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For the six of us who still care - NHL, Union agree to Salary Cap


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As one of the few who miss hockey, this is good news. Hopefully these clowns can finish this off & get back on the ice......


TORONTO -- The NHL and the NHL Players' Association have agreed on a salary-cap system, eliminating the biggest stumbling block to the resumption of play next season, the Toronto Globe and Mail reported on its Web site Wednesday.

The paper reported that a source close to the owners, and another close to both owners and players, said there would be a team-by-team salary cap, based on a percentage of the revenue of each franchise.

In what is believed to be a six-year agreement, based on revenue projections by both sides, the salary cap will range from $34 million to $36 million, with the floor from $22 million to $24 million.

The league has previously demanded that the cap be 54 percent of a team's revenue.

However, this does not mean that an overall deal on the lockout is imminent. Negotiators for the players and owners are now working on other issues such as salary arbitration and free agency, according to GlobeandMail.com.

"They still have a ways to go," one source told the paper, although with the cap issue settled there is reason to hope a deal can be reached by early July.

NHL vice-president Bill Daly, the league's chief negotiator, declined to confirm or deny reports of a salary-cap deal.

But he did say publicly on Tuesday that negotiators had moved on to other issues, including salary arbitration, free agency, qualifying contract offers and others.

The lockout caused the cancellation of the 2004-05 season

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I'd like to see the NHL do the following:

- Make the rinks bigger to give the players more room to skate.

- Make the goalies wear much small padding.

- Not be as strict on fighting.

I remember how much fun it was to watch a 5-4 game with lots of fights in the '80's. Now I have to watch a 2-1 game with no fights. Bleh.

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Originally posted by rebornempowered

I am really missing the hockey playoffs. They are so fun to watch because you know the team at the end deserves to be champs because they just went through a war.

Hopefully, we will be talking about the finals again in one year!

I feel the same way. I LOVE hockey playoffs. I watched all of the Ducks games two years ago even when they were on until 3 AM. There's something really special about playoff hockey. I hope these people get their houses in order and both sides stop being so selfish. (Nearly) all of the players are going to be millionares anyway.

Here's to hockey's return and cheaper ticket prices for the fans. :)

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Originally posted by bird_1972

They need to condense the league down to fewer franchises, IMHO.

That's actually a really good idea. Teams should return to Canada and to Hartford where there tend to be more fans to support them that actually love hockey. Although I'm sure there are fans that are die hard supporters of the teams in the South, it just makes more sense for them to be farther north. (Of course, I don't want to lose the Caps!) I think maybe 20 teams would make sense--definitely not the 31(?) that there are now.

Contraction makes sense here IMO too.

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Hopefully they get this thing hammered away soon

ESPN has already dropped the NHL for next year. It is going to take a long time to get this ship righted

Hopefully guys like Crosby and Ovechkin live up to their billing and bring people back, sort of like Gretzky bringing people to the games in the early 1980s

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They should definitely bring back the whale.

I think they should contract the NJ Devils. They are the most boring team to watch in the history of sports. A 1-0 Devils lead is death to everyone in attendance.....

I think HDTV's will help bring hockey back. Anyone who's seen a hockey game in HD knows what i'm talking about. The NHL needs to find a network to broadcast, though. I don't think Spike TV is in High Def yet.....

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Originally posted by endzone_dave

I'd like to see the NHL do the following:

- Make the rinks bigger to give the players more room to skate.

- Make the goalies wear much small padding.

- Not be as strict on fighting.

I remember how much fun it was to watch a 5-4 game with lots of fights in the '80's. Now I have to watch a 2-1 game with no fights. Bleh.

Actually Dave - smaller padding for goalies is being reviewed as a potential change for next year. I think it has a good chance to go through.

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Well... I can come off suicide watch now. ;)

But it'll still be a while before a deal is done (probably 3-4 weeks)

Mostly because of the hammering out that needs to happen with Rookie Contracts, Transfer Agreements, and How to allow other teams to get under the Cap.

