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Everything posted by balki1867

  1. Republicans seeking permission from women should be considered a sign of progress. Good for them...
  2. Yeah this is the weird thing about Republicans. They've evolved to just support an sort of batcrazy conspiracy theory. I distinctly remember reading a conversative OpEd ~15 years ago where the author