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McCants says he's no longer a Redskin

matty dread

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Guys, c'mon now One_Mic is right! He intentionally put crappier recievers on the active roster because he loves losing and getting more facetime on ESPN so he can hear about how the game has passed him by one more time. It's so logical I cant believe you guys cant see it!

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One_Mic, I've tried to follow you big guy but you are all over the place. I'm starting to get a headache :). I respect the fact that you are keeping it real by saying whats on your mind and answering to it also. I just hope that you are around when the season starts. People have a tendency to vanish when they realize that they were dead wrong.

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One_Mic, I've tried to follow you big guy but you are all over the place. I'm starting to get a headache :). I respect the fact that you are keeping it real by saying whats on your mind and answering to it also. I just hope that you are around when the season starts. People have a tendency to vanish when they realize that they were dead wrong.

*sigh* like I said, I hope I'm wrong man, we are way over due for a good season. But the only good signs Ive seen are our defense, our runnin backs and our off the hook offensive line. You really gotta give them boys some credit. Id say we'r closer to seeing a return of the hogs, than we are to seeing a return to glory.

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I bet some of you would say that Gibbs' offense is better than spurrier's *shakes head.* Yeah Ramsey took a beating, but that offense put up numbers. On if they had last year's deffense with spurrier's offense of Gardner, Coles, and McCants, I bet they would have made it to the playoffs.

You can't be serious. If you throw the ball up for grabs 35+ times a game you will score points but so will the other team in the NFL. An offense like Spurriers makes their own defense look bad no matter how good it is.

That offense works so well in college because teams like the Gators can get so much more talent than the lower grade competetion and score by force of will. But they never did well in bowl games which proves the point.

Ball control and passing attack within a gameplan is where its at. The defense needs to rest and when you can run the ball down the defenses throat 7 or 8 minutes at a time while attacking with the pass occasionally and keep them deep in their own territory when you dont get points it adds up over 4 qtrs. Especially when you have a fresh defense to put back out there.

Thats how Gibbs won consistently with average to above average players year after year. Calling Gibbs names and saying that he has no clue only makes one person here an idiot on top of being ignorant to the game of football.

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Here let me show you how its done:

fecail matter huh? Im sorry if you dont like to hear the truth, but I like to speak truth as much as possible. Unlike some people that do nothin but beat around the bush like a politician, maybe next time i'll put in some stats to back me up. Oh and how many touchdowns do Moss, and Patten have, 2 guys that have been given plenty time to score? I think the answer is 0. and how has Dyson done? Thrash and Cooley are the only 2 with receiving TDs. But I cant just blame them, someone has to get the ball there. Unfortunately, Ramsey has never been able to throw the deep ball. The kid has a good arm, but for some reason he just cant make a good pass down field. I wanna see Cambell, I saw him in camp and Ive heard him get interviewed, and he looks like a born leader. He did after all lead his team to an undefeated season last year.

fecal matter huh? Im sorry if you dont like to hear the truth, but I like to speak truth as much as possible. Unlike some people that do nothin but beat around the bush like a politician, maybe next time i'll put in some stats to back me up.

Oh and how many touchdowns do Moss, and Patten have, 2 guys that have been given plenty time to score? I think the answer is 0. and how has Dyson done? Thrash and Cooley are the only 2 with receiving TDs.

But I cant just blame them, someone has to get the ball there. Unfortunately, Ramsey has never been able to throw the deep ball. The kid has a good arm, but for some reason he just cant make a good pass down field.

I wanna see Cambell, I saw him in camp and Ive heard him get interviewed, and he looks like a born leader. He did after all lead his team to an undefeated season last year.

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Here let me show you how its done:

fecal matter huh? Im sorry if you dont like to hear the truth, but I like to speak truth as much as possible. Unlike some people that do nothin but beat around the bush like a politician, maybe next time i'll put in some stats to back me up.

Oh and how many touchdowns do Moss, and Patten have, 2 guys that have been given plenty time to score? I think the answer is 0. and how has Dyson done? Thrash and Cooley are the only 2 with receiving TDs.

But I cant just blame them, someone has to get the ball there. Unfortunately, Ramsey has never been able to throw the deep ball. The kid has a good arm, but for some reason he just cant make a good pass down field.

I wanna see Cambell, I saw him in camp and Ive heard him get interviewed, and he looks like a born leader. He did after all lead his team to an undefeated season last year.

heh, thanks, Ill take that into consideration, I usually just like to go into a wild rant.

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You can't be serious. If you throw the ball up for grabs 35+ times a game you will score points but so will the other team in the NFL. An offense like Spurriers makes their own defense look bad no matter how good it is.

That offense works so well in college because teams like the Gators can get so much more talent than the lower grade competetion and score by force of will. But they never did well in bowl games which proves the point.

Ball control and passing attack within a gameplan is where its at. The defense needs to rest and when you can run the ball down the defenses throat 7 or 8 minutes at a time while attacking with the pass occasionally and keep them deep in their own territory when you dont get points it adds up over 4 qtrs. Especially when you have a fresh defense to put back out there.

Thats how Gibbs won consistently with average to above average players year after year. Calling Gibbs names and saying that he has no clue only makes one person here an idiot on top of being ignorant to the game of football.

yeah, but back then there was no salery cap, and they were able to put up more money for players than most teams.

With that said, I didnt think about that recently, cuz the salary cap is a big deal. I should just sit back and wait a little more to see what happens. However, if they dont have a decent season this year, then I'll say I told you so. But if they have a good season, I promise I'll come back and be the first to apologize.