And the NHL has a long way to go to improve their viewership... but that's been a problem prior to the lockout. Though, there's a rumor floating that they might offer free Center Ice on Direct TV. That'd be a start.

Oh, and jbooma, there never really was a 42million dollar proposal. 36-37 was as high as Bettman would go, but 42 is what Goodenow was holding out for at the time. So, ultimately, the Players Association did cave, but that's realistic when the owners aren't making money.

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Originally posted by BayouBrave86

There is a proposed shoot out rule, if that goes into effect that is going to SUCK.

I actually like the shootout idea in regular season games. Not for the postseason.

I am worried a bit about the effects of taking out the redline and having a bigger net. Smaller goalie equipment is cool, but on NHL.com they were using an "oval shaped" net. Really bizzare

There were some other interesting rule changes being talked about. Like allowing the offensive zone to go to the red line once a team has established itself in the zone. So a team would need to clear it past the red line rather then the blue line to clear a zone.

I like the idea of eliminating the 2 line pass penalty, quicker faceoffs, and calling all obstructions as well as banning the trap. It would open up the game a bit so you have more 5-4 type games rather then 3-2. But they shouldn't go too far so that you end up with 9-8 games

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Guest Gichin13

On WTEM this evening they reported that the player's union denied the report, not sure on the details on that ...

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Originally posted by SkinsHokieFan

I actually like the shootout idea in regular season games. Not for the postseason.

I am worried a bit about the effects of taking out the redline and having a bigger net. Smaller goalie equipment is cool, but on NHL.com they were using an "oval shaped" net. Really bizzare

There were some other interesting rule changes being talked about. Like allowing the offensive zone to go to the red line once a team has established itself in the zone. So a team would need to clear it past the red line rather then the blue line to clear a zone.

I like the idea of eliminating the 2 line pass penalty, quicker faceoffs, and calling all obstructions as well as banning the trap. It would open up the game a bit so you have more 5-4 type games rather then 3-2. But they shouldn't go too far so that you end up with 9-8 games

I'll agree. The shootout, while heresy to some Canadians, it really isn't that bad of an idea. With the skilled players, goalies are going to get the short end of the stick. However, shootouts, like they do in International Competitions are extremely interesting.

I will have to agree with some of the proposed changes that they're thinking about, even the weird net (however that's just a 'concept' design stage) and say that it should be for the better. While I like defensive hockey, scoring is more entertaining for the casual fan.

Yet, more of what they need to do is continue to push the crackdown on the interference and the clutching and grabbing that has plauged NA hockey for at least 10-15 years. If they eliminate that, and give players more room to operate (room they should have) they'll have higher scoring.

This might be a bit out of place here, but to be honest, hockey and the Caps are my first love. Not by much, I still care for the Skins just as much, but if push came to shove, lets just say I'm glad I don't have to make that choice.

And, though there might not be a ton of hockey fans, there are a significant group of pretty strong NHL (and Caps) supporters in the DC area.

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Originally posted by SkinsHokieFan

Looks like there will be TONS of rules changes.

It could be a drastically different game, with no red line, touch up offisides, bigger nets, etc.

Check out NHL.com. They have several videos of expermintal changes

Yeah, I saw all that, but I bet a lot of that will be abandon.

What I think will be done is ....

Elimination of the two line pass, touch up offsides, more obstrution enforcement goalies wearing 11 inch wide pads, and hopfully enforcement of properly fitting pants and chest pads for goalies so a standerd jersey can fit over them.

The goals will remain the same size I think.

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Originally posted by herrmag

Agreed. There is nothing in any sport like an overtime goal in Game 7 of a playoff series!!:cheers:

Shoot outs will only be used in in the regular season, AFTER a 5 minute overtime, so there are no ties. THAT is good. Playoff overtime will be the same.

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