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GOP lawmaker: Saddam linked to 9/11


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GOP lawmaker: Saddam linked to 9/11

N.C. representative says 'evidence is clear'

NEW YORK (CNN) -- A Republican congressman from North Carolina told CNN on Wednesday that the "evidence is clear" that Iraq was involved in the terrorist attacks against the United States on September 11, 2001.

"Saddam Hussein and people like him were very much involved in 9/11," Rep. Robin Hayes said.

Told no investigation had ever found evidence to link Saddam and 9/11, Hayes responded, "I'm sorry, but you must have looked in the wrong places."

Hayes, the vice chairman of the House subcommittee on terrorism, said legislators have access to evidence others do not.

Sen. John McCain, R-Arizona, said that Saddam was a dangerous man, but when asked about Hayes' statement, would not link the deposed Iraqi ruler to the terrorist attacks on New York, the Pentagon and Pennsylvania.

"I haven't seen compelling evidence of that," McCain, a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, told CNN.

On Tuesday night, President Bush mentioned the September 11 attacks five times during his address on the war in Iraq, prompting criticism from congressional Democrats. (Full story)

The 9/11 commission, appointed by Bush, presented its final report a year ago, saying that Osama bin Laden had been "willing to explore possibilities for cooperation with Iraq" at one time in the 1990s but that the al Qaeda leader "had in fact been sponsoring anti-Saddam Islamists in Iraqi Kurdistan, and sought to attract them into his Islamic army."

The 520-page report said investigators found no evidence that any "contacts ever developed into a collaborative operational relationship."

"Nor have we seen evidence indicating that Iraq cooperated with al Qaeda in developing or carrying out any attacks against the United States," it said.

President Bush said in September 2003 that "We've had no evidence that Saddam Hussein was involved with the September 11 [attacks]."

Nevertheless, Hayes insisted that the connection between al Qaeda and Saddam and "folks who work for him" has been seen "time and time again."

"Nobody disputes 9/11," Hayes said. "They would do it again if not prevented."

I'm curious what info he's got that makes it clear. That's pretty bold.

If he's got it, we should all see it. I think it would help with public support.

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I'm curious what info he's got that makes it clear. That's pretty bold.

If he's got it, we should all see it. I think it would help with public support. [/b]

I am sure that there is a reason that information is not public. And who cares about public support. We have a mission to accomplish and it doesn't matter what the public thinks, we just need to accomplish it.

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Originally posted by airborneskins

I am sure that there is a reason that information is not public. And who cares about public support. We have a mission to accomplish and it doesn't matter what the public thinks, we just need to accomplish it.

Yeah who the hell cares what the people think anyway. It's ok for our leaders to lie to us, make secret anything they deem we shouldn't know, and basically do whatever the hell they want anyway. So screw it let's just scrap this whole "for the people" bullsh!t.
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Hmmm....let's see here.

A republican congressman has evidence that links Saddam to 9/11. And yet, curiously, this information is being kept secret from the public...for no apparent reason, even though it would greatly help Bush's push for this obviously illigetimate war.


If its so secret, why even mention it exists?

This is just another in a series of attempts to link 9/11 to Saddam, even though in reality the are as linked as Mary Kate Olson is linked to food. But the public would be much more in favor of this war is there was a clear link, so republican politicians keep claiming there is a link, in hopes that people who want to believe it, will.

Claptrap propaganda at its finest. Shame on you if you bought it.

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Originally posted by Destino

Yeah who the hell cares what the people think anyway. It's ok for our leaders to lie to us, make secret anything they deem we shouldn't know, and basically do whatever the hell they want anyway. So screw it let's just scrap this whole "for the people" bullsh!t.

That's not what I am saying. We have a war to fight. If we went off of what the general public wants, There is a GREAT possibility that another 9/11 would happen. Nobody likes War. It is just a part of life. The President and his cabinet have a plan. We cannot make all of it general information. Do you realize that the Enemy watches our TV and reads our papers, to come up with ways to attack us? So do you want the enemy to be one step ahead of us? I do not. Why don't you stand behind your president for a change. And if you do not like it vote differently in 2008.

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Originally posted by airborneskins

I am sure that there is a reason that information is not public. And who cares about public support. We have a mission to accomplish and it doesn't matter what the public thinks, we just need to accomplish it.

Bush already said, "Mission Accomplished!?"

