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Here's to being bush league on Sunday.


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And everyone should bring a jersey of there favorite player and wave it in the stands for extra motivation. Or simply get a sign that says boycot the Washington Post and maybe then they wont have anyone to write these ungodly comments. Or Mr Snyder could also bar them from FEDEX..don't know how that would sit with the freedom of information act or if there's such a thing. But me personally I won't be talking to the Washington Post for a while and wish the players wouldn't either. :notworthy

This is the 12th Man and that's all I know!

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If we weren't cheering and the Bears would've won that game he would be critisizing the fans for NOT cheering loudly and not helping the team win... You just can't win with these idiots. So I've chosen to ignore most all of them. And that's advice I would give to any and all of you.

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If we weren't cheering and the Bears would've won that game he would be critisizing the fans for NOT cheering loudly and not helping the team win... You just can't win with these idiots. So I've chosen to ignore most all of them. And that's advice I would give to any and all of you.

Good point. Didnt even think of it that way yet. And I've been pondering this lunacy all day!

One things for sure: with the skins 2-0 and at home on Sunday, that place is gonna be 'a rockin'!

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more for the sake of devil's advocate here... I don't think there was any doubt that 90% of the fans would react a certain way.

As website adminstrator, I would feel VERY comfortable linking discussions on extreme of Lenny P, Nunyo, the Post, Dr. Z, etc. to the Redskins Front Page ALL DAY LONG. As website admin I could pretty much guarantee what would be said.

So the defense that the team linked this chat not knowing what would be said, or that the team was taking some sort of risk, etc. doesn't hold water.

'twas more like a shot across the WP's bow. :) And I applaud them for it, btw.

Of course they had an idea ... they're smart people. :)

But even if we're agreed on that, that fact is they have actively encouraged, as Lifeless astutely noted, fans to come to a message board where all KINDS of opinions are voiced, every minute of every day ... about all kinds of subjects ... and not all of them positive. By a long shot.

In fact, I'd venture to say that the majority of takes around here are NOT positive about the team. That won't happen until the winning becomes a habit. But that's another story.

If the team REALLY didn't want the greater fan base out there to hear and/or voice negative opinions about this team, they sure as heck wouldn't have pointed them in this direction. I mean, seriously. Did you SEE the board between the end of the Chicago game and the (very) end of the Dallas game? :)

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I take it as a personal mission to be as loud and positive during every game. It is our job as the diehard, faithful fans that we are to do everything we can to encourage the skins while distracting and discouraging the opponent. If he doesn't get that as a "pro sports writer" then maybe he should be writing for the Metro section or covering the Orioles (as they seem pretty quiet in the last 8 years...). The Post has some good writers, but most of them are trolls just trying to get a good jab at Danny. Screw the media - both local and national.

I will be even louder on Sunday as i know all of you will, too.

GO SKINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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What is bush league anyway?

Funny. Glad someone asked. :)


Main Entry: bush league

Part of Speech: noun

Definition: minor league

Synonyms: amateur, minors, nothing to brag about, second-rate, small potatoes, the bushes, triple-A

Source: Roget's New Millenniumâ„¢ Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.1.1)

Copyright © 2005 by Lexico Publishing Group, LLC. All rights reserved.

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In the home opener we saw one of the few times in the history of FedEx Field where the crowd got so into the game as to make a difference on the field. An actual advantage created at our home field on the series of snaps the Bears went in reverse with three false starts.

This is the atmosphere we need to capture again on Sunday. I bring this up because as the Washington Post struggles to find an audience among non-Skins fans while demonstrating repeatedly they don't care about Skins fans, we were told by George Solomon that our cheering was a bad thing after the last home game.

His words were discussed in this thread:


As fans, we need to use these kinds of comments as motivation to be even louder. I figure if it disturbs a former sports editor for the Post then it has to be ok in some small way :).

Here's to being bush league my friends :cheers:

Take it to the NEXT level. BE an advantage.

I just sent him an email:

I just got done reading this, I have never reacted to any article in my life, I have never called in a show to talk or express my opinion! But after reading this garbage I had to write you..

You sir should not ever watch football, never watch a sporting event unless its Tennis since you have no freaking clue about what its like to be a fan of a team! Go cheer for the cowpokes, they could use your kind. This has to be the dumbest thing I have ever read in my entire life and I am ashamed that I read washington post!! I endured the crapy reporting by other so called sport reporters at the post and so called sources that they have!! But this just put it over the top, from now on you have lost a customer for life.

