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WP: Redskins' Taylor Gives Statement to State Attorney


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Redskins' Taylor Gives Statement to State Attorney



Wednesday, June 22, 2005; E02

Washington Redskins safety Sean Taylor yesterday gave a voluntary statement through an interview with the Miami-Dade state attorney's office, accompanied by his attorney, Edward Carhart . Taylor gave the statement in hopes that prosecutor Mike Grieco will drop two felony charges of assault with a firearm and a misdemeanor count of simple battery before Friday's scheduled arraignment, Carhart said.

Grieco, who asked Taylor questions during the unrecorded one-hour session, is overseeing the pre-filing conference during which prosecutors gather information before deciding whether there is sufficient evidence to pursue their case.

Ed Griffith , a spokesman for Grieco, said Taylor's arraignment Friday at the Richard E. Gerstein Justice Building in Miami would take only a few minutes. Carhart and Taylor aren't expected at the arraignment; Carhart said this week he would file a written not-guilty plea on behalf of Taylor.

Carhart wouldn't disclose the specifics of yesterday's interview session, but said that Taylor told prosecutors he didn't have a gun during the June 1 incident, as police have charged.

-- Nunyo Demasio

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Sounds to me like the charges will go forward. If they didn't think they had sufficient evidence, they would drop the case prior to the hearing. He would not have to file a plea at the arraignment because the charges would be dropped. I don't think he'll ultimately get convicted, but the charges are going to move forward. They aren't getting dropped at this stage.

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Originally posted by kappaluvacee

Sounds to me like the charges will go forward. If they didn't think they had sufficient evidence, they would drop the case prior to the hearing. He would not have to file a plea at the arraignment because the charges would be dropped. I don't think he'll ultimately get convicted, but the charges are going to move forward. They aren't getting dropped at this stage.

It could go either way. A defense attorney just doesn't bring his client in for questioning if he had a weak case. It tells me the defense attorney believes they have a good case to go to court with. The prosecution may just be taking their time in deciding what to do. They don't have to decide until Friday anyway.

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Originally posted by sweet daddy

Well...if he gets off.....There is also another upside....a .0000001% chance he will change his ways.

If it is true he did not have a gun, then, changing his ways would mean you'd wish he did, and perhaps fired it. Personally, I'll hope he stays just about the same :).

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We need him around, and I hope it gets dropped.

However, I agree with sweet daddy. Im not focusing on threatening with a gun, but if he gets off again, thats twice he got off when he coulda faced some time, with one being a pretty serious offense. Changing his ways could be more like being more disciplined off the field and actually showing up to practices and whatnot.

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Another move in this ongoing legal chess match. Sounds like both sides are "working through a process" so to speak.

I honestly don't see how you could bring a case against someone if the only evidence is the word of a couple of guys suspected of robbery and throwing shots. Unless they have some sort of really solid corroborating evidence, I absolutely think the charges will be dropped.

Then again, much like pro wrestling, nothing that happens in our legal system would surprise me anymore.

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Well this is the intersting part. If Taylor says he didn't have a gun with him and if there is a witness that backs up his story then unless the procecution has SEVERAL witnesses saying that Taylor did have a gun it would be next to impossible for the procecution to prove it. You know why? No PHYSICAL EVIDENCE. If Taylor had fired the gun and they had the bullet from it its one thing. To believe some witness (who could also be the ones that stole the ATVs) over Taylor's friend it would be very far reaching IMO. Lets not forget no one was shot, no one got hurt apperently etc etc. Taylor will get off.

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It's ST word vs. the word of people who are generally less credible than he (I am being nice). Without any physical evidence this should be a very hard case to prove if the prosecution goes through with it, especially down here. All you need is one UM supporter which isn't hard to find down here

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Attorneys normally insist their clients shut the heck up, so if he's encouraging or even allowing ST to make this statement, I'm guessing it might very well be true.

Since it's apparently established that shots were fired, but not by Taylor, I'm beginning to wonder if the thugs who stole his ATVs were threatened by him, fired at him, and then concocted a story amongst themselves that he had a gun in order to save their own arses.

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Originally posted by Riggo-toni

Attorneys normally insist their clients shut the heck up, so if he's encouraging or even allowing ST to make this statement, I'm guessing it might very well be true.

Since it's apparently established that shots were fired, but not by Taylor, I'm beginning to wonder if the thugs who stole his ATVs were threatened by him, fired at him, and then concocted a story amongst themselves that he had a gun in order to save their own arses.

That's the story I've been thinking all along. We'll see if it turns out to be true.

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We just have to be patient and wait for more facts to come out about the case. We still have two days until the arraignment which provides the prosecution two days to decide what they want to do. Talyor's lawyer does sound confident, which is a good sign for Sean. If they do drop the charges I hope Taylor learned something and decides he needs to get his act together and his life together.

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Regardless of whether the charges are dropped or if he pleads guilty to a lesser charge, I'm sure that ST learned something here. But ST has a ways to go before he is mature, and life will continue to teach him. Let's hope that his lessons aren't so public in the future.

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