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Anyone ever had a close encounter with a Grizzly ?


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Originally posted by Mooka

don't worry you can smell a bear a mile away. Think I'm exaggerating? You can literally smell it from a mile away.

Really? I find this funny since my home (homes) most of my life have been in bear country - meaning that several times a month there is a bear within a mile of me. It is true that a bear has a unique smell - but from a mile away? You must have a very powerful sniffer.

I grew up in North Idaho where the Grizzly was re-introduced. Growing up I have killed a few black bears - but they are a lot different from a Grizzly. One time on a hike, I was walking through some very tall grass/brush. Heard a sound, turned and saw a Grizzly about 30 yards away standing on his back legs looking at me. I thought I might end up as poop on the trail, but he just dropped back down on all fours and walked off.

Another time I was hiking to a fire look out in November. At about 6,000 ft. I hit snow. Hiked in a few inches of snow for about 3 miles to the top. On the way back down I noticed Grizzly tracks INSIDE OF MINE! (Grizzly tracks look different from a black bear). This bear followed me up the mountain for about 2 miles. I was a little concerned until I got to my truck at the trail head.

These days I live in central Idaho - no Grizzly. Only black bear. Black bears will usually only give you trouble in the spring when Sows (sp) (female bear) have young with them. But my horses don't know that and get very nervous when they smell bear. Horses unlike humans can sometimes smell a bear a mile away.

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Originally posted by Idaho fan

Really? I find this funny since my home (homes) most of my life have been in bear country - meaning that several times a month there is a bear within a mile of me. It is true that a bear has a unique smell - but from a mile away? You must have a very powerful sniffer.

At Yosemite we were on a hike and we could smell a faint stench. As the smell grew stronger we finally saw the culprit trudging along. We were hiking for a good 10-15 mins between smelling the bear and seeing it. We were definently downwind from the bear and I'm sure the landscape had somtin to do with it.

My Point?

Bear = Smelly

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Originally posted by jrockster77

I found this while looking for info on pepper spray....

I liked this part.

When outdoors factors such as wind could be a potential hazard. If you spray a bear while positioned down wind, there is a good chance you will be exposed to the airborne microscopic droplets produced by bear attack deterrent sprays.

Nothing like being blind with a pissed off bear :laugh:

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Originally posted by redskins4life234

I was there about 2 weeks ago. We didnt see any wildlife there but the state bird. But you never know. It was real pretty. They say if you see a bear, Stay still and yell and wave your arms.

OK, which is it...........................stay still................................or yell and wave your arms? We don't to confuse Mick on this one............

I always thought the yelling and waving of the arms happens as you run away from the beast.......................

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My uncle the big time outdoor guy goes to Alaska with his buddies on fishing trips. They probably have gone there a dozen times. From what I remember from his stories a hand gun is useless. It only makes you feel better. He said if a bear charges you they close so quick you would be lucky to get a couple shots off. Then he said there built like a tank from the front so it would only piss them off if you did manage to hit them. He said something about you need to hit them behind the shoulder blade on a profile shot and if the bear was charging you don't have the right angle. He said the sound of the gun shot might scare them off but if they were charging you it was too late to try that.

I will ask him about the getting into a ball and playing dead or waving your hands and screaming like a lune techniques.

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Originally posted by Mooka

Officially never going camping again

:laugh: It's not so bad.

I woke up in Cloudcroft once with a bear licking crumbs off me,after he left and my heart quit fluttering,it was kinda cool.

Of course I NEVER sleep outside anymore;)

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If you encounter a bear on the trail, stay still and don't move. If you move in anyway, you're likely to set the bear into defense mode.

Now, if you're in a tent and bear is trying to get in, fight with everything you've got, cause it's in feed mode and you are on the menu.

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Often times, if a Grizzly Bear is coming after you, all it's really looking for is a hug. In Grizzly culture and society, hugs are a highly prized, and rare, gift. How often do you see Grizzlies hugging on Discovery Channel?

So, just give it a hug, maybe a little peck on the cheek, and you'll be all right.

Good bear. That's a good bear.

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Originally posted by jrockster77

You don't have to outrun the bear, just whoever you're with. ;)

That actually raises a good point.

If you're with a companion, how does that change everything ?

Does it change how the bear would react, or how each person

should react ?

Would the bear get confused if he sees multiple people, and

walk away, or would be pick the meatier person and eat them, or would he simultaneously attack both ?

Maybe if you stay together and wave your arms high,

they might think you're a bigger, strange animal and not mess

with you ?

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Originally posted by Mickalino

Maybe if you stay together and wave your arms high,

they might think you're a bigger, strange animal and not mess

with you ?

Try it out and report back on how it worked... I'm curious too

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Originally posted by Mickalino

Maybe if you stay together and wave your arms high,

they might think you're a bigger, strange animal and not mess

with you ?

If you're Michael Strahan, the bear will simply fall over dead if you do this.
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Originally posted by twa

I liked this part.

When outdoors factors such as wind could be a potential hazard. If you spray a bear while positioned down wind, there is a good chance you will be exposed to the airborne microscopic droplets produced by bear attack deterrent sprays.

Nothing like being blind with a pissed off bear :laugh:

Well, they have a warning label printed right on the can:

"Do not use without common sense."

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I'm not an "outdoorsman", but I've read (do the research yourself if you don't believe me) that, should a bear charge you, you are supposed to hold your ground. Supposedly, they like to bluff a lot, and if you run, they may decide to chase you. Regardless, if a bear charges me, I'm bookin' it.

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