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Letter to the Lavar Haters

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That's all I can say on this matter any more guys. I appreciate the input and everything. I just really think some of us are coming down way to hard on a guy who has been a model redskin, citizen, and role model.

Wow dude. Model role model? I think you're as lost as Lavar is. Obviously, he can do know wrong in your eyes. And I'm sure you will be front and center the next time he f's up. He'd have to pull an OJ for you to even consider changing your thinking and that's just sad. I pity you.

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I've always found the Lavar hate to be quite comical. As if the rest of the team has been in good shape, and his play or "antics" was the thing holding them back. Folks can say what they want, but playing in a different scheme, under a different coordinator every season isn't necessarily the best formula for being successful and consistent. Imagine going to work and every time you think you've grasped something, they come with a whole new focus and system.

As for the money issue, it's certainly not out of the question that something could have been said or agreed to, and then the opposite done. I can't see the dude carrying this thing on unless there was something to it. Just cause the Skins are our team and we love them, that doesn't mean they are beyond being shady. You saw it with Brian Mitchell, hell, you even saw it with Bobby Mitchell. Yeah he and his agents slipped, by not reading the contract fully, but because of the things mentioned by the new lawyer, he figured he didn't have to cause of the so called relationship that had been formed. Naive on his part.

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I've always found the Lavar hate to be quite comical. As if the rest of the team has been in good shape, and his play or "antics" was the thing holding them back. Folks can say what they want, but playing in a different scheme, under a different coordinator every season isn't necessarily the best formula for being successful and consistent. Imagine going to work and every time you think you've grasped something, they come with a whole new focus and system.

As for the money issue, it's certainly not out of the question that something could have been said or agreed to, and then the opposite done. I can't see the dude carrying this thing on unless there was something to it. Just cause the Skins are our team and we love them, that doesn't mean they are beyond being shady. You saw it with Brian Mitchell, hell, you even saw it with Bobby Mitchell. Yeah he and his agents slipped, by not reading the contract fully, but because of the things mentioned by the new lawyer, he figured he didn't have to cause of the so called relationship that had been formed. Naive on his part.

Another apologist...

I don't know who gives the front office carte blanche. I suppose a few folks do, but not I. I call them out when I think they f up.

But ask yourself a question: who do you think has a deeper history of shadiness - the Postons or the Skins Front office? Who is more likely to be underhanded? After you realized it's the Postons - then ask yourself when this team has ever cheated a player out of money or tried to lowball someone? If anything - the Skins have overpaid for the vast majority of their players.

I don't put anything past anyone but the as the facts have emerged - all signs point to the Postons/Lavar screwing up big time here. If you see it any other way - I have some magic beans to sell you.

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Originally posted by McMetal

A model Redskin does not drag his team's name through the mud in a pointless grievance that clearly has no merit. Nor does he fire off blustery quotes about being rushed back from injury when this was in no way accurate. The bottom line is, the guy has done a lot more to hurt this team than to help them in the past year. By no means would I consider him a model Redskin. I can't imagine Darrell Green, for instance, ever behaving anything like that. It's incredibly disappointing to many fans that our most visible player would act out like this.

I will continue to be one of his most vocal critics as long as he demonstrates this sort of lack of maturity. It's not because of any personal animosity though. Like many others, I would love to be able to root for LaVar, but he makes it pretty damn hard with his tired "the whole world revolves around me" act. It just comes across as selfish and stupid.

It's not hate. I think 95% of us just want to see the guy shut up and concentrate on being the best football player he can be.

Well said.

Another point if anyone remembers, is how he complained about Marvin Lewis's system when he was here, because Lavar, a 3rd year player at the time, thought he knew better than a D coordinator with a Superbowl ring and a record setting defense on his resume. - It seems though Lavar has matured since then in that sense, but to accuse the team of purposely being deceptive and cheat him out of money is also childish.

Ty Law used the EXACT same line about the Pats rushing him back from injury last year, and they share the same agents, so I wonder how much of this is the Poston's advising them to make those ridiculous acusations.

Originally posted by wskin44

I love watching him play but accusing the team of a $6.5 mil fraud is something that he needs to retract.

I also agree. - I'm definitely not a hater, but I would like to see Lavar apologize to the team and fans and get back to being a Redskin.

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How many of us would have a problem if we had lost $6 Mil? We talk about these guys and THEIR money like it's monopoly money. If we had signed a contract that cost us a big bonus we all would go back to work like it's nothing? We wouldn't complain and even let complete strangers tell us to forget about it and go back to work?