Oh, and Im not callin him names, Im just tryin to say that what he is doing doesnt seem to really make since. I dunno, maybe McCants slapped his wife, who knows why hes truly mad. I just want him to tell us somethin, and truthfully I wouldnt say anything if the skins were winning.


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yeah, but back then there was no salery cap, and they were able to put up more money for players than most teams.


Actually, it could be argued that the salary cap helps a guy like Gibbs find the players he wants. More players are available to choose from now and JG knows what kind of player he wants. Back in the 80's he could only go after players that nobody wanted. Now he can also go after players that teams paid too much and cut and players that teams want to keep but cant afford.

This certainly helped Belichick in New England. He has pretty much done the things that Gibbs did 15-25 years ago except he has had many more players available due to the salary cap. Belichick goes after quality players who mainly were devalued because of the system or team they played on. Every year he gets a hand full of these guys to help the team out. Every year they make a difference too.

I would not be surprised to see Gibbs bring the Redskins back to the SB by 2006-2007. But I was surprised every other SB season so who knows, maybe they can do it when nobody expects it. What I do know is that this team will surprise this year.

What I remember about the 80's was that everybody (SI, Football Digest, and the TV gurus) picked the Redskins to do bad almost every year, and every year the Redskins exceeded the expectations and won 2 of 3 Super Bowls that they weren't even supposed to be anywhere close to. Then in 91 they beat a Bills team that everybody thought was by far the best team in the league. Joe Gibbs was and is the man. And the man has a plan.

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Actually, it could be argued that the salary cap helps a guy like Gibbs find the players he wants. More players are available to choose from now and JG knows what kind of player he wants. Back in the 80's he could only go after players that nobody wanted. Now he can also go after players that teams paid too much and cut and players that teams want to keep but cant afford.

This certainly helped Belichick in New England. He has pretty much done the things that Gibbs did 15-25 years ago except he has had many more players available due to the salary cap. Belichick goes after quality players who mainly were devalued because of the system or team they played on. Every year he gets a hand full of these guys to help the team out. Every year they make a difference too.

I would not be surprised to see Gibbs bring the Redskins back to the SB by 2006-2007. But I was surprised every other SB season so who knows, maybe they can do it when nobody expects it. What I do know is that this team will surprise this year.

What I remember about the 80's was that everybody (SI, Football Digest, and the TV gurus) picked the Redskins to do bad almost every year, and every year the Redskins exceeded the expectations and won 2 of 3 Super Bowls that they weren't even supposed to be anywhere close to. Then in 91 they beat a Bills team that everybody thought was by far the best team in the league. Joe Gibbs was and is the man. And the man has a plan.

Some very good points in there, I guess I'm just sayin that Gibbs has so much to do now, before he wasnt the GM when they didnt have a cap, and now he is the GM.

For, some crazy reason, Danny loves to make coaches do the GM work too. I guess they could turn it down and tell him to get someone else to do that part, but its prolly hard to turn down that much money.

But hey, if Gibbs can pull it off with all the work he has to do, then I take my hat off to the guy.

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geez, did anyone else just become an 'un-fan' of McCants thanks to this guy?

seriously, unless you were behind the scenes, on the field and in the locker room every day, you DO NOT know the story. There are any number of reasons why he didn't fit with this team and we probably won't know alot of them.

It's great to be a fan of a player (and I do still like McCants alot), but settle down Beavis.

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LoL, know why he didnt play special teams? Cuz they didnt put him on special teams. Just more of Gibbs BS. Notice he didnt say that the other receivers were better than him, he never said that. He just kept givin enough BS to keep the press from askin about it. So, if you were to not play ppl for not being on special teams, then what special team unit was Gardner on? What about Portis? Its just a dumb reason that gibbs said to keep ppl off of that question. Oh and the only reason he put all those names on his message, is because those are names that fans have given him. If you've ever gone to a ccamp, he is usually one of THEE last ppl to stop signing autographs, and even when his hand was hurt and he couldnt sign, he told ppl that he could take pictures with them instead. So, this is your bad, this is gibbs Archvillain. Heh, dont be surprised if they drop Lavar sometime soon.

You would seriously have to know that man to know his hand was hurting while signing autographs. Not exactly the most objective opinion in this discussion. Maybe he wasn't asked to play special teams because he didn't produce at them, probably the way he couldn't produce anywhere but inside the 20. And Portis and Gardner don't have to worry about playing special teams, their starters and by right, are worth more to the team than McCants ever did.

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One more player in a long list of players the team will "regret" cutting. Now which list he ends up on aftwards is a good question and up to him. The Sultan, Watson, ect.. list or the he did okay for himself list.

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Hard to feel bad for the guy.

He has had every chance in the world and a staff who wanted him here, even though he didn't show 100% in practice. They dealt with his mess long enough. Whenever the guy was on the Sports Junkies, the guys would ask him why he didn't play, he could get in the end zone, bla, bla, bla. He made it sound to them as if Coach Gibbs just owed him the play time based on what he did in '03.

Hard to feel bad for the guy when his head is never in the game and he's more concerned with singing, styling and profiling than the X's & O's of the career that actually pays him. You all think he'll go somewhere else and light it up? He had his chances here and showed no interest in the actual game. What makes you think he'll do better elsewhere? There might be a honeymoon period, but a leopard never loses its spots.

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Hard to feel bad for the guy.

He has had every chance in the world and a staff who wanted him here, even though he didn't show 100% in practice.

Thank you. If the guy really wanted to be a Redskin he would have. I'm glad he's gone because I don't want players who don't practice hard on the Redskins.

I wish him well though, it may just have been that he simply didn't have a passion for football, which is fine.

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