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Louis Farrakhan: Levees Were 'Blown Up'


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*Newsmax Alert* Although I did also here the audio tape where he said it...


Wednesday, Sept. 14, 2005 8:06 p.m. EDT

Louis Farrakhan: Levees Were 'Blown Up'

Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan is telling his followers that the levees in New Orleans may have been deliberately "blown up" to kill the city's black population.

The influential preacher was in Charlotte, North Carolina on Monday, where he detailed his Hurricane Katrina conspiracy theory.

"I heard from a very reliable source who saw a 25 foot deep crater under the levee breach," Farrakhan explained. "It may have been blown up to destroy the black part of town and keep the white part dry."

Farrakhan didn't say who he thought was behind the plot to blow up New Orleans' levees.

The Muslim minister also blasted both FEMA and the Red Cross, saying their response to Katrina victims after the levees were blown up was inadequate.

Absolutely amazing some of the things said.....

Found it here also: Using his quote I cant seem to find any real news outlet putting this out (yet)


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It makes perfect since to me. What can Farrakan say that will keep his african american faith seething with resentment and racism and continue to make him millions? He can't say the horrors that affected the African American population in New Orleans was simply a natural disaster and merely a coincidence in the location of the levee breaks.

He's got to say it was a conspiracy of the white man..... in order to keep his following and the coffers full. Same with Jesse Jackson.... Sharpton.... Maxine Waters..... Sheila Jackson..... Cynthia McKinney.... and the rest of the racist Civil Rights Warlords.

Think... how would these mental midgets make a living if they weren't making a comfortable, even lavish, living crying racism and shaking down American companies? Above is your answer..... :doh:

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For the same reason Ann Coulter and Michael Moore are given time.

Not a fan of Michael Moore or for that matter Ann Coulter, I think she's just in it for the celebrity. But if my memory serves me correctly, neither one of them ever said "Hitler actually did some good things" as Farrakhan has said in the past. He's a racist, bigoted, anti-Semite.

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