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Letter to the Lavar Haters

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To those that hate:

I would like to send this letter out and say that I am officially sick of those of you who continue to bash this guy.

First of all, I think that you twisted what his lawyer said in that article. I want you to think about what's going on, and to put yourself in Lavar's position. Picture this: you and a friend get into a dispute about money. This isn't over 20 bucks or something, but a legitimate dispute about a serious amount of money. Eventually, one of you decides that he must file a lawsuit against the other. This pretty much ends the friendship, no? But wait, in the last weeks, your friend comes to you and says, "hey, we used to be good friends, i'll drop this lawsuit and let's just work this out between the two of us. I want to be friends with you more than I want to see this thing through." Now, what would you say to that? Is that guy using his "friendship sympathy card" to get you to fold? I don't think so.

So, what was it Lavar did? He went to the union, asked to drop his grievance and said all he wants is to talk to Dan about the situation. I imagine the conversation goes something like Lavar saying that he truly in his heart of hearts believes that there was 6.5 mill more in the contract, but that he also knows that Dan, his friend before the deal, his friend who made him the face of a franchise, would not try to sneak money away from him. I imagine Dan will agree at that point and make some reference to Lavar being a great leader of the team, and that he plans to continue to attempt to build a winner around him.

But let's look further. All of you out there that are "sick of Lavar." What is there to be sick of? Let's begin with this ridiculous assessment that Lavar is overrated. I don't care what ANYONE says, this guy is in the top five of LB's in the league. If he didnt play 3 different positions in five years, under five coordinators (or whatever the number is), he probably would be even better. Does he get caught out of position sometimes? Yes. Does he make big plays for us too? ABSOLUTELY.

Let's go one level deeper. What type of person is Lavar. SIR Darrell Green recently said that Lavar does as much community service and charity work as anyone. The guy does not go out to clubs or whatever late night and get in fights. He doesn't have run ins with the law. And when he recently did, a run in that had nothing to do with him, the police immediately exonerated him of any crime (mostly likely because he was so cooperative). And finally, all he does is profess his love for the city and the fans of the Washington Redskins.

Yet, somehow all of this makes you people sick. Well, frankly, I am sick of it. He's done nothing but give us what we've wanted. He's been worth the second overall pick in the draft, and that's not easy to do. He's been a model citizen off the field, and a warrior on it.

If all this makes you sick, I think you are a hypochondriac.

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My only (quick) response is that this issue seems to be relatively clear in that the documents indicate that no such bonus was given. Essentially his whole suit is grounded on a false premise. That is by itself (or at least is a major reason) why a lot of people are so frustrated.

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I'm not hating on anyone, but the reality of the situation is pretty stark.

Lavar has been a highly compensated player who has failed to live up to his potential. He has a predisposition to chase plays and put himself in bad positions on the field trying for the "money play". He signed a contract without reviewing and his agents failed to properly advise him on the contents of same. Lastly, over the past year he's developed a rather disturbing trend of turning on the organization, flipping 180 and placing blame on folks like the media, then after things settle down, flipping out on the organization again. Argue you all you like about Lavar being frustrated about not being on the field etc... The long and short of it is, Lavar should be suing the Postons. I salute his community service...all privledged people should do those things. But I'd like to see him drop his pursuit of the organization and address the real problem...his agents. Focus on getting healthy and helping his team by leading and playing his proper role in the defensive scheme. If that's hating or bashing Lavar, I'm sorry. But I'm a little worn out on the player we've had to date.

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Originally posted by Tulane Skins Fan

OK, so bash the guy when he says he wants to talk about it. Make up some crap about him using Dan's father's funeral as a crutch. When all he was saying was that, they are too good of friends to allow this to come between them.


When did I bash the guy when he wanted to bring anything up?

None of your post addresses anything I said.

In any case, you're right, they are too good of friends so LaVar should stop trying to extort money out of a contract that's complete on it face and let this drop--once and for all.

I think the common gripe with Lavar can be summed up by a line from an old country song:

"A little less talk, and a lot more action."

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Its precisely because many of us know what kind of player and guy Arrington can be that we're going a little rough on him. I'm not going to address the 'overrated' issue - that depends on who you are talking to, and how you define potential. I don't believe he's a top 5 linebacker though. He may be one of the most physically gifted players at that position, but it hasn't translated into many game-changing plays - the kind of impact you have to have to be an elite player.

I think Lavar needs to get his head back in the game. Whether its the contract issue (and you're wrong - you can have a dispute - it doesn't make it 'legitimate' - some charges are frivilous, and I think blaming the team for his own lack of attention or that of his agents is pretty misguided), or the injury, or the lack of love he seems to feel, he's let frustration get the best of him. He needs to focus on becoming the best Redskin he can be. He does that, lets his on the field play speak for him, he'll be right back amongst the fan favorites.