Great work


A skin fan that will loose his voice again this coming sunday, and I will do so with pride!!

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Oh, and the black hole in Oakland is bush league. How about the bush league terrible towels in Pittsburgh - or the bush league Packer fans - or the bush league Vikings fans...they all get loud and don't let the QB make his call, too. I mean, what were thinking making noise while the Bears had the ball, that's just totally rude...(if you can't see the sarcasm here, then you must be an Eagles fan).

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In that case, let's penalize teams who play in domes because sounds echo and opposing quarterbacks have a hard time calling their plays. Also, we should penalize the Packers, Patriots, Bills, Giants, Jets, and Eagles for having a field where it is way too cold in the wintertime. All of the Florida teams along with Seattle should be penalized when playing a home game and it starts to rain. Dallas, Houston, Arizona, and San Diego should all be penalized for the excessive heat that occurs at their stadiums. San Francisco and Oakland both tend to get foggy, leading to moist field conditions. That'll be 15 yards.

Sound rediculous? Shouldn't...it's the mentality of our very own Washington Post.

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Of course they had an idea ... they're smart people. :)

But even if we're agreed on that, that fact is they have actively encouraged, as Lifeless astutely noted, fans to come to a message board where all KINDS of opinions are voiced, every minute of every day ... about all kinds of subjects ... and not all of them positive. By a long shot.

In fact, I'd venture to say that the majority of takes around here are NOT positive about the team. That won't happen until the winning becomes a habit. But that's another story.

If the team REALLY didn't want the greater fan base out there to hear and/or voice negative opinions about this team, they sure as heck wouldn't have pointed them in this direction. I mean, seriously. Did you SEE the board between the end of the Chicago game and the (very) end of the Dallas game? :)

I'm feeling you... sort of. But c'mon man, this comment by little georgie wasn't exactly something that would divide fans. Heck, even seagal fans have been in this thread scratching their heads at what was said. This was a link to a guaranteed reaction... that's my story and I'm sticking to it. :)

It was a shot across georgie's bow. And once again, I :applause: the team.

As for your point about the other threads/discussions that would be available to the public, those threads have yet to be linked to the main page. I will grant you, however, that those threads ARE accessible from this thread. So feeling you there... sort of ;)

Look, I'm not going down the mattydread path here. ( :rolleyes: ) I'm not trying to take shots at the team or this board. Not in the least.

I LOVE the fact that the team linked this discussion. I LOVE the fact that somewhere, little georgie is sinking down further and further in his chair wishing he'd never printed that after someone from the post came into his office and told him to check out the front page of the team website.

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In the home opener we saw one of the few times in the history of FedEx Field where the crowd got so into the game as to make a difference on the field. An actual advantage created at our home field on the series of snaps the Bears went in reverse with three false starts.

This is the atmosphere we need to capture again on Sunday. I bring this up because as the Washington Post struggles to find an audience among non-Skins fans while demonstrating repeatedly they don't care about Skins fans, we were told by George Solomon that our cheering was a bad thing after the last home game.

His words were discussed in this thread:


As fans, we need to use these kinds of comments as motivation to be even louder. I figure if it disturbs a former sports editor for the Post then it has to be ok in some small way :).

Here's to being bush league my friends :cheers:

Take it to the NEXT level. BE an advantage.


I actually sent an email to George Solomon when I first read this and explained that for the money we pay year in and year out compared to the lack of victories, we have ever right to try and help our team whenever possible. He wrote back and we traded a few emails. It sounded to me that he was trying to be the devil's advocate more than anything else, because he actually liked everything I said. Either way he was a very cool guy. Just thought I'd share,


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That's great, Murf.

I do not believe much of the idiocy witnessed in the writing of many actually crosses over into the individual very much. I think Nunyo is the worst beat reporter I've ever seen due to the errors he writes, but, personally, he's a very stand up guy in my view and even a guy you can like as an individual.

If Solomon was attempting to play devil's advocate, that's fine, but, it's hard to write a convincing opinion piece on an opinion you do not personally hold, so, it's rare you'll see a lot of devil's advocate comment from columnists.

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