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Anyone ever had a close encounter with a Grizzly ?


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Originally posted by jrockster77

Well, they have a warning label printed right on the can:

"Do not use without common sense."

Going out expecting to meet a bear is without common sense imo ;)

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Did some research on the subject of meeting bears in Alaska and

found this :

An atheist was walking through the woods one day in Alaska, admiring all that evolution had created. "What majestic trees! What a powerful river!

What beautiful animals!" he said to himself. As he was walking alongside the river, he heard a rustling in the bushes behind him.

Turning to look, he saw a 13-foot Kodiak brown bear beginning to charge towards him. He ran as fast as he could down the path.

He looked over his shoulder and saw that the bear was rapidly closing on him. Somehow, he ran even faster, so scared that tears came to his eyes.

He looked again & the bear was even closer. His heart pounding in his chest, he tried to run faster yet. But alas, he tripped and fell to the ground.

As he rolled over to pick himself up, the bear was right over him, reaching for him with it's left paw and raising its right paw to strike him....he yelled out, "OH MY GOD!"

Time stopped.......

The bear froze.......

The forest was silent............

Even the river stopped moving.


Difficult as it was, the atheist looked directly into the light & said, "It would be hypocritical to ask to be a Christian after all these years, but perhaps you could make the bear a Christian?"

"VERY WELL," said GOD.

The light went out...

The river ran...

The sounds of the forest resumed..

And the bear dropped down on his knees, brought both paws together, bowed his head and spoke:

"Lord, thank you for this food which I am about to receive, Amen."

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Originally posted by herrmag

I'm not an "outdoorsman", but I've read (do the research yourself if you don't believe me) that, should a bear charge you, you are supposed to hold your ground. Supposedly, they like to bluff a lot, and if you run, they may decide to chase you. Regardless, if a bear charges me, I'm bookin' it.

LMAO hold my ground against a 800 pound bear that is mad and wants a piece of me?? No thanks, I ll take my chances running even though I have heard they can run up to 30 miles an hour or balling down and cry like a baby..

I deal with bears on a daily basis, usually mornings when walking my dog and nights when I get home from work. I have one that is always outside my house.. His name is Kevin, he is my neighbor and I wanted to say he is hairy as a monkey but a bear will do cause he is also huge :-) he is a quite bear, he usually has a beer in hand and always waves. :laugh:

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Originally posted by twa

:laugh: It's not so bad.

I woke up in Cloudcroft once with a bear licking crumbs off me,after he left and my heart quit fluttering,it was kinda cool.

Of course I NEVER sleep outside anymore;)

Your *** wasn't sore was it? I ask, only out of concern. :)

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Originally posted by herrmag

I'm not an "outdoorsman", but I've read (do the research yourself if you don't believe me) that, should a bear charge you, you are supposed to hold your ground. Supposedly, they like to bluff a lot, and if you run, they may decide to chase you. Regardless, if a bear charges me, I'm bookin' it.

I'm a big fan of the 'Last Great Act of Defiance'


Won't do you any good, but think of the story you'll have to tell in the afterlife! :)

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I grew up in Northern Alberta and dealt with Bears as a daily occurence. I worked as as Hunting guide, Tree planter guide and GPS GIS technologist so I have a lot of experience in dealing with both Grizzlies and Blacks.

1- yes quite often you can smell a bear from a long ways away they smell like a combo of wet dog and rotten garbage. However not all bears smell so strongly so dont count on that.

2-I suggest a 7mm magnum or winchester 300 as a minumum but several bear spray are very good (id still carry the rifle tho, rather pay a fine than be dead)

3-Bears are like people they have different personalities, Ive had a grizzly blow on my ear as he snuck up on me while I was picking blueberries but do nothing else other than eat my entire bucket,and I have had Grizzlies charge me for no apparent reason you never can tell.

4-I have been chaesd while feeding our pigs and ill tell you there is no better way to train for your 40 than be chased by 800 pounds of bear! seriously the downhill thing is bull**** and if the bear is closer then 200 yards and saftey is more than 50 feet away then running is stupid as they are unreal fast! look for a tree and get on the other side and climb like a ****!

5- The joke about being fatser than the next guys is true but if there are several of you in the group then make noise and be "BIGGER" and you should be OK.

6-bear bells are useless. save them for the stupid hippy tree planters.

7-Carry a hatchet as well, a guy in BC last year managed to fight a bear off with a hatchet and I know an old guy from Paddle praiirei who did as well. better to at least make the bear regret his meal than to just roll over right?

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I have a story, True story, our guide told us while in Denali.

A man was walking around denali park, and saw a bear, it was about 300 yards away, and the bus was about 50. The bear started charging, he ran to the bus and the door was closed. He banged on the door for the driver to open up, and he said "Sorry i dont let people on the bus with a bear behind"


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Originally posted by redskins4life234

I have a story, True story, our guide told us while in Denali.

A man was walking around denali park, and saw a bear, it was about 300 yards away, and the bus was about 50. The bear started charging, he ran to the bus and the door was closed. He banged on the door for the driver to open up, and he said "Sorry i dont let people on the bus with a bear behind"


What happened next ?

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Originally posted by jrockster77

Are you being serious? It was a joke...:laugh: Sorry if I missed the joking tone of your post (if it was there), there were no smileys. :mad: :laugh:

I guess it was the part where he emphasized "True story", that made me believe him :whoknows:

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Oh, I got the pun the first time.

I just thought it was a pun, within a true story.

Considering that running from bears, is probably a common

occurrence in Denali Park, I figured that by that time, the bus driver had obtained a witty response to those situations.

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no offense, but unless i have a really high powered rifle, preferably automatic, I'll be damned if you'd catch me near a damn grizzly bear.

On another Grizzly note, they should be coming off the endangered species list this week.

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Originally posted by halter91

no offense, but unless i have a really high powered rifle, preferably automatic, I'll be damned if you'd catch me near a damn grizzly bear.

Grizzlys aren't that tough. I once killed one by dropping a safe out of an airplane on it. Da** sissy Grizzly didn't even put up a fight. :)

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Mick, isn't that a stupid law?

If Grizzlies are a possible encounter, I'd want firepower.

You could always ignore it. Better to be judged by 12 than carried by 6. Well-placed shots will kill even a grizzly. They aren't all powerful.

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