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What older/classic movies would you like to see a remake of?


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With all the incredible special effects that studios can create today. Are there any older/classic movies that you would like to see a remake of? For me here is a quickoff the top of my head list to get the ball rolling.

The classic Sinbad pirate movies.

Clash of the Titans

Close encounters of the third kind

Rosemary's baby

The Omen/Damien movies

What do you think?

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I think I'd like to see the special effects of 2001 re-done. I would love to see modern technology recreate the "hotel room" scene as Clarke wrote it.

(As Clarke wrote it, the hotel room had no outside, it was only an interior floating in space. But it had gravity. It had no roof. But it had an atmosphere. It was in orbit around a red giant star. The star was also orbited by a blue dwarf. Somehow, the hotel room was protected from heat that should have made it burst into flames.

(But, it might not film as wierd and "gosh wow" as it reads.)

It's hard to recommend a classic to re-do. The fact that the classis is a classic implies that they got it right, the first time.

(And please, don't give Lucas a chance to change Star Wars again.)

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The Dirty Dozen

There's no way that the remake would even approach the original.

Lee Marvin, Charles Bronson, Clint Walker,Telly Savalas.....

Too much star power that can't be matched today. They'd probably try to remake it with those stiffs Affleck and Damon too..:puke:

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Theres a great old movie called 'The Naked Prey' I'd love to see redone. Maybe set on an alien planet. The entire movie is Cornell Wilde running from a tribe of natives trying to kill him. Almost no dialogue, but totally engrossing.

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for a while now i've been thinking "Clash of the Titans" and "Logan's Run". i read a year or so ago that they were trying to write a new script for "Logan's" but it didn't go anywhere or the director they wanted was busy.... i'll check for an update on that.

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Logan's Run is a cult classic that I have never seen before. You guys have peaked my interest about this movie. I am going to try to watch it this long holiday weekend now.

I see that they are going to release a new King Kong movie this summer. I saw the previews tonight before the war of the worlds. This looks like a cool remake.

The Mad Max movies have potential for a good remake. So would the day the Earth stood still.

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They should do a sequal to Taxi Driver and cast Robert de Niro as Travis Bickle again. Seriously, who wouldn't want to see where everybody's favorite maniac ended up 30 years later? I say this only half joking. :)

And zoony, I think It's a Mad Mad Mad Mad World was already remade in the form of Rat Race.

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Originally posted by Tommy-the-Greek

Some others that come to mind are

Invasion of the body Snatchers

Which one? :)

And don't touch 2001. PLEASE!!!

As for my list:

Jason and the Argonauts

The Puppet Master





Bride of Frankensien

Creature from the Black Lagoon




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