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Letter to the Lavar Haters

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Totally agree with what the thread starter said. I am a huge Lavar fan, and some fans just don't see how he has been a consistant force in our defense. The example you used was perfect, Lavar is being the better man here because he loves the team/franchise/fans/ and the city. People need to appreciate this guy much more, and as being fans we need to commend him for what he has done with his arbitration situation. All for I know is that Dan may be a fan but he has single handedly taken our franchise to it's knee's and I don't appreciate his marketing tactics a bit! I believe coach Gibbs felt in his heart that he needed to come back to save our franchise and Dan was just lucky as sh*t that Gibbs loves this franchise so much to come out of retirement and risk all his accolades and accomplishments to turn around what this money hungry man has done to our franchise. Lavar is the man, I praise him for his efforts to make amends with this franchise. HTTR.

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I don't think I can say it any other way, but I'll try. I think you are misreading this whole article. It sounds like Lavar has dropped everything and just wants to talk to Snyder to "repair the relationship." I don't think he's using this pallbearer thing as leverage. Quite frankly, I dont think he's going to be negotiating at all anymore. It sounds like it's over.

I'm sorry to hear about your father, but I think this quote struck a nerve that it was not intended to. I think Lavar and his lawyer meant it only in a way of saying that Lavar realizes his relationship with Snyder is more important than this arbitration thing.

That's all I can say on this matter any more guys. I appreciate the input and everything. I just really think some of us are coming down way to hard on a guy who has been a model redskin, citizen, and role model.

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Originally posted by barry wilburn

I'll never forget hearing about how Marvin Lewis called LaVar "can't get right" because he couldn't learn the playbook. Lewis basically sent LaVar after the QB on every play because Arrington couldn't grasp playing LB. If Arrington ever gets on the field again, I'd guess that Williams uses him as a DE out of a lack of trust.

In the same way you can't understand how people hate LaVar, I can't understand how Redskin fans stilll like the guy.

Thursday, Oct. 9, 2003

Sapp’s response to Arrington, which referenced the Redskins’ difficulty learning Marvin Lewis’ defense in 2002: "You tell Mr. Can't Get Right, I'll be there at 10:30 a.m. sharp, Eastern Standard Time. Tell him don't be looking for me because I'm easily found. … Spare me. Is LaVar jealous that he can't play offense? Is he jealous that he can't get right? Tell `Can't Get Right' that his plate is full. It's a little bit too much to try to take on me.”

Wait so you're telling me Warren Sapp is Marvin Lewis? Taken from here

Originally posted by barry wilburn

Remember the San Fran game? Almost every snap Arrington played was at DE. It's not that far fetched to expect more of the same when he comes back...

He was still injured and only played in 3rd down passing situations. He sat out the 4th quarter. :doh:

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Originally posted by DjKam1

Totally agree with what the thread starter said. I am a huge Lavar fan, and some fans just don't see how he has been a consistant force in our defense.

Because he hasn't. For every highlight reel he makes, he gives up 2-3 plays by being out-of-position or freelancing. That's not a consistent force. Save the excuses of learning a new Defense or whatever. Why is LaVar the only player who ever gets to blame that for his inconsistency when players all around the league, including other players on this Defense, seem to adjust just fine. Last year was supposed to be the year when everyone said he'd finally put it all together, but his injury prevented us from seeing if that was the case.

Everyone knows that he physically has the potential and is a great athlete. He's not a great player yet. Why is it that everyone sick of his mess off-field is labelled a "hater?"

The example you used was perfect, Lavar is being the better man here because he loves the team/franchise/fans/ and the city.

How is he being the better man or even a man at all? He and his party keep requesting continuances, he brings it to the public, then he gets disappointed when less-than 100% of the fans side with him. Does that sound more like a man or a child who is accustomed to getting everything he wants? I've loved this team since childhood. No way to I like seeing any one player doing this to the team. LaVar is not bigger than this team.

All for I know is that Dan may be a fan but he has single handedly taken our franchise to it's knee's and I don't appreciate his marketing tactics a bit!

You mean like tactics like our only playoff berth since Gibbs originally left? This team wasn't just sinking, but sitting at the bottom of the ocean when Snyder bought it. What marketing tactics do you dislike so much? He didn't cheat LaVar. It makes no sense at all for LaVar to think there would be two equal bonuses at the same time. No sense. LaVar's agents are wrong and he's a fool for not calling them on it.

The Postons aren't exactly known for going after the smartest athletes, though.


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Are we going down this road again:doh: :doh: :doh:

You know what makes me sick. People who don't realize that people don't hate LaVar, thay hate his antics. His constant need to be in the spotlight even when he hasn't played much.


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I'm sorry Tulane, but, you can't read that quote and take it any other way. If it was as you think it was the part about having previously restructured to help the team would never have been in there. That quote was a classic, "Look at all I've done for you, so now, do something for me."

If Lavar wants to restore the relationship, and that's all, it's simple. Apologize for the situation and play football.

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Originally posted by Pete

Are we going down this road again:doh: :doh: :doh:

You know what makes me sick. People who don't realize that people don't hate LaVar, thay hate his antics. His constant need to be in the spotlight even when he hasn't played much.