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Originally posted by airborneskins

That's not what I am saying. We have a war to fight. If we went off of what the general public wants, There is a GREAT possibility that another 9/11 would happen. Nobody likes War. It is just a part of life. The President and his cabinet have a plan. We cannot make all of it general information. Do you realize that the Enemy watches our TV and reads our papers, to come up with ways to attack us? So do you want the enemy to be one step ahead of us? I do not. Why don't you stand behind your president for a change. And if you do not like it vote differently in 2008.

Living in a "Free" country has a price. The cost of being free is reduced safety in some cases.

I'd rather be free than overprotected.

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Originally posted by airborneskins

That's not what I am saying. We have a war to fight. If we went off of what the general public wants, There is a GREAT possibility that another 9/11 would happen. Nobody likes War. It is just a part of life. The President and his cabinet have a plan. We cannot make all of it general information. Do you realize that the Enemy watches our TV and reads our papers, to come up with ways to attack us? So do you want the enemy to be one step ahead of us? I do not. Why don't you stand behind your president for a change. And if you do not like it vote differently in 2008.

I agree that we once the war begins you can't let the day to day polls effect the decisions on the ground there. But I have a serious problem with the American people being deemed unworthy of the evidence linking Saddam to 9/11. If that is true then drag it out into the light. The citizens of this nation have been given the responsibility of a democracy and not being allowed to know the truth complicates things.

Anyone know what the standards are for deciding something be deemed classified and hidden from the public? How do we know that politicians aren't just covering eachothers @sses.

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Originally posted by airborneskins

That's not what I am saying. We have a war to fight. If we went off of what the general public wants, There is a GREAT possibility that another 9/11 would happen. Nobody likes War. It is just a part of life. The President and his cabinet have a plan. We cannot make all of it general information. Do you realize that the Enemy watches our TV and reads our papers, to come up with ways to attack us? So do you want the enemy to be one step ahead of us? I do not. Why don't you stand behind your president for a change. And if you do not like it vote differently in 2008.

What nobody wants is a direct attack on the US such as 9/11. In what way has Iraq in its 73 year history ever directly attacked the US, or had the means to do so?

This is what critics of Bush's foreign policy don't get, including me.

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Sen. John McCain, R-Arizona, said that Saddam was a dangerous man, but when asked about Hayes' statement, would not link the deposed Iraqi ruler to the terrorist attacks on New York, the Pentagon and Pennsylvania.

"I haven't seen compelling evidence of that," McCain, a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, told CNN.

Maybe they only show the evidence to Republicans with a high enough idiological purity rating.

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Originally posted by airborneskins

I am sure that there is a reason that information is not public.

Live long enough and you will learn not to trust everything you are told. A lot of Americans still think there was a link between Saddaam and 9/11 even when all bi-partisan commissions have found none. Why? Because the Bush Administration still says 9/11 in the same sentence as Saddaam. Folks that let others do their thinking for them make the connection between the two even when none exists. I believe the Bush Administration does this deliberately and that's why I consider him a liar, i.e. his is delberately misleading the American public.

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Originally posted by twa

This site claims evidence of a link, it is pretty good read if you have a open mind.


Of course if your mind is too open no tellimg what will go in.;)

Too open creates a situation where you find yourself running around the woods at night with night vision strapped to you face in search of the mothman....

...or so I've been told.

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Originally posted by Destino

Too open creates a situation where you find yourself running around the woods at night with night vision strapped to you face in search of the mothman....

I thought those were for snipes.

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Maybe it takes a nuanced mind to grasp this.

But I'll try and explain MY point of view.

First and Foremost. I havent seen anything that makes me think Saddam had part in the planning or execution of 9/11.

That said.

Al Queda has dozens of arms, dozens of training grounds, underground networks and certainly members who are also members of other nutcase terror groups. It's very plausible that Saddam gave money to a terrorist group ( a proven fact with one of the Terrorstinian groups) and that money ended up aiding Al Queda.

But more to the point, I dont believe for a second that Saddam would have turned down a request for aide from any terror group with plans to kill Americans.

So he might not have had a part in 9/11, but I think he would have if given the chance.

I think the problem that those who dont grasp this have is simple. They believe that this war is against Al Queda. It's not. It's against all terror groups in the world. Iraq just happened to be next on the list.

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I completely agree with Kilmer17 on this.....but yet I still get really mad when the two are linked like it is a fact....when it most certainly isn't....the fact that they are lying/stretching the truth on this issue means that there are probably plenty of other things that it is happening with too..

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