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Everything posted by balki1867

  1. When the Kim Davis story was happening in Kentucky (county clerk who refused to hand out gay marriage licenses because it was against her religion), I legitimately wondered whether I (raised Hindu), could get a job at a steakhouse and then refuse to work as eating beef was against my religion and I couldn't be an accomplice to others' sinning.
  2. As an Everton fan, I can only dream. I can't wait to renew the Merseyside Derby in the English Championship. Given some of the ownership groups in the Premier League, this would barely be a blip on their radar. The challenge for Snyder would be that you can't just be incompetent and pocket the TV money-- you have to have a certain level of mediocrity just to stay in the league.
  3. Is that where you run away from town because gay people want to have sex with you, then hide in a cave, get drunk and have sex with both of your daughters, getting them pregnant, only hours after watching your wife get turned into a pillar of salt?
  4. This reminds me of my favorite “clean” dirty joke: Q: What’s the best thing about hooking up with an anti-vaxxer? A: Only 8 years of child support!
  5. I'm starting to think maybe they're not conspiracy loons-- they just suck at math.
  6. Every time I hear about NewsMax, I think of the SportsMax SNL skit, where the channel just shows the Jets winning regardless of what actually happened.
  7. Just to be clear-- when I said, "There's no point in voting if you already know your preferred candidate is going to win/lose by a 60/40 margin," I'm NOT advocating that people abstain from voting. I was just pointing out that I understand how gerrymandering depresses voter turnout. I live in Chicago, where pretty much every election for every office goes 70-30 Democrat and I still vote in every election.
  8. The gerrymandering is the kicker for me-- there's no point in voting if you already know your candidate is going to win/lose by a 60/40 margin. Honestly, even with the majority of the popular vote, this was a really bad election for Republicans-- midterm Democratic president will middling approval, as well as being fresh off of redistricting, and they turned that into a miniscule majority that leads to the insane asylum running the party. Bruh... Not that I advocate such an egregious violation of someone's personal privacy, but I'd be checking my wife's phone if I was Gov. Gianforte.
  9. I'm actually surprised by this, but according to Wikipedia, Republicans actually won the popular vote 50.6% to 47.8% (2022 United States House of Representatives elections - Wikipedia).
  10. lol yeah. Republicans loved states rights until they realized California can literally change entire industries via state laws because of the size of the state.
  11. It's weird-- I've heard half a dozen stories from people I know around the country about "a kid in my school district who identifies as a dog. In fact, he/she sued the district to allow him to eat lunch out of a dog bowl. It was in the news locally," Yet it's always, "a kid in my district," and never a kid at their child's school, or a kid they or their child has witnessed eating out of a dog bowl. Where is this propaganda originating from?
  12. The funniest thing about this is that I'm 42 and I wouldn't even click the link on a product that promised to make me biologically 37 again. If you make that 15 or 20 years, I'm at least reading the article.
  13. +1 on the tavern style pizza. I literally get deep dish maybe 1-2x a year because it's so heavy. Tavern style is more of a traditional pizza. Also if you enjoy the Architecture Boat Tour, the Chicago Architecture Center also run a bunch of walking and train-based tours of various parts of the city. Others have mentioned this, but please also get a Chicago-style hot dog. It was one of my favorite things when I first moved here.
  14. Alinea really did some awesome things during the pandemic. They used to sell box kits with instructions to cook the meals at home. Obviously a $50 meal kit isn’t the same as going to a Michelin restaurant but they found some creative ways to keep the restaurant relevant and keep their kitchen staff employed. My girlfriend and I got “Alinea to go,” on multiple occasions.
  15. I’ve been in Chicago for almost 14 years now. Some of my favorite things 1) The architecture boat tour. I’ve done it like 6-7 times now and it never gets old 2) the neighborhoods: if you want to get off the beaten path, I’d suggest checking out wicker park/bucktown, Southport corridor, Lincoln square. I’m in old town which isn’t quite as iconic IMO. The neighborhoods are honestly the best part of Chicago; also check to see what neighborhood street rests are happening when you’re in town 3) pizza: I always opt for peaquods but some Chicagoans would fight me on this. It’s not technically Chicago-style deepdish 4) museums: others have listed a few but I’ll add in the museum of science and industry and the Chicago history museum. They are both a bit away from the museum campus (history museum in old town, science and industry in Jackson park) 5) someone in this thread mentioned Mexican food- honestly Chicago is better than many people realize— pilsen has some awesome spots 6) trendy restaurants- River north and Randolph street have a ton 7) enjoy the lake: if you’re a runner, plan a run on the lakeshore trail, or rent a bike and ride it. There’s a few bars that have beach seating too. North Ave beach gets absolutely packed during the summer- this may or may not be a good thing for you
  16. For some reason, I just thought about the kitchen appliance- The Salad Shooter. They still make them but they used to advertise them on TV aggresively in the 80s and 90s. In hindsight, that's the most American invention ever-- "OK, I know you don't like vegetables because they're not manly but what it... the veggies came out of a gun???"
  17. When I was in my mid-20s I moved to a new city for work and joined a Toastmasters club to meet new people. I've joined a few Toastmasters clubs over the years and I've learned that pretty much everyone fits 1 of 4 buckets: 1) Young people new in town who want to meet people away from the bar scene 2) Salespeople trying to meet new clients 3) Immigrants who really want to work on their public speaking 4) Old people who want to lecture to a captive audience People from Category 4 regularly featured the exact type of logic in that tweet. I still sometimes think about the dude who spent 7 minutes lecturing us about who the government mandating CFL light bulbs (to replace older incandescent ones) was essentially government tyranny, no different than slavery.
  18. I started getting into music when I was in 8th grade (1993). That 'Hero' song by Crosby and Phil Collins always used to hit hard.
  19. George Santos is going to be really upset when he finds out about Trump taking credit for his golf title.
  20. Israel’s got a weird demographic problem. The people who have the most kids tend to be Palestinians and Orthodox Jews, putting younger Israelis at extreme ends of the political spectrum. The people in the middle (politically) tend to have fewer children and those kids are more likely to eventually move out of the country for their careers (namely to the US). So it’s a double whammy. The divide is only going to get worse- the political middle ground (and the populace who want such a middle ground) is shrinking.
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