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Official Tailgate Thread for Unofficial ES Tailgate 12/24..NO REST FOR THE 12TH MAN!


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Uh-Oh :type:

Yep. Okay. First of all we have the words unsonny has. Any of you guys remember a little thing from the 80's called Sniglets? They were part of an HBO show that had a guy named.....Rich Hall? who made up words for things that had no word for them.

Things like Slurm: The crusty stuff around the top of the ketchup bottle. Bovelexia: The urge to lean out the window and go moo when passing cows.

Okay. Well here we have....ummmm....er....Tailgate Talk.








dumb of dummies

sap of sappers

tub of tubbies



You can see where I'm heading with that one.

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Little rough draft.

It started with an idea. A cautious test of the waters with the foot to see if anyone would bite. It was tentative, nobody know how these things can work. It started off a little slow. Ideas began to be thrown around. Some tossed, some kept. And then like that, the gates opened. More ideas came and an increasing enthusiasm started to build. PM's were sent, emails exchanged, and phone calls were made. Little did any of us know how this would not only change things on the message board we call Extreme, but how it would effect our lives. Sometimes in deeply personal ways. It would change the way we "saw" each other, speak to each other, and how we felt about each other. It would become a real world extension of the online community we call E.S. . It would also have the interesting effect of changing our vocabulary. ;)

We sat there and talked about this for a year or 2 some of us did. Couple of ideas thrown around when we spoke and/or saw each other. How it could be done and maybe, should be done. And that would be that. What the idea needed was a catalyst. Something to really get it started. The idea got that and then some in August of this year.


The first game of the season against the Bears would also mark another first.

Maps were made, parking permits bought, food and drink were planned for. And so were kids. How cool was that? Tailgates would combine and introductions would be made. And just like the online community that those who attended came from, everyone was invited. By the time the date of the first Tailgate came around, there was unbridled excitement about what was essentially, an unknown. All the plans were now coming together and it was time for things to happen. And happen they did. We given what would become a traditional review of the happenings of the Extremeskins Tailgate and who or who did not get "own3d". And if that wasn't good enough, they took pictures.


We were able to put faces to names and for those who weren't there, live vicariously through our fellow Extremesters. We also got to meet Lady Sapperton. Good thing, because we had no idea who the hell she was and what the hell Sapperton was.

Then another tradition was born. A tradition now looked upon with joy and reluctance. The Unofficial Tailgate apparently had its own war photographer. And a ruthless one at that. The joy that was felt was when one found out you weren't caught and owned. Reluctance was clicking on the thread to see if you were. One thing we do know now, unsonny's camera sees all.


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Great post PCS!

Upon reflection, it was a great process that was sparked by Huly and Pez and others.

It morphed over time and new things were added.....like Chapelle's bar and the beating of the pinata....

More and more people come now (I think half come just for Pez's wings and 3 people for my Scrapple:))

No, everyone comes to meet their online friends and to tailgate with other passionate fans....

It's been a great and unforgettable tailgating year......

What will we be in store for next year?

Should be interesting.....

:applause: :cheers:

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you know...i never realized this tailgate was so "new" until I looked at that thread parkcity put up. August? I thought you guys had known each other forever and had had this thing in place for a couple years at least. I thought when I came to my first tailgate this year (Seahawks game...rolled in with the DTC but came around to dominate with Raub~Team Shoe~ in beer pong ;) ) that I was coming into a long-established party! It's kinda cool to know that I was part of the "guinea pig" year of the tailgate, and just wanted you all to know that I had a BLAST with all of you.

Pez & Huly- Thanks for welcoming me from the first week to the last, you both do a great job providing a fun atmosphere for everyone

Tha 4C~

Unsonny- you're the first person I actually talked to from this board...well actually I remember Pmming Halter bc I liked his Andy Reid 3x Loser shirt and wanted to see if it was a real shirt... but okay you were the SECOND person I talked to on here so I really have YOU to thank for my initiation into ES

Ron J- Always fun to talk to, and I love joking around with you about the REAL Ron J. Thanks for letting me man the grill for the cowwhores game.

Bugs'- one word- hilarious....you crack me up :) Next year you need to suck at beer pong. Forreal.

Chappelle~you are the best bartender ever and thank you so much for letting me cut to the front of the line (well, alongside you) to make my own drinks

Raub- I'll try not to let Michelle see this but you were my best beer pong partner.... she's good too, but nothing compares to Team Shoe...I wear my Beer Pong Champions shirt with pride

KingGibbs- I LOVE YOU! :) Sitting with you and Dr.Tonka at the 49ers game was definitely an experience...thanks for taking me under your wing. You da best.