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Originally posted by Jay Master Jay

How many of us would have a problem if we had lost $6 Mil? We talk about these guys and THEIR money like it's monopoly money. If we had signed a contract that cost us a big bonus we all would go back to work like it's nothing? We wouldn't complain and even let complete strangers tell us to forget about it and go back to work?

I'm only going to say this one more time:

LaVar is getting a $6.5m roster bonus. That is a fact of life. It's in his contract. Where he and his agents are mistaken is a second roster bonus of the same amount owed him at the same time.

Now am I the only one who thinks this doesn't make sense? Why not a single $13m bonus? Why divide it up? Answer: He was only due one bonus the whole time, his agents screwed it up and now he and his agents are like the Keystone Cops in CYA mode.


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Misunderstandings are going to happen but Lavar should have filed his grievance and kept his mouth shut to the press. The only reason this hasn't been resolved is because Lavar keeps delaying the hearings while at the same time he keeps playing to the press.

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I'm only going to say this one more time:

LaVar is getting a $6.5m roster bonus. That is a fact of life. It's in his contract. Where he and his agents are mistaken is a second roster bonus of the same amount owed him at the same time.

Now am I the only one who thinks this doesn't make sense? Why not a single $13m bonus? Why divide it up? Answer: He was only due one bonus the whole time, his agents screwed it up and now he and his agents are like the Keystone Cops in CYA mode.


You know the old expression - You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink. :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by Tarhog

Its precisely because many of us know what kind of player and guy Arrington can be that we're going a little rough on him. I'm not going to address the 'overrated' issue - that depends on who you are talking to, and how you define potential. I don't believe he's a top 5 linebacker though. He may be one of the most physically gifted players at that position, but it hasn't translated into many game-changing plays - the kind of impact you have to have to be an elite player.

I think Lavar needs to get his head back in the game. Whether its the contract issue (and you're wrong - you can have a dispute - it doesn't make it 'legitimate' - some charges are frivilous, and I think blaming the team for his own lack of attention or that of his agents is pretty misguided), or the injury, or the lack of love he seems to feel, he's let frustration get the best of him. He needs to focus on becoming the best Redskin he can be. He does that, lets his on the field play speak for him, he'll be right back amongst the fan favorites.

I think everyone KNOWS Lavar's a good guy.

We want to see a great Redskin.

And I doubt theres anyone here who doesn't want to see him come back and have a Pro-bowl year. Thats not hate.

You make some good points here Tarhog, he has let his frustration get the best of him especially in front of the media. And your right he's not a top 5 LB, but if he didn't have a different D Coach every year I believe he would be. Even if he plays this whole year it's still pretty much PLAYING his first year in GW's system. If we can keep LaVar and GW for another 2 years and Lavar stays healty I think he will be a top 3 LB. Do you think he could break into your top 5 under these circumstances?:logo:

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I think it's obvious why Lavar has the most hate coming towards him by Redskins Fan Nation.

1. He's one of the few holdovers every year despite our team constantly retooling, therefore there is no one else to take out our spite on.

2. He has made some mistakes.

3. Some of the Media saids he's overrated so he has to be.

Question for those who would rather Lavar go because we have this great DCord.(This makes no sense by the way. You let go talent just because you can effective without it??? More talent=better production and impact) Who would you replace him with?

In fact, I want people to name 5 LBs who play LAVARS LB position that they would rather have over Arrington.

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Is it time for the season to start yet? :yawnee:

Really, I didn't take Lavar's tirade for more than what it was: a frustrated player who got a setback. Considering that this is Lavar, we all should know by now that he speaks with his emotions and not his brain.

It is why I think Lavar is a victim of the Postons as much as the team is. They seem to be good at pushing buttons, and it seems Lavar is suseptible to this (As with the Nunyo thing as well.)

As a player? Man, lots of people here seem to want to jump ship on him, but I don't, because the guy does make plays. Now, he hasn't lived up to his draft position, and some of that is his fault, but I still think he's better than most people we could replace him with.

Again, can we get past this stuff and play some football? :cheers:


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Guest Matt Kyriacou
Originally posted by TheSteve

Question for those who would rather Lavar go because we have this great DCord

I would rather have Lavar than let him go, but I do not believe that the "D" suffered too much without him last season.

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Originally posted by TheSteve

Question for those who would rather Lavar go because we have this great DCord.(This makes no sense by the way. You let go talent just because you can effective without it??? More talent=better production and impact) Who would you replace him with?

im not disagreeing with you. I have no problems with Lavar other then his injuries of course.

However, he just signed a 20m signing bonus and pretty muched missed all of last year. We could definently replace him.

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Originally posted by TheLongshot

Is it time for the season to start yet? :yawnee:

Really, I didn't take Lavar's tirade for more than what it was: a frustrated player who got a setback. Considering that this is Lavar, we all should know by now that he speaks with his emotions and not his brain.

It is why I think Lavar is a victim of the Postons as much as the team is. They seem to be good at pushing buttons, and it seems Lavar is suseptible to this (As with the Nunyo thing as well.)

As a player? Man, lots of people here seem to want to jump ship on him, but I don't, because the guy does make plays. Now, he hasn't lived up to his draft position, and some of that is his fault, but I still think he's better than most people we could replace him with.

Again, can we get past this stuff and play some football? :cheers:


Right on target!!


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Originally posted by Mooka

im not disagreeing with you. I have no problems with Lavar other then his injuries of course.

However, he just signed a 20m signing bonus and pretty muched missed all of last year. We could definently replace him.

Obviously, durability is a concern. However, I believe last year was a freak injury(hopefully) and that this year we will see the kind of explosiveness he featured in that wicked blitz in the preseason against the Falcons.

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Originally posted by Monkart

You make some good points here Tarhog, he has let his frustration get the best of him especially in front of the media. And your right he's not a top 5 LB, but if he didn't have a different D Coach every year I believe he would be. Even if he plays this whole year it's still pretty much PLAYING his first year in GW's system. If we can keep LaVar and GW for another 2 years and Lavar stays healty I think he will be a top 3 LB. Do you think he could break into your top 5 under these circumstances?:logo:

Absolutely. Its just my perception, but I think he's lost sight of what he's going to care most about when its all over for him on the field, and thats his legacy as a player and whether he helped a team win a championship. Jon Jansen was out a season and comes across as a man possessed. He appears more motivated than he was prior to the injury. Lavar (and I concede I could be 100% wrong) seems detached and distracted. I hope he decides to prove all his critics wrong - on the field - not in a deposition.

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Originally posted by SamSneed36

I was under the impression it was Warren Sapp who called LaVar "cant get right" when the had a little media spat after about Sapp running through stretching lines, I and thought that was after Lewis had moved on from the Skins, but maybe Im wrong.

I do, myself question LaVars football smarts, and wonder if he is just so physically gifted that he could dominate in college without really knowing what your doing. Who needs to read a play when you can jump over the O-line and crush the HB in the backfield. Physical talent and ability is important in the NFl, but everyone has it. Football smarts and instincts are more important on the Pro level, I hope LaVar can figure out whatever he needs to figure out. If anyone can teach him its Williams. Even if he cant, i dont doubt he can find a way to use his athletic ability to really help this D

Ding Ding Ding...that would be correct, it was Warren Sapp saying that about Lavar Arrington, not Marvin Lewis

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Originally posted by Tulane Skins Fan

To those that hate:

I would like to send this letter out and say that I am officially sick of those of you who continue to bash this guy.

First of all, I think that you twisted what his lawyer said in that article. I want you to think about what's going on, and to put yourself in Lavar's position. Picture this: you and a friend get into a dispute about money. This isn't over 20 bucks or something, but a legitimate dispute about a serious amount of money. Eventually, one of you decides that he must file a lawsuit against the other. This pretty much ends the friendship, no? But wait, in the last weeks, your friend comes to you and says, "hey, we used to be good friends, i'll drop this lawsuit and let's just work this out between the two of us. I want to be friends with you more than I want to see this thing through." Now, what would you say to that? Is that guy using his "friendship sympathy card" to get you to fold? I don't think so.

So, what was it Lavar did? He went to the union, asked to drop his grievance and said all he wants is to talk to Dan about the situation. I imagine the conversation goes something like Lavar saying that he truly in his heart of hearts believes that there was 6.5 mill more in the contract, but that he also knows that Dan, his friend before the deal, his friend who made him the face of a franchise, would not try to sneak money away from him. I imagine Dan will agree at that point and make some reference to Lavar being a great leader of the team, and that he plans to continue to attempt to build a winner around him.

But let's look further. All of you out there that are "sick of Lavar." What is there to be sick of? Let's begin with this ridiculous assessment that Lavar is overrated. I don't care what ANYONE says, this guy is in the top five of LB's in the league. If he didnt play 3 different positions in five years, under five coordinators (or whatever the number is), he probably would be even better. Does he get caught out of position sometimes? Yes. Does he make big plays for us too? ABSOLUTELY.

Let's go one level deeper. What type of person is Lavar. SIR Darrell Green recently said that Lavar does as much community service and charity work as anyone. The guy does not go out to clubs or whatever late night and get in fights. He doesn't have run ins with the law. And when he recently did, a run in that had nothing to do with him, the police immediately exonerated him of any crime (mostly likely because he was so cooperative). And finally, all he does is profess his love for the city and the fans of the Washington Redskins.

Yet, somehow all of this makes you people sick. Well, frankly, I am sick of it. He's done nothing but give us what we've wanted. He's been worth the second overall pick in the draft, and that's not easy to do. He's been a model citizen off the field, and a warrior on it.

If all this makes you sick, I think you are a hypochondriac.

AMEN, BROTHER!!! I have been preaching this since mid-season last year. How ANYONE could be overrated while they're injured is beyond me. No one would say that about RayRay if he was out for an entire season with a knee injury, but then, RayRay doesn't play for the Redskins, does he!?

:ravensuck :ravensuck :ravensuck

Don't worry, tho. When he is crushing QBs in the backfield & destroying WRs & TEs going across the middle, this overrated NONSENSE will cease. As far as I'm concerned, anyone who says that LaVar Arrington is overrated is simply mimicking what some MORON on ESPN said (Sean Salisbury?)...which ultimately would make them sheep. Because I didn't hear anyone saying that until AFTER he said it. Then all of a sudden, a lot of people were saying it. As if it were their idea. :rolleyes:

I 150% agree with you!

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Originally posted by Mooka

im not disagreeing with you. I have no problems with Lavar other then his injuries of course.

However, he just signed a 20m signing bonus and pretty muched missed all of last year. We could definently replace him.

What? Are you outta your mind? That's like saying that you just got hired by a big company because of your abilities & then caught the flu & missed the first week of work because of it & even though you are probably one of the BEST in the industry at what you do, you can be replaced because you missed a week of work because of an illness! That sounds real fair doesn't it!? :rolleyes: Give me a break.

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Originally posted by Spaceman Spiff

I like LaVar, just tired of his off the field antics and this stupid money debate. either its cool or its not, either you want to take it to court or not, don't keep flip flopping on it and don't keep switching lawyers, just see it through or give it up.

Aside form the arbitration over his contract, what "off the field antics" are you referring to? You mean, all his charity work? Or the fact the he spent his OWN MONEY to resurface & resod a local high school's football field (Frederick Douglas High School)? Are we talking about the same LaVar here, because he doesn't have any "off the field antics."

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Originally posted by CowboyzSuckAzz

Aside form the arbitration over his contract, what "off the field antics" are you referring to? You mean, all his charity work? Or the fact the he spent his OWN MONEY to resurface & resod a local high school's football field (Frederick Douglas High School)? Are we talking about the same LaVar here, because he doesn't have any "off the field antics."

Ditto!! Right on again CBSAss!

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Originally posted by ntotoro

I'm only going to say this one more time:

LaVar is getting a $6.5m roster bonus. That is a fact of life. It's in his contract. Where he and his agents are mistaken is a second roster bonus of the same amount owed him at the same time.

Now am I the only one who thinks this doesn't make sense? Why not a single $13m bonus? Why divide it up? Answer: He was only due one bonus the whole time, his agents screwed it up and now he and his agents are like the Keystone Cops in CYA mode.


Ok, we understand that there were 2 bonuses totalling $13 mil. Well, at least, from what I gather most of us do, anyway. However, if he has already received $6.5 mil in bonuses, then the remaining figure is $6.5 mil. Therefore, he is NOT getting a $6.5 mil roster bonus that he thought he was getting (or rather, the contract that was signed was for $6.5 mil less then he thought it would be). His agents are the ones that screwed up & from what I can recall, originally, he was going thru the arbitration to PROVE that his agents screwed up so that he could dump them or sue them for the mistake. Eitherway, he believes $6.5 mil is missing from his contract. You say tomato, I say tomato. ;)

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