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When we become good again...

Mr. S

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When we become good again, what will you all think about people you knew were Redskins fans but did not do anything to show support like watching the games? I really feel we will do well this year. However, I know enough people who like to claim they are Redskins fans, but do not even watch the games or follow any news (most come to me now since they all know I go to this site).

I am not a fan of bandwagoners, or fairweather fans. What do you all feel about people you know trying to be enthused Redskins fans again only cause we are winning?

It annoyed me at college this year at JMU. I know of waaay too many people who do not know the first thing about football, yet once we started doing well and were in the playoffs, the whole school was showing up for everything. I understand school spirit, but I'm thinking "why is it in week 2 our stadium was barely half full, and how can you all claim to be such great fans when you have before said "i could care less about football"?"

I wouldnt alienate a fellow fan, but I would also be pretty annoyed with them. What is your all takes?

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Originally posted by burritopunk

I am generally annoyed with all fairweathered fans, even Redskins ones. I usually shrug them off though and make fun.

Off topic, but Winchester VA? My brothers lived there. And I see you're 18, they're 19. Ever meet a couple of twins named Jon and Josh?

Also, S, Josh actually just finished his freshman year at JMU. Small world.

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That seemed to be the story this year with the Wizards.

Beginning of the season I barely see one person wearing a Wizards jersey(and if they did, it was probably a Jordan or discounted Stackhouse).

But as the new year passed by and we got closer and closer to playoff time more and more people wore Wizards jersies.

Personally if people are hoping on to my team's bandwagon I don't care too much because all it means is that my team is doing well. I do get annoyed when they claim they're real big fans and start criticizing the team when they just started rooting for them after their success.

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I usually don't worry about things like that. To each their own. Not a big deal really.


Okay. Things go well this season? I could be talked into posting a few threads from last season, ( including a game thread or 2). ;)

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Originally posted by FS36

Off topic, but Winchester VA? My brothers lived there. And I see you're 18, they're 19. Ever meet a couple of twins named Jon and Josh?

Also, S, Josh actually just finished his freshman year at JMU. Small world.

What are their last names and where'd they go to highschool?

I went to Handley....

and yes, small world!

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I can't stand fair weather fans either. At my work everyone dogs me for being a season ticket holder, and it gets so bad that I couldn't even give a ticket away when my wife couldn't make it. But i'm forever hopeful, I pray for wins, and i'll be disappointed with losses, but i'll always be back the following week routing em on. I'm sure with a nice bunch of wins under our belt we can weed out the johnny come latelys from those of us diehards.

Don't even get me started about the weasels who have to leave the game at the beginning of the 4th quarter during a losing effort. ughh

Man I can't wait till August comes around! I'll be the guy with a smile and a beer in the Apollo Parking Lot. ;)

:notworthy :logo: :notworthy


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Being in Dallas, I am surrounded by a horde of fairweather fans for Dallas. They are sickening........and could not name one player on their team beside maybe Roy Williams.

Those type of fans don't deserve space in my mind.


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Originally posted by Park City Skins

Okay. Things go well this season? I could be talked into posting a few threads from last season, ( including a game thread or 2). ;)

hahaha, nice! However, I still give credit to those of us who stuck around here at extremeskins, joining the site alone shows some caring for our team.

FS36, one of my friends at JMU lives in Winchester as well, though he did not go to high school there, though his brother does. What is Josh's last name, I prolly wont know him, but a slight change I might.

Gracelander, nice!

Yeh, probably shouldnt waste time with fairweather fans, but I think im gonna have to scold them a little, asking them where they were at the end of every loss last season, or even win for that matter. I still plan on going to the preseason game in carolina cause I cant be at the season opener.

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Originally posted by dfitzo53

I don't usually say anything to their face, I just let them have their fun. Of course it's annoying, but what're you going to do? You can't tell someone not to root for your team.