HOF44- You're so helpful and generous, like when you organized Pez's birthday surprise...always fun to be around

Kevin B- met you first at the 49ers game and you were supposed to come with me to the iggles game but that damn boat of yours..... anyway, you always provide entertainment, and no one, especially me, will forget your day of Own3dness...the best Own3dness ever

Halter91- Even though you were the first person I ever talked to on this site in that PM, we never talked that much at the tailgates. I just enjoyed watching you tear up any and every pinata and perform wrestling moves. You're hilarious.

SkinsFan44- Your shrimp are THE BEST EVER. Seriously. You are the coolest guy, and I'm so glad I met you. I'm glad to know SOMEONE liked my hatred of the Eagles fans.

AMF!- you're kickass as well. Even though your boy (PSUHeckler) should be renamed MissU28Heckler because he talks sh*t day and night to me on the table. And I just can't beat him!!!! :mad: But you're the cool one of the twosome, and I appreciate that ;)

Ok..those are the people I usually associate with...though I know there are tons more and I'm sorrrrrry if I missed you, it's late at night....bad excuse, I know. But everyone else...I love ya, too.

I tailgated once...and had to find a way to make it to them all. Thanks for the best Redskins season of my life!!!!! :D:D:D

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Little rough draft.

It started with an idea. A cautious test of the waters with the foot to see if anyone would bite. It was tentative, nobody know how these things can work. It started off a little slow. Ideas began to be thrown around. Some tossed, some kept. And then like that, the gates opened. More ideas came and an increasing enthusiasm started to build. PM's were sent, emails exchanged, and phone calls were made. Little did any of us know how this would not only change things on the message board we call Extreme, but how it would effect our lives. Sometimes in deeply personal ways. It would change the way we "saw" each other, speak to each other, and how we felt about each other. It would become a real world extension of the online community we call E.S. . It would also have the interesting effect of changing our vocabulary. ;)

We sat there and talked about this for a year or 2 some of us did. Couple of ideas thrown around when we spoke and/or saw each other. How it could be done and maybe, should be done. And that would be that. What the idea needed was a catalyst. Something to really get it started. The idea got that and then some in August of this year.


The first game of the season against the Bears would also mark another first.

Maps were made, parking permits bought, food and drink were planned for. And so were kids. How cool was that? Tailgates would combine and introductions would be made. And just like the online community that those who attended came from, everyone was invited. By the time the date of the first Tailgate came around, there was unbridled excitement about what was essentially, an unknown. All the plans were now coming together and it was time for things to happen. And happen they did. We given what would become a traditional review of the happenings of the Extremeskins Tailgate and who or who did not get "own3d". And if that wasn't good enough, they took pictures.


We were able to put faces to names and for those who weren't there, live vicariously through our fellow Extremesters. We also got to meet Lady Sapperton. Good thing, because we had no idea who the hell she was and what the hell Sapperton was.

Then another tradition was born. A tradition now looked upon with joy and reluctance. The Unofficial Tailgate apparently had its own war photographer. And a ruthless one at that. The joy that was felt was when one found out you weren't caught and owned. Reluctance was clicking on the thread to see if you were. One thing we do know now, unsonny's camera sees all.


Nice.... :applause: :applause:

I am getting bummed though... no tailgates for the rest of the year.. :(

Luckily we will have 3 offseason events :D

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you know...i never realized this tailgate was so "new" until I looked at that thread parkcity put up. August? I thought you guys had known each other forever and had had this thing in place for a couple years at least. I thought when I came to my first tailgate this year (Seahawks game...rolled in with the DTC but came around to dominate with Raub~Team Shoe~ in beer pong ;) ) that I was coming into a long-established party! It's kinda cool to know that I was part of the "guinea pig" year of the tailgate, and just wanted you all to know that I had a BLAST with all of you.

Pez & Huly- Thanks for welcoming me from the first week to the last, you both do a great job providing a fun atmosphere for everyone

Tha 4C~

Unsonny- you're the first person I actually talked to from this board...well actually I remember Pmming Halter bc I liked his Andy Reid 3x Loser shirt and wanted to see if it was a real shirt... but okay you were the SECOND person I talked to on here so I really have YOU to thank for my initiation into ES

Ron J- Always fun to talk to, and I love joking around with you about the REAL Ron J. Thanks for letting me man the grill for the cowwhores game.

Bugs'- one word- hilarious....you crack me up :) Next year you need to suck at beer pong. Forreal.

