!

Try reading my post before replying next time. I never made any claim in support of Murtha and never claimed morale was low. In fact I did the exact opposite. I asked why is it both sides claim morale is being greatly harmed if reports of high morale are true. Either both sides are lying or the men and women in uniform are. I like to think the people in uniform know if their morale is high or low, don't you?

Sorry that I don't fit the liberal boogyman mold. Talk radio doesn't like to acknowledge moderates so you'll have to actually READ my posts if you want to know my opinion.

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Wasn't murtha talking about the morale of troops in iraq and isn't this guy talking about afghanistan? I know it's hard to tell the difference between those two places, but the situations are a tad different, right?

Well in that case, I guess its ok to blow the guy off like that.


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Wasn't murtha talking about the morale of troops in iraq and isn't this guy talking about afghanistan? I know it's hard to tell the difference between those two places, but the situations are a tad different, right?

Now's that a bit of "lefty" seeping out... when confronted.... ignore and deflect and try to move on. I think troops are being rotated out of both Iraq and Ashcanistan. Additionally... it makes no difference... both theatres are fighting the war on terror.... a concept you Defeatocrats can't seem to grasp.

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A few weeks ago I watched a show on C Span wher they had Iraqi vets call in to talk about their experience. Call after call after call slammed the media and the perception of failure people like Murtha talk about.

In this case the reactions of Murtha and Moran speak volumes. They were spanked and they knew it.

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There's just not much to say. Most of us didn't support murtha or the things he was saying in the first place. what kind of response are you looking for from the left?

Then you are definitely the exception. The left, both on this board and elsewhere, has been polishing Murtha's knob since he opened his big fat mouth.

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not really. Prominent democrats have not supported him outright. Look at Hillary Clinton and John Kerrry. Sure, there are democrats who don't believe in war under any circumstances, but they are the minority. We are a diverse bunch, which I think is a major plus for our side.

But you also didn't answer my question, what are you looking for from the left? You want us to admit that murtha was owned? No way. I already brought up my objection and no one had any response.

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Enough of this righty ball washing, I really wish you guys could find something better to do then chest thump and ball wash each other.

Here's what you saw, a statement by a military man who was upset at Moran and Murtha. It wasn't a question, but a statement about how he felt. It was also posted on Malkin's web site and she's looking for traffic because she's whoring for her book. She wants to be the next Ann Coultier, and she's been pimping herself out for a while.

You see, people look at things like this and they use it as proof that they are 100% right, and everyone else is wrong. Well, the world doesn't work that way, and 90% of the time there is a lot of grey area in between. I can give you countless excerpts of soldiers from Iraq who have a contrary opinion to this soldier, so who is right? Do I believe half the people on this board who pump righty propaganda all day? Why should I if they believe the crap spewed on hate radio? The people I listen to are my family members who are close to the war and friends.

I have mentioned a few times that I have cousins and friends over there. Well, out of three, two of them hate it and one loves it. It has more to do with their personality then if it is "good or bad" and if more people realized this, we would be a lot better off as a country.

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Congressman Murtha.

On behalf of 98% of the military, we'd appreciate it if you'd just keep your comments to yourself

Ummm, Sarge, aren't youu overestimating the numbers just a weeee bit? Even if you put 80% you'd be seriously stretching credibility, but 98% is just a complete joke.

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