Gotta agree with you there. I can't say don't root for the team, but if I know any of them, I'll make fun of them :point2sky

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Fairweather fans don't bother me too much, because once you have any sort of conversation with them at all, it is easy to discern that they are just that. They show themselves for what they are fairly quickly.

BTW Mr. S, JMU class of '99 here, best school in the State! And, need I remind anyone, National Champs! What are you studying?

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Fairweather fans used to really bother me... but now I kind of don't care. If someone wants to root for the 'skins, fine. The more the merrier... it is a party, after all :)

Just a couple things.

1. Don't pretend you've been here all along. I think that's the root of what pisses everyone off. If you are a casual fan who likes your team more when they are winning... fine. No shame in it imho.

2. Don't change your mind on things. Don't be a gloom and doomer this offseason, then when the skins start winning, claim that you knew they would all along. :rolleyes:

I am a redskins fanatic... always have, always will be. But I don't expect everyone to be that way. It is a sickness after all :)

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The only other real Redskin that lives around me is my dad.

Last year, the fairweather Falcon fans came out in droves. That was annoying, I knew more about the Falcons than they did:doh:

Hey everybody loves a winner, it takes us real die hard fans to stick with your team.:cheers:

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Originally posted by FS36

Off topic, but Winchester VA? My brothers lived there. And I see you're 18, they're 19. Ever meet a couple of twins named Jon and Josh?

Also, S, Josh actually just finished his freshman year at JMU. Small world.

Another Handley Grad from Winchester here, and I'm transferring to JMU in the fall. Went to an orientation the other day.

Small world indeed.

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Maybe it has something to do with being a hardcore fanatic, but I don't see the fun at all of pretending to be rooting for a good team.

I mean, what makes it so fun to root for a winning team is because you lived through all the losing years.

I mean the Wizards have just flat out sucked for what seems like forever, and when they finally made the Eastern Conference Semis this year it felt SOOOOOO good, I don't see how it would feel if you just started rooting for them because they got good?

"If it never rains, the sun don't shine as bright."

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I am not a fan of bandwagoners, or fairweather fans.

Bottom line, weather you are talking about NCAA or pro football or even sports in general many fans are what you consider fairweather fans. I think that we are in a minority group when it comes to "real" fans. We are here during the off season talking about a team that went 6-10 last year.

What is worse than a fairweather fan is a turn coat. Ever know a guy who is a "huge" fan of who ever is winning? :logo:

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Originally posted by Blondie

Being in Dallas, I am surrounded by a horde of fairweather fans for Dallas. They are sickening........and could not name one player on their team beside maybe Roy Williams.

Those type of fans don't deserve space in my mind.


I really despise bandwagon Cowboy fans, mostly because they give real Cowboy fans like myself a bad name.

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Originally posted by zoony

Fairweather fans used to really bother me... but now I kind of don't care. If someone wants to root for the 'skins, fine. The more the merrier... it is a party, after all :)

Just a couple things.

1. Don't pretend you've been here all along. I think that's the root of what pisses everyone off. If you are a casual fan who likes your team more when they are winning... fine. No shame in it imho.

2. Don't change your mind on things. Don't be a gloom and doomer this offseason, then when the skins start winning, claim that you knew they would all along. :rolleyes:

I am a redskins fanatic... always have, always will be. But I don't expect everyone to be that way. It is a sickness after all :)

I agree with you, I really don't care. Sometimes, I think it's funny.

Like the area I live in now is on the fringe of Eagles territory. I rarely meet an actual Eagles fan. Except during the week before the Super Bowl. The place was lousy with people wearing Eagles jerseys, hats, jackets, t-shirts, you name it. It was laughable.

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Living in NJ I may not respect any bandwagon fans. I gotta admit I would love seeing some other people wearing our team colors in public. We went down to the Jersey shore last night to walk the boards and go for a swim. I was the only one I saw wearing Skin colors. That to me is a bit depressing. Oh God I hate Eagle green. I wish my dog could go pee on it and turn it yellow.:D

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