Chappelle~you are the best bartender ever and thank you so much for letting me cut to the front of the line (well, alongside you) to make my own drinks

Raub- I'll try not to let Michelle see this but you were my best beer pong partner.... she's good too, but nothing compares to Team Shoe...I wear my Beer Pong Champions shirt with pride

KingGibbs- I LOVE YOU! :) Sitting with you and Dr.Tonka at the 49ers game was definitely an experience...thanks for taking me under your wing. You da best.

HOF44- You're so helpful and generous, like when you organized Pez's birthday surprise...always fun to be around

Kevin B- met you first at the 49ers game and you were supposed to come with me to the iggles game but that damn boat of yours..... anyway, you always provide entertainment, and no one, especially me, will forget your day of Own3dness...the best Own3dness ever

Halter91- Even though you were the first person I ever talked to on this site in that PM, we never talked that much at the tailgates. I just enjoyed watching you tear up any and every pinata and perform wrestling moves. You're hilarious.

SkinsFan44- Your shrimp are THE BEST EVER. Seriously. You are the coolest guy, and I'm so glad I met you. I'm glad to know SOMEONE liked my hatred of the Eagles fans.

AMF!- you're kickass as well. Even though your boy (PSUHeckler) should be renamed MissU28Heckler because he talks sh*t day and night to me on the table. And I just can't beat him!!!! :mad: But you're the cool one of the twosome, and I appreciate that ;)

Ok..those are the people I usually associate with...though I know there are tons more and I'm sorrrrrry if I missed you, it's late at night....bad excuse, I know. But everyone else...I love ya, too.

I tailgated once...and had to find a way to make it to them all. Thanks for the best Redskins season of my life!!!!! :D:D:D


It was great meeting you too. I remember you were coming to the seahawks and giants games. Then the next thing you know your at all of them. Was great having you there.

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Great Pictures everybody!

Wish I could have been there. We were stuck in Philly with the In-laws for X-mas Eve.

Only problem, Philadelphia did not air the The Skins Game :wtf: :cuss:

We had to go out the Turf Club to watch the game where my beautiful wife got in to it with a Vagiants fan. I'm positive she coulda taken him, but since he had a least 50 loser racing tickets at his feet, he decided to leave in the third quarter. The dude was such flaming piece of :pooh:

Anyway, great job everybody for representing so well! It was great meeting so many of you this year, and I'll be waiting for Pez and Huly's offseason Tailgates (Unless y'all want to plan something for the Playoffs)


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Little rough draft.

It started with an idea. A cautious test of the waters with the foot to see if anyone would bite. It was tentative, nobody know how these things can work. It started off a little slow. Ideas began to be thrown around. Some tossed, some kept. And then like that, the gates opened. More ideas came and an increasing enthusiasm started to build. PM's were sent, emails exchanged, and phone calls were made. Little did any of us know how this would not only change things on the message board we call Extreme, but how it would effect our lives. Sometimes in deeply personal ways. It would change the way we "saw" each other, speak to each other, and how we felt about each other. It would become a real world extension of the online community we call E.S. . It would also have the interesting effect of changing our vocabulary. ;)

We sat there and talked about this for a year or 2 some of us did. Couple of ideas thrown around when we spoke and/or saw each other. How it could be done and maybe, should be done. And that would be that. What the idea needed was a catalyst. Something to really get it started. The idea got that and then some in August of this year.


The first game of the season against the Bears would also mark another first.

Maps were made, parking permits bought, food and drink were planned for. And so were kids. How cool was that? Tailgates would combine and introductions would be made. And just like the online community that those who attended came from, everyone was invited. By the time the date of the first Tailgate came around, there was unbridled excitement about what was essentially, an unknown. All the plans were now coming together and it was time for things to happen. And happen they did. We given what would become a traditional review of the happenings of the Extremeskins Tailgate and who or who did not get "own3d". And if that wasn't good enough, they took pictures.


We were able to put faces to names and for those who weren't there, live vicariously through our fellow Extremesters. We also got to meet Lady Sapperton. Good thing, because we had no idea who the hell she was and what the hell Sapperton was.

Then another tradition was born. A tradition now looked upon with joy and reluctance. The Unofficial Tailgate apparently had its own war photographer. And a ruthless one at that. The joy that was felt was when one found out you weren't caught and owned. Reluctance was clicking on the thread to see if you were. One thing we do know now, unsonny's camera sees all.


