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Louis Farrakhan: Levees Were 'Blown Up'


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America would ve been better off being conquered by anyone else but europeans especially ancestors of people who make pasta and everybody should go back to the land of origin of their ancestors and let america get back in touch with nature though close to 76% is still wilderness.

Liberal mindset:

Making money and keeping the majority that you made is wrong. You should give a lot of it to people who didn't feel like making something of themselves in highschool because it wasnt cool to be book smart and learning got in the way of trying to get classmates pregnant, joining a gang or finding ways to blame the man for me not being rich at 17.

Haliburton discovered that Moon Rocks contained traces of oil and we are going there so we can turn the moon into one big oil drilling site unless the environmentalist can save the moon from Bush.

Karl Rove, Pat Robertson and Real Estate agents wanted blacks out of there so the voting base won't be there for the next election, fewer girls flashing during mardi gras and so there are places to build casinos and hotels.



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America would ve been better off being conquered by anyone else but europeans especially ancestors of people who make pasta and everybody should go back to the land of origin of their ancestors and let america get back in touch with nature though close to 76% is still wilderness.

I resent that remark. Some Historians think Columbus was actually Spanish or Portuguese... ;)

Besides, he's supposedly Genovese and Northern Italians have little if anything in-common with Southern Italians or Sicilians.

Still disappointed no one got my Capricorn One joke, though.

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Guest sith lord
And you believe eveything a someone trying to sell you a book or DVD is telling you?

And what piece of evidence do you use to say we never went to the moon?

Please let us all in on the secret.

And "I don't believe everything the goverment says" doesn't cut it.

Back it up.


It really makes no difference to me whether we went to the moon or we didn't and I don't have to back it up. Like I've said, I've seen documentaries and websites that "prove" the space landing was a hoax. If you believe we went to the moon, my belief that we didn't shouldn't really matter to you.

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It really makes no difference to me whether we went to the moon or we didn't and I don't have to back it up. Like I've said, I've seen documentaries and websites that "prove" the space landing was a hoax. If you believe we went to the moon, my belief that we didn't shouldn't really matter to you.

If it doesn't matter to you then why bring it up?

And I'll ask again...What web sites and what documentaries?

Name them. Link them. Let us all know from where you get your information. Step up to the plate and "prove" to us the moon landing was a hoax.

Share one little piece of evidence you think proves to YOU the moon landings were a hoax.


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