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Extremeskins Q&A with Bram Weinstein -- Post your questions here.


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Next Thursday we have scheduled a chat with 980's Redskins reporter and sports talk host, Bram Weinstein. I will utilize as many of your questions as I can in the interview, so please post them here.

One thing I've enjoyed about the chats Extremeskins has done so far is each has gone beyond standard chats you see everywhere else. You guys have done a good job coming up with good, hard questions and knowing a legitimate answer from puff.

So, please do ask the standard "insider" fare you would want to know of Bram, but, let's keep with teh spirit of the good, in-depth, quality interviews we've done in the past. As always, this is to be catered as much as possible toward what YOU want to know.

Post your questions here.

Extremeskins Staff.

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Bram, thanks very much for taking the time to answer our questions.

To the questions:

1. How do you balance the fact that you are clearly a fan of the Redskins with your role as a reporter? As it seems imperative as part of your job to ask incisive, and at times potentially damaging, questions that address the Redskins' shortcomings, it seems like it could conflict with your love of the team. However, maybe your love of the 'Skins drives you to delve as deeply into the heart of their troubles as possible in order to facilitate a resolution to such problems?

2. As a corollary, how do you balance reporting the factual news with (or without) integrating your own voice in the process?

3. Finally, do you feel as though it's a better service to Redskins fans for media outlets to be objective "fact-conveyers" or editorial columnists?

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Q:Assuming Sean Taylor plays this season, why do most experts not give our defense much credit going into this season. (I have read at least three op-ed pieces on "Teams that may suprise" that make sure to mention Dallas and the NY Giants, specifically because of their defense!?!)Sure, we lost Smoot, but there seems to be absolutely no mention of Shawn Springs who arguable had a better or more efficient season at CB then Fred Smoot. Besides Carlos Rogers being a rookie, and going through the NFL learning curve where else on our defense can be possibly be conceived as weaker?

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Q: Bram, why do NFL "experts" have such a short memory that they can't look back to the Redskins' glory days and see that most of the teams that won superbowls had more then one capable QB on the roster. I know in today's game everyone wants to be a star, but is it that out of this world to suggest Gibbs wants good QBs to back up the starter in the case of injury instead of having to throw the season away like the Falcons did with Doug Johnson after Vick went down?

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Originally posted by bubba9497

ever wanna smack Czabes and Andy Pollie?

:thumbsup: Where's does the line form? I want my turn too.

This probably won't be something that could be answered publicly, but ...

For me, those guys make me tune to another station, plain and simple. I don't hear much of Bram because when I think to tune to the station, I decide to go elsewhere because of all of the childish, unprofessional, and repetitive garbage those guys "contribute" to the station. They come across like they're a couple of kids sitting in their Mom's basement, whining about the same things, based on their opinions rather than facts, over and over and over again. What's your opinion of them?

Ok, I'll try it this way...

I really enjoy the idea of sports talk radio, but is there any push to upgrade the quality of the product?

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As a lifelong Skins fan, does seeing things 'behind the scenes' as a beat reporter ever get you feeling jaded and burned out? If not, what about the job keeps you excited about going to work the next day?

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Have you ever been confronted or questioned about something you reported by a player or coach... and how do you handle difficult situations like that? Trying to be honest and objective... yet still trying to maintain the players trust to talk to you and provide information.

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Originally posted by airborneskins

Q: You said that you often come to Extremeskins.com to see what the fans think. Does this affect the way that you brodcast on the air at all? And how often do you check in with us?

Part B:

Do you know have a Screen Name?

(are you Andyman?)



Q. Are the Redskins still waiting for trade offers for Gardner? Why hasn't he been cut yet? Is there still a possibility of him staying on the team?

Q. In your honest opinion, and with what you've seen of the team so far, do you think the Redskins have the pieces in place now to be in the playoff race this year or are we still a year or so away?

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Many of us here at extremeskins are of the opinion that the majority of sports writers out there are anti-Redskins. Besides the rare couple of articles a month that are half-way positive, most articles focus on all the negatives and none of the positives. The WRs are terrible, Smoot and Pierce are gone, Dan Snyder is a terrible owner, etc. They go so far as to say the game has passed Joe Gibbs by and that he doesn't "get it" any more, even though he is making all the right adjustments this offseason. I would just like to know your opinion on this and if you think its simply a product of so many losing seasons?

Oh yeah, and thanks for taking the time to answer our questions!

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What is your opinion on the plethora of misinformation/misreporting coming from the Washington Post? I'm assuming as a fan it bothers you but what about as a journalist? Does it bother you at all when facts are misreported at the alarming frequency they are at the Post?

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I'd like to know which of our linebackers is leading in the race to be our starting MLB. Lastv I HEARD it was Marshall,, wondring if mini camp has maybe changed that?

How is warrick Holdman looking overall?

Same question, but for phillip daniels, also.



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1.) Bram being as though you are a Redskins beat reporter for WTEM what is your outlook on the coming season and what do you think we will look like in terms of wins and losses?

2.) We as fans can only speculate on who we think will have breakout seasons for the Skins this yr, but you being around the team and talking w/coaches and players who do you think is poised to have breakout seasons for the Skins this yr?

Thanks for your time!

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1. Thanks for taking the time out to talk to ES about the Redskins and other things.

2. Since you are getting a better look from behind the scenes than the regular fan, do you think that the Redskins really look better going into training camp this year than in 2004?

Do the Redskins look like they really will improve on last year or is this "hype" like we felt/heard last year when many thought just by having Gibbs back the Skins could be champions again?


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