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Anyone ever had a close encounter with a Grizzly ?


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I'm headed up to Denali Park in Alaska in about a week and a half, and they say that you have a 50% chance of spotting a

bear at that location.

I pretty much turn it up a notch when I go out into the

great outdoors, and practically LOOK for dangerous

situations, and have enough near-death experiences

to document that. So I'm fairly certain I'll end up coming

across a bear.

I've done some research on "bear etiquette" which includes basically the psychological games you can play to keep a bear from attacking if you come face to face with one.

But how about if the Bear actually decides to attack ?

The survival possibility is pretty much zilch, isn't it ?

They don't allow guns in Denali Park, and I'm not sure

if even guns would help, as I've heard stories about

Bears being essentially bulletproof with their incredibly

tough skin. And I've seen pictures of what bears have done

to humans, basically clawed and chewed them down to the

raw bone.

So, anyway, my hand to hand combat skills, with bears

arent so great, so what do you all recommend, if I find

myself in a awkward encounter with a bear ?

Will they freak out and run if you spray mace or pepper

spray in their face, or would that just make them angry.

and tear me up quicker ?

Ideas ?

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While I have encountered bears I have never been attacked.

From what I hear balling up is your best chance of survival....they will likely just slap you around for a while:laugh:

Pepper spray or mace might work,but I hope it has good range....If they get close AND pissed off you will not have a good day;)

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:laugh: :laugh: I've heard the same thing, curl up into a ball on the ground, and play dead.

I've encountered black bears a few times, at close range. I learned many years ago not to smell like a human or food. Smoke from a camp fire works well to mask your sent. Clothing with a broken pattern is very helpful. Plads or camo patterns. Between masking your sent, and blending in, you can observe bears fairly safely.

If you spot a bear and want to get a closer look, check the wind. Slowly move down wind if you can. If the bear hears or sees you, freez till it goes about what ever it was dooing. If you come across bear cubs, get the frig out of the area. You frighten them, and a very pizzed off mama bear will soon be there, and they don't ask questions first................

If your watching a bear, and it charges at your location.................Hail Mary, full of grace............

I was told many years ago, always run down hill if you can being bears have short front legs, and it's harder for them to run down hill. Don't know how true that is, but if I was a bear and stubbed my nose chasing your narrow Italian azz down a hill, I'd make sure I caught ya;) :laugh: :laugh:


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Originally posted by Pete

I was told many years ago, always run down hill if you can being bears have short front legs, and it's harder for them to run down hill. Don't know how true that is, but if I was a bear and stubbed my nose chasing your narrow Italian azz down a hill, I'd make sure I caught ya;) :laugh: :laugh:


Run uphill, they'll have a hard time chasing you slipping in the excrement trail you leave in your wake.

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One night at hunting camp, one of the older guys said he'd read that you should spit in the bears mouth. Said that human saliva was repulsive to a bear.

To which my Uncle replied, "Oh yeah. I can see me now, with a bear sittin' on my chest, trying to work up a spit."

You could always listen to Jimmy Buffet's song,

God's Own Drunk.

The instructions of what to do are written in the song.

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My one and only encounter with a bear was when I was hunting in Maine a few years ago. In Maine you get a combination tag for both Deer and bear. Since it was late November, a bear really wasn't on the mind. I rounded a tree and standing in front of me about 15yrs away was a black bear heading toward me. I came to find out she had just treed her cubs and was coming to ward of any threat I might pose. Ididn't have much of a choice, so I had to shoot.

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Originally posted by Mickalino

I'm headed up to Denali Park in Alaska in about a week and a half,

I was there about 2 weeks ago. We didnt see any wildlife there but the state bird. But you never know. It was real pretty. They say if you see a bear, Stay still and yell and wave your arms. If you see a moose, run like there is no tomorrow, or there wont be a tomorrow for you, with a hole through your stomach.

Hope you see more then my family did. If you drive by your self, you can only go so far in, but if you go on their bus's, your mostly in it, and can go farther in. I also hope you see Denali (aka Mt Mckinely- Only 20% on tourist they say can see it because of the cloud cover)

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Denali is pretty much a controlled environment. You'll probably be on a bus for a tour.

If you are in the boonies, make LOTS of noise and carry a BIG gun. At least a 30.06. Them bears get hungry sometimes, and they're really mean if you are around the cubs, or the cubs bumble into you

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Originally posted by redskins4life234

I was there about 2 weeks ago. We didnt see any wildlife there but the state bird. But you never know. It was real pretty. They say if you see a bear, Stay still and yell and wave your arms. If you see a moose, run like there is no tomorrow, or there wont be a tomorrow for you, with a hole through your stomach.

Hope you see more then my family did. If you drive by your self, you can only go so far in, but if you go on their bus's, your mostly in it, and can go farther in. I also hope you see Denali (aka Mt Mckinely- Only 20% on tourist they say can see it because of the cloud cover)

My dad lived in Alaska for 10 years or so. They had a moose that used to come into his backyard all the time. He never attacked them. I can't remember the exact story, I'd have to talk to him, but I think the moose even let them approach him and pet him. I don't know for sure though....

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Originally posted by jrockster77

My dad lived in Alaska for 10 years or so. They had a moose that used to come into his backyard all the time. He never attacked them. I can't remember the exact story, I'd have to talk to him, but I think the moose even let them approach him and pet him. I don't know for sure though....

My wife, who's first assignment was Elmendorf AFB Anchorage, used to have a moose stick her head in the window of their office every morning, just to say "Hi!"

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Originally posted by Sarge

My wife, who's first assignment was Elmendorf AFB Anchorage, used to have a moose stick her head in the window of their office every morning, just to say "Hi!"


You sure she wasn't a cast member on 'Northern Exposure?' :laugh:

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