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McCants says he's no longer a Redskin

matty dread

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This has got to be the longest thread for any that has been cut (other than maybe salery cap casualties).

Goes to show the type of support he had here.

I know, and that is what is sad about it. Many fans in today's NFL seem more attached to players than they are to teams.

Coach Gibbs job is to put the best, hardest working, most competitive 53-man roster together he can to go out and compete on Sundays in the Fall and Winter.

Not hold on to a bunch of fan favorties to go on a 16 game sentimental journey.

I am glad Gbbs is sticking with his program. :)

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Bitter? Whoa there, my friend. I'm not bitter. I was just making an observation, which could very well be wrong. It was just my take on the situation.

I love Coach Gibbs - he was the man when I was growing up, and I have a poster of him in my office so my students are reminded of those glory days when they come to my office (far too many Cowboys fans on campus, though, and that's troubling). I won't pledge blind allegiance, though, and think that every decision he makes is always the best that could have been made. Having said that, though, I hope everything works out for D-Mac wherever he ends up playing (and he will be picked up rather quickly). And of course I hope we can get it done at wideout this year.

But no, I'm not bitter, chief.

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The only reason he hasnt done anything is because they havent thrown him the ball. Have you ever tried makin catches when the ball never comes your way, or when you are not even active to play? Sonny Jurgenson himself would tell you that, "good things happen when you go to McCants." I can tell you what happened, McCants didnt kiss up to gibbs enough so the tried to make him look bad. But he couldnt make him look bad by throwin to him, cuz then he might score. Even last season year during preseason he had few passes his way, but still he scored a 61 yard touchdown and the only touchdown by a receiver during that preseason. All McCants does is make plays, even commin out of college his senior year he only caught 36 passes, but 18 were touchdowns. Freakin 18 out of 36, thats half, and two of the games he had 5 touchdowns. Which was a feat only accomplished by Jerry Rice. So, the true fact is that, James Thrash, David Patton, and Kevin Dyson are gettin old and are runnin outta time so they gotta kiss up anywhere they go cuz they may not get picked up anywhere else. Apperently Gibbs loves a kiss up, that of unless you are sean taylor who says he didnt show up earlier this year nor return the coaches phone calls cuz he said "It was preseason." Im just glad that McCants can finally get out of here and go shine somewhere else cuz this organization has just become sad, and I feel sorry for the longtime diehard fans that come and pay increased ticket prices each year to watch a sub-par team.

And how many SB have you been to and won..? NONE!!! So shut your pie-hole! Gibbs is a great coach and know's what he is doing. Yes McCants is a good reciever. However he did not fit the team and that is why he is gone. End of story. :cool:

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Bitter? Whoa there, my friend. I'm not bitter. I was just making an observation, which could very well be wrong. It was just my take on the situation.

I love Coach Gibbs - he was the man when I was growing up, and I have a poster of him in my office so my students are reminded of those glory days when they come to my office (far too many Cowboys fans on campus, though, and that's troubling). I won't pledge blind allegiance, though, and think that every decision he makes is always the best that could have been made. Having said that, though, I hope everything works out for D-Mac wherever he ends up playing (and he will be picked up rather quickly). And of course I hope we can get it done at wideout this year.

But no, I'm not bitter, chief.

Actually, its not chief, its hoss. ;)

Then my apologies for the bitter comment. Its all cool then. :cheers:

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I think part of it had to do with his mouth. I remember a few interviews where he said things that were not very favorable towards the Gibbs lead Redskins. In fact, there was one last week where he was saying there was a different reason why he wasn't starting every week. Almost like saying "the coach is a liar" in so many words.

See ya buddy!

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Why is it you feel the need to keep sinking your arguements by bringing up people that are int he HAll of Fame? True be told, McCants couldn't hold John Riggins jockstrap

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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Just seems to me that Gibbs floated the whole "practice" ruse and let that label hang out there on D-Mac. Enough people believed it, I guess, so there you go.

Having been at camp a few times, I can definitely say that DMac was not a good practice guy. He just seems to hang around on most plays and give it 1/2 efforts at the time I was there.

He was much more energetic signing autograph at the end of though... :doh:

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now Darkarien can go full-time into pursuing his lame music career. To my liking he wasn't passionate enough to improve as a player and impress the coaching staff. I just don't think that he has the mindset to go out and prove himself. All i've ever heard was excuses, excuses, and more excuses. Darkarien was a liability- i like the guy, but if you don't want to play than go about your business. Don't let the door hit'ya where the good Lord split'ya.. Peace!

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I suspect McCants will get signed, perhaps by the Falcons or Fecals. The only problem is, the WCO (just like any NFL offense outside of SOS's) requires intelligence and committment. In spite of getting signed I don't have a lot of confidence in his being with that team for very long.

It really is too bad. The guy has the physical tools to be very good. He just seems to lack the desire.

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