Great post!

you know...i never realized this tailgate was so "new" until I looked at that thread parkcity put up. August? I thought you guys had known each other forever and had had this thing in place for a couple years at least. I thought when I came to my first tailgate this year (Seahawks game...rolled in with the DTC but came around to dominate with Raub~Team Shoe~ in beer pong ;) ) that I was coming into a long-established party! It's kinda cool to know that I was part of the "guinea pig" year of the tailgate, and just wanted you all to know that I had a BLAST with all of you.

Pez & Huly- Thanks for welcoming me from the first week to the last, you both do a great job providing a fun atmosphere for everyone

Tha 4C~

Unsonny- you're the first person I actually talked to from this board...well actually I remember Pmming Halter bc I liked his Andy Reid 3x Loser shirt and wanted to see if it was a real shirt... but okay you were the SECOND person I talked to on here so I really have YOU to thank for my initiation into ES

Ron J- Always fun to talk to, and I love joking around with you about the REAL Ron J. Thanks for letting me man the grill for the cowwhores game.

Bugs'- one word- hilarious....you crack me up :) Next year you need to suck at beer pong. Forreal.

Chappelle~you are the best bartender ever and thank you so much for letting me cut to the front of the line (well, alongside you) to make my own drinks

Raub- I'll try not to let Michelle see this but you were my best beer pong partner.... she's good too, but nothing compares to Team Shoe...I wear my Beer Pong Champions shirt with pride

KingGibbs- I LOVE YOU! :) Sitting with you and Dr.Tonka at the 49ers game was definitely an experience...thanks for taking me under your wing. You da best.

HOF44- You're so helpful and generous, like when you organized Pez's birthday surprise...always fun to be around

Kevin B- met you first at the 49ers game and you were supposed to come with me to the iggles game but that damn boat of yours..... anyway, you always provide entertainment, and no one, especially me, will forget your day of Own3dness...the best Own3dness ever

Halter91- Even though you were the first person I ever talked to on this site in that PM, we never talked that much at the tailgates. I just enjoyed watching you tear up any and every pinata and perform wrestling moves. You're hilarious.

SkinsFan44- Your shrimp are THE BEST EVER. Seriously. You are the coolest guy, and I'm so glad I met you. I'm glad to know SOMEONE liked my hatred of the Eagles fans.

AMF!- you're kickass as well. Even though your boy (PSUHeckler) should be renamed MissU28Heckler because he talks sh*t day and night to me on the table. And I just can't beat him!!!! :mad: But you're the cool one of the twosome, and I appreciate that ;)

Ok..those are the people I usually associate with...though I know there are tons more and I'm sorrrrrry if I missed you, it's late at night....bad excuse, I know. But everyone else...I love ya, too.

I tailgated once...and had to find a way to make it to them all. Thanks for the best Redskins season of my life!!!!! :D:D:D

It's amazing how quickly this tailgate came together. MissU you are a big part of of why it worked this season too! :cheers:

It's been a blast, that's for sure! :applause: :point2sky

I've got one word for next year: karaoke :laugh:

After Lefty's rendition of the "Eye of The Tiger" Saturday morning we may need to re-think that... :laugh: J/k- Lefty - You rocked it brother!

here is where it all started for the 4C in the green lot near the DTC, last year


that thread never gets old... :D

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just think of all the new words we can learn in the years to come

we already got:








dumb of dummies

sap of sappers

tub of tubbies



You forgot "sauced" Since halter reminded me in another thread!

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Wow. I love how emotional everyone has been on the last few posts. :)

My brother introduced me to this board earlier this year ... I'm do grateful that he did.

I've met a lot of really great people on here. So many people openly embraced me and invited me to the "Unofficial" tailgates so that I could put faces with names. I'm 100% happy that I decided to make the walk over and meet you.

Pez & Huly - The both of you are awesome. Thank you for everything that you do - but most importantly, thank you for your friendship.

Blondie - You're bad@ss. It was a pleasure to finally meet you and hang out with you at a few tailgates. I'm down for the roadtrip to Dallas. :)

Chewy - You're one in a million. I'm glad that I met you. I wish that you got to come out to the games in the later part of the season. I'll see you again though ... on one of those Redskin Roadtrips. ;)

Halter - You're in the same category as Blondie - bad@ss. I danced around you and picked on you the first day that I met you. From that day on, you said you'd seek revenge. You haven't ... but I'm sure that you'll have plenty of time to do so. ;)

Raub - I'm sorry that I didn't get the chance to talk with you earlier in the season. I've had fun chatting with you the last few games, and you're wife is absolutely wonderful. She literally looks likes she's in her 20's and she's so much fun to chat with.

Chappelle - Thanks for assisting in my crunken-ness. You make the best shots and you're such a sweet person. C is lucky to have hooked you.