Very well said Pete.:cheers:

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Originally posted by Tulane Skins Fan

To those that hate:

I would like to send this letter out and say that I am officially sick of those of you who continue to bash this guy.

First of all, I think that you twisted what his lawyer said in that article. I want you to think about what's going on, and to put yourself in Lavar's position. Picture this: you and a friend get into a dispute about money. This isn't over 20 bucks or something, but a legitimate dispute about a serious amount of money. Eventually, one of you decides that he must file a lawsuit against the other. This pretty much ends the friendship, no? But wait, in the last weeks, your friend comes to you and says, "hey, we used to be good friends, i'll drop this lawsuit and let's just work this out between the two of us. I want to be friends with you more than I want to see this thing through." Now, what would you say to that? Is that guy using his "friendship sympathy card" to get you to fold? I don't think so.

So, what was it Lavar did? He went to the union, asked to drop his grievance and said all he wants is to talk to Dan about the situation. I imagine the conversation goes something like Lavar saying that he truly in his heart of hearts believes that there was 6.5 mill more in the contract, but that he also knows that Dan, his friend before the deal, his friend who made him the face of a franchise, would not try to sneak money away from him. I imagine Dan will agree at that point and make some reference to Lavar being a great leader of the team, and that he plans to continue to attempt to build a winner around him.

Not much I can say other than I wish I had his problems.;)

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Originally posted by SamBaugh

Lavar will turn haters to lovers this season. All of this has not gone un-noticed by Lavar, believe me.


Then hopefully he'll be able to look in the mirror and understand exactly why there are fans taking this attitude toward him. It might even finally make a man out of him.


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This is not about hate. It is about a football player that has not so bright agents that did not read a contract.

In doing so, these not so bright people are now screaming bloody murder to cover their ass, make the organization look bad, make Lavar look worse and nobody is thinking about football.

Tulane, you think that Lavar postponed his abritration, hired a new lawyer, for the chance to 'repair the relationship' with Dan? It is about 6.5 million dollars. Lavar is testing how far he can stretch his 'goodwill' with the fans over this mess and it looks like he found the breaking point.

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Originally posted by Tulane Skins Fan

I just really think some of us are coming down way to hard on a guy who has been a model redskin, citizen, and role model.

A model Redskin does not drag his team's name through the mud in a pointless grievance that clearly has no merit. Nor does he fire off blustery quotes about being rushed back from injury when this was in no way accurate. The bottom line is, the guy has done a lot more to hurt this team than to help them in the past year. By no means would I consider him a model Redskin. I can't imagine Darrell Green, for instance, ever behaving anything like that. It's incredibly disappointing to many fans that our most visible player would act out like this.

I will continue to be one of his most vocal critics as long as he demonstrates this sort of lack of maturity. It's not because of any personal animosity though. Like many others, I would love to be able to root for LaVar, but he makes it pretty damn hard with his tired "the whole world revolves around me" act. It just comes across as selfish and stupid.

It's not hate. I think 95% of us just want to see the guy shut up and concentrate on being the best football player he can be.

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oy, the season can't get here soon enough.....i can't believe any of you, especially Art, are presuming to get so far inside LA's head and meetings with lawyers and psychoanalyzing sound bites to the point where you're convincing yourself you're right with your own clever brand of analysis.

the debate about LA is as polarized as red state/blue state -- something will happen, shake out, come clean in the wash, whatever.....

we complain about constant scrutiny in the media, be it positive or negative -- made up news, factual errors, rushing for a scoop without the facts, etc -- and then we turn around and scrutinize the scrutiny.....

talk about SICK of something.....

all TSF was trying to do was make his opinion heard -- not even trying to convince anyone, really -- just wanted to send some posa-vibes out in the ether of impulsive hate-net......

check the longview, kill the flip floppery and just love yer skins.


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Originally posted by Art

If Lavar wants to restore the relationship, and that's all, it's simple. Apologize for the situation and play football.

Bingo. Remember, Lavar hasn't dropped his grievance, he's just asked for a postponment. In other words he's still holding it over Dan Snyder's head at the same time he claims to want to make up with the team. Holding a threat over someone isn't the best way to win friends.

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Lavar was a great player. It remains to be seen whether he will continue to be a great player. I hope so, I like him. However, I think what frustrates myself and most fans about this situation is that it has dragged out for so long and become a distraction. Based on what we know, it sounds like his agent messed up and that for whatever reason the bonus was not in the final revision of the contract. I don't know if this is because the organization was trying to pull a fast one or not, but I tend to think not because they want to make a player like Lavar happy. At any rate, it is his agents job to review the paper work and make sure everything is in order and Lavar's agent did not do his job. Sadly this has affected Lavar's relationship with the organization. Fire your agent.

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Originally posted by FedUpField

all TSF was trying to do was make his opinion heard -- not even trying to convince anyone, really -- just wanted to send some posa-vibes out in the ether of impulsive hate-net......

check the longview, kill the flip floppery and just love yer skins.


Although there are a few haters, most of us just want Lavar to grow up and be man. I love watching him play but accusing the team of a $6.5 mil fraud is something that he needs to retract.

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