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Everything posted by balki1867

  1. LOL, I'm an Indian American (i.e.: South Asian) man and when I was at an airport once, the rental car guy took a look at me and said, "I have a question... Are you ethnically Indian?" I'm not typically offended by questions like that (he seemed genuinely curious), so I said yes. Then he got really excited and said, "I knew it! When you walked up, I could just tell. And then I saw your name and I knew it." I'm a very obviously Indian American person so I found it mostly hilarious-- either one of those things (my presence or my name) would be obvious giveaways that I'm ethnically South Asian, but this guy was just so proud of himself for cracking the case. I couldn't help but find it wholesome in a really weird way.
  2. Yeah many companies do this, you can use the app, but any monetary transaction (i.e. signing up for a subscription) needs to happen via web to avoid paying the apple tax.
  3. Honk at a car that's in front of the car in front of them-- does the honker think the other driver is going to figure out that the honk was intended for them?
  4. The color commentary guy on Fox sounds way too much like Bill Burr. I keep expecting him to break down and go on some crazy rant.
  5. I'd laugh if their tantrum about losing the senate election (i.e.: refusing to certify the election) caused a congressional election to flip as a result.
  6. My favorite anti-ACA argument was the people saying, "THEY SHOULD BE FORCED TO HAVE THE SAME HEALTHCARE AS GOVERNMENT WORKERS, NOT SOME FANCY-PANTS COMMUNIST HEALTHCARE." So... like... an organized marketplace where any provider who participates is expected to provide a defined minimum standard of care? BRILLIANT IDEA!
  7. As an added benefit, it'll take them all two years to do it, so congress won't have time to pursue any legislation.
  8. Apparently some of the Iranian athletes are facing serious consequences for their national anthem snub once they’re back in Tehran, so they have extra incentive to get to the knockout stage.
  9. I watched the 'Redeem Team' documentary on Netflix (about the 2008 US Olympic Men's Basketball team) a couple of weeks ago, and one of the things that stood out to me was that for some of the mid-tier countries the US played, the talent pool was so small that kids with high potential are identified very young and play together/against each for over a decade before they take the floor together as an Olympic team. The US team had magnitudes better talent but far less chemistry- and even that had to be forced given that international basketball was ultimately a sideshow for those players. It seemed similar with the Saudi Arabia vs Argentina game this morning. Those guys mostly play in the Saudi domestic league but have magnitudes of time on the pitch together compared to the Argentinian players. I only watched the last ~30 minutes but their performance seemed far from a fluke given some of the chances they stopped. Granted, the World Cup actually is a major event, compared to Olympic basketball.
  10. Yeah I've only seen stoppage time that long because of something really crazy happening (i.e.: gruesome injury or an on-field protest)
  11. Apparently England and Iran had 14 and 13 minutes respectively added to each half earlier today.
  12. My Thanksgiving costs are only this high because I have so much to be thankful for. Checkmate, Cons
  13. "Tell me you watched old Simpsons reruns last night without telling me you watched old Simpsons reruns last night"
  14. Sectaurs looks like a knockoff of He-man, who also happens to be a knockoff of much better superheroes. also “Sectaurs,” autocorrects to “Sexy Aura,” on my phone, so that’s kind of cool. Fun fact: Orko (from he-man) was originally named “Gorko,” but the studio realized that if they named him “Orko,” then the “O” on his shirt allowed all of his animations to be reversed, so they could use the footage 2x and save on production costs for animators.
  15. What'll be interesting is if they're dumb enough to impeach Biden over this. The Senate majority sets the rules in an impeachment hearing and they could make it an all-out circus to tear apart how stupid the entire thing is.
  16. Putting people named 'Cerrato' into positions of authority does not historically end well, but I'm willing to give her the benefit of the doubt.
  17. I wonder if NBD Cowboys fans just pick some random country that we don't like and cheer for them just to be quirky. "I don't know man... I guess I'm just an independent thinker, but I've just always naturally gravitated to pulling for Iran."
  18. "Beat 'em, swamp 'em, touchdown, let the points soar," has 10 syllables "Left hand up, who are we? The Commanders!" also has 10 syllables Just saying...
  19. It's very unlikely he gets any jailtime. I just think it's pure business-- None of the traditional GOP candidates had a shot against Hillary in 2016 until Trump showed up, and he handed them a Supreme Court majority that will likely breathe another 20-30 years of life into their platform. Unfortunately for him, he's now a liability to them.
  20. Anyone complaining about that call is laughable. Reddick (#7) made contact with Heinicke first and was able to pull up and not draw a penalty. Graham was actually the second person to make contact with Heinicke and pushed forward with his hands even as he was hitting him. I'll give them the facemask as a notably bad call, but so was the offensive PI on Washington (albeit less egregious). The late hit was 100% the right call though.
  21. Should be entertaining-- one of the big promises from the crazies was that they'd impeach Biden on Day 1. I know a lot of the moderate Republicans got driven out, but there's a very real chance they don't even have the votes to symbolically impeach. There's a good chance there are two Republicans who don't want their name in the wrong column in US history books for perpetuity.
  22. Some actual quotes from a single thread in another board I read (below); I think it's obvious that Trump brings something to the Republican party that they don't have. While that loose consortium paid off handsomely in 2016 (and continues to pay off handsomely in the Supreme Court), it's also failed for 3 straight elections now. Also that other board is so ridiculous, I'm somewhat convinced there's a sizeable portion of bad actors (Russians, bored teenagers, whatever) egging on the crazy.
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