Bugs' - I've had a lot of fun goofing around with you and taking shots with you this year. And I introduced you to Brandy .... :) And what was it that you were doing with your hand in that picture where you were lurking??? ;)

Unsonny - How many unflattering pictures can you take of me? Your visual contributions to the board are wonderful. Thanks for letting me wear your hat - and thanks for offering to let me keep it. I fully expect to see that helmet hat out next season when it gets a bit chilly out!

Ron Jeremy - You've come through for me ... and provided a smile when I needed one. Thank you. And thank you for those tickets. You're the best.

Tarhog - It was nice to finally put a face with a name. And you really do look like Bruce Willis. My next two words for you - Thank you.

HOF44 - Thanks for always cheering me on ... and for helping Kevin start the Kansas chant while I was bonging beer.

Camille - I'm so glad that Huly introduced me to you. You were a lot of fun to chat with and hang out with when I saw you. I look forward to seeing you next season!

JRockster - Jaimie, it was very nice to finally meet you on Saturday. Thanks for being such a sweet person ... and thanks for sharing your opinions on the board - I love reading your posts.

Thito - It was very nice to finally meet you. We've chatted for quite a while before we finally met. You're awesome. I'm still coming out to Vegas on the 4th. I still expect you to take me out and show me a good time.

Sweet Sassy - I am so very thankful that I met you. I've thoroughly enjoyed our chats with each other and hope to continue chatting with you in the off season. Anytime you venture back up to Baltimore, please give me a call. I'd love to hang out with you!

Each and every one of you has left an impression on me .... :)

To those of you that I have yet to meet, I look forward to meeting you next season.

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you know...i never realized this tailgate was so "new" until I looked at that thread parkcity put up. August? I thought you guys had known each other forever and had had this thing in place for a couple years at least. I thought when I came to my first tailgate this year (Seahawks game...rolled in with the DTC but came around to dominate with Raub~Team Shoe~ in beer pong ;) ) that I was coming into a long-established party! It's kinda cool to know that I was part of the "guinea pig" year of the tailgate, and just wanted you all to know that I had a BLAST with all of you.

Pez & Huly- Thanks for welcoming me from the first week to the last, you both do a great job providing a fun atmosphere for everyone

Tha 4C~

Unsonny- you're the first person I actually talked to from this board...well actually I remember Pmming Halter bc I liked his Andy Reid 3x Loser shirt and wanted to see if it was a real shirt... but okay you were the SECOND person I talked to on here so I really have YOU to thank for my initiation into ES

Ron J- Always fun to talk to, and I love joking around with you about the REAL Ron J. Thanks for letting me man the grill for the cowwhores game.

Bugs'- one word- hilarious....you crack me up :) Next year you need to suck at beer pong. Forreal.

Chappelle~you are the best bartender ever and thank you so much for letting me cut to the front of the line (well, alongside you) to make my own drinks

Raub- I'll try not to let Michelle see this but you were my best beer pong partner.... she's good too, but nothing compares to Team Shoe...I wear my Beer Pong Champions shirt with pride

KingGibbs- I LOVE YOU! :) Sitting with you and Dr.Tonka at the 49ers game was definitely an experience...thanks for taking me under your wing. You da best.

HOF44- You're so helpful and generous, like when you organized Pez's birthday surprise...always fun to be around

Kevin B- met you first at the 49ers game and you were supposed to come with me to the iggles game but that damn boat of yours..... anyway, you always provide entertainment, and no one, especially me, will forget your day of Own3dness...the best Own3dness ever

Halter91- Even though you were the first person I ever talked to on this site in that PM, we never talked that much at the tailgates. I just enjoyed watching you tear up any and every pinata and perform wrestling moves. You're hilarious.

SkinsFan44- Your shrimp are THE BEST EVER. Seriously. You are the coolest guy, and I'm so glad I met you. I'm glad to know SOMEONE liked my hatred of the Eagles fans.

AMF!- you're kickass as well. Even though your boy (PSUHeckler) should be renamed MissU28Heckler because he talks sh*t day and night to me on the table. And I just can't beat him!!!! :mad: But you're the cool one of the twosome, and I appreciate that ;)

Ok..those are the people I usually associate with...though I know there are tons more and I'm sorrrrrry if I missed you, it's late at night....bad excuse, I know. But everyone else...I love ya, too.

I tailgated once...and had to find a way to make it to them all. Thanks for the best Redskins season of my life!!!!! :D:D:D

thanks for a great year......come back next year...it works if you work it......Beer Pong wouldnt have been the same without you

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