I think everyone KNOWS Lavar's a good guy.

We want to see a great Redskin.

And I doubt theres anyone here who doesn't want to see him come back and have a Pro-bowl year. Thats not hate.

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I've said it before and I will say it again, LaVar is a emotional guy. He plays with emotion and he reacts with emotion. I for one believe that he is very sorry for his out burst concerning his coming back to play after being injured. I also believe that he is trying to repair whatever damage that was caused after that out burst and during the $65m allegation.

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I dont wanna lose Arrington, we have some big hitters on our D right now and Im excited to see if Arrington can fit in with the D (stick to his job and make sure he takes care of his assingment). People were scared of the nasty hits we layed last year, with Arrington back itll be that much better.

That said, the contract doesnt say he is owed any money from the reports I have read. Thats a pretty simple fact, weather or not he was promised the 6 mill is somewhat irrelavent, you hire and agent to make your deals, the agent has a support staff to read contracts and make sure its all good before LaVar signs the line. Way I see it LaVar makes enough money as it is, especially since he hasnt quit been the superstar he was expected to be (for whatever reason, i dont care about how many coordinators hes had, he hasnt lived up to his billing YET), but if he really wants that 6 mill he's goin to the wrong people, he should be sueing his agent.

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I'll never forget hearing about how Marvin Lewis called LaVar "can't get right" because he couldn't learn the playbook. Lewis basically sent LaVar after the QB on every play because Arrington couldn't grasp playing LB. If Arrington ever gets on the field again, I'd guess that Williams uses him as a DE out of a lack of trust.

In the same way you can't understand how people hate LaVar, I can't understand how Redskin fans stilll like the guy.

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Originally posted by barry wilburn

If Arrington ever gets on the field again, I'd guess that Williams uses him as a DE out of a lack of trust.

I'd guess that you're 100% incorrect...

That's a pretty out there statement to make, and I doubt that even you believe that. Smart money says you made that comment to ruffle some feathers...

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Originally posted by barry wilburn

I'll never forget hearing about how Marvin Lewis called LaVar "can't get right" because he couldn't learn the playbook. Lewis basically sent LaVar after the QB on every play because Arrington couldn't grasp playing LB. If Arrington ever gets on the field again, I'd guess that Williams uses him as a DE out of a lack of trust.

In the same way you can't understand how people hate LaVar, I can't understand how Redskin fans stilll like the guy.

I was under the impression it was Warren Sapp who called LaVar "cant get right" when the had a little media spat after about Sapp running through stretching lines, I and thought that was after Lewis had moved on from the Skins, but maybe Im wrong.

I do, myself question LaVars football smarts, and wonder if he is just so physically gifted that he could dominate in college without really knowing what your doing. Who needs to read a play when you can jump over the O-line and crush the HB in the backfield. Physical talent and ability is important in the NFl, but everyone has it. Football smarts and instincts are more important on the Pro level, I hope LaVar can figure out whatever he needs to figure out. If anyone can teach him its Williams. Even if he cant, i dont doubt he can find a way to use his athletic ability to really help this D

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Originally posted by KDawg

I'd guess that you're 100% incorrect...

That's a pretty out there statement to make, and I doubt that even you believe that. Smart money says you made that comment to ruffle some feathers...

Remember the San Fran game? Almost every snap Arrington played was at DE. It's not that far fetched to expect more of the same when he comes back...

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Originally posted by barry wilburn

Remember the San Fran game? Almost every snap Arrington played was at DE. It's not that far fetched to expect more of the same when he comes back...

He was also still injured.

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Let's not forget he has made two pro bowls. He hasn't been an absolute bust. Heath Shuler was an absolute bust. Michael Westbrook was an absolute bust. Lavar may not be the sharpest knife in the drawer but dammit he loves this team. He wants to be a big part of this team. Although after browsing this site for the last few days I wonder why. It seems like most have turned their back on him. They have taken every word from the media to be sacriment and nothing but the truth. He was not trying to use Snyder's father as leverage, bad choice of words I grant you that, but his lawyer was just trying to show Lavar's heart. I for one will wear my 56 jersey proudly on Sept 11th, and every following sunday.

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I'm not saying that he's the best football player, or that he didn't make a mistake with this whole arbitration thing.

The thing is, about 100 people wrote in about how they are "sick of Lavar." I'm sick of a lot of things, but Lavar Arrington is not one of them. Everyone on this site should be thankful that the skins have this guy and not some other team. I just think attacking the guy and saying your sick of him is a totally lame thing to say.

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Originally posted by Tulane Skins Fan

I'm not saying that he's the best football player, or that he didn't make a mistake with this whole arbitration thing.

The thing is, about 100 people wrote in about how they are "sick of Lavar." I'm sick of a lot of things, but Lavar Arrington is not one of them. Everyone on this site should be thankful that the skins have this guy and not some other team. I just think attacking the guy and saying your sick of him is a totally lame thing to say.


Let me say I agree with you that Lavar is a tremendous player. He isn't the player he could be, but, the player he HAS been surpasses just about all others at the same position. He is a legitimate beast when he plays. Some people take the simple way out by trying to pretend he's not as good as he clearly is to allow them to be against a guy. I agree with you that's the wrong thing to do.

Where you and I depart is how seriously we, as fans, should take the seemingly non-stop Lavar crybaby nonsense. Late last year he's quoted in the paper talking about he IS going to play against the Cowboys and no one will stop him. Then, in April, he is quoted crying about how the team rushed him back. He makes up this fiction about the extra bonus in his contract, proceeds to push the deal back on three occasions, then casts the team in a bad light saying THEY are pushing it back.

By Nunyo's typically spotty reporting, he says he's going to let it drop, but reads Nunyo saying people think he's letting it drop because he can't win, so, he decides to proceed instead of doing the thing most people think is the right thing. Lavar has become a soap opera. An unnecessary one.

While I'm not quite to the point of total sickness with him, the thing about the funeral rubs me very much the wrong way. I lost a father. Friends came to me and told me if I needed anything they would be there for me. If, for ANY REASON, they would later throw out being there for me to get a benefit in another situation, I would beat the holy hell out of them. Obviously Snyder can't do that to Lavar.

But, Lavar deserves it pretty clearly.

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Originally posted by Tulane Skins Fan

I don't think the point about the pallbearer was meant as a "you owe me one." I think its clear that he's saying, we were such good friends you asked me to be your father's pall bearer. I just think you guys twisted that quote up. or maybe it was just misinterpreted.

I agree with you, that being said Lavar's attorney should have the forsight and media presence to know that something of that nature is not going to go over well no matter how it is quoted in the papers. Some things are better left unsaid.

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i love lavar and hope he remains a healthy redskin for years to come; that being said i'll share a quick story...

i was @ the wizards/knicks game and lavar and lavar was walking towards me, this was the week of the philly game and if you remember lavar's status was unsure but looking positive that he might have gotten back in the lineup that week.

so he approaches,

bully: lavar, please do me one favor.

lavar: what's up

bully: please, please get mcnabb just one time for me, please just one time (yes, i was pleading cause mcnabb never gets rocked and is always doing some michael jackson dance)

lavar: i want to get him (emphasis on want) but they wont let me play. (shakes his head and looks down) they wont let me play.

so sunday rolls in and i think lavar played a series or two, not sure, but i think he got very limited minutes.

the point is this...

a few months ago he came out in the media ripping the skins saying they rushed him back and all i could think about was him telling me they were keeping him out of the game, i assume for his benefit.

oh well, just thought i'd share.

either way, love the guy, hope he gets healthy.


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Originally posted by Tulane Skins Fan

I don't think the point about the pallbearer was meant as a "you owe me one." I think its clear that he's saying, we were such good friends you asked me to be your father's pall bearer. I just think you guys twisted that quote up. or maybe it was just misinterpreted.


Try to remember, it wasn't Lavar making that quote. It was his lawyer. MORE, it was his NEW lawyer. Meaning, Lavar hired a guy who knew NOTHING of the situation. Then, proceeded to tell him all the things he could use to make their side better. Lavar used one of the things as being a pallbearer at the owner's father's funeral.

He CLEARLY told his lawyer this to use for effect to gain an advantage. And when his lawyer repeated it, we are left with no choice but to ask ourselves how this guy hired a week ago would even know such a thing. The answer is his client told him, and hoped it would give him an advantage in his dispute with the team.

You can't forgive that.

But, even if you do not think it was meant the way his lawyer said it, the fact remains, there are things among men that go beyond ALL other things. Bonds you don't violate. Lavar violated perhaps the biggest of them all.

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Why can't people be sick of the Arrington/Arbitration situation without being a "Lavar Hater" ? I am a huge Arrington fan, I can't wait to see him tear it up this year, however at the same time I never want to have to see/hear/read about this ludicrous arbitration situation ever again. It should have been taken care of a long time ago, and it remains to be seen what Arrington's reaction to the ruling and the team will be once he obviously gets laughed out of court.

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Originally posted by iheartskins

My only (quick) response is that this issue seems to be relatively clear in that the documents indicate that no such bonus was given. Essentially his whole suit is grounded on a false premise. That is by itself (or at least is a major reason) why a lot of people are so frustrated.

i agree. i think he is just playing out the cards so that he can ultimately sue his agent for being incompetent. lavar deserves some blame for not reading a document he signed. However its the job of the agent to spell out what the contract is about because there's probably a small minority of players who read and comprehend their contracts. without the dispute with the redskins lavar only has a he said/he said case on his hands, so he teamed up with the agent to file a formal dispute. and if they lose, he can sue the agent for not doing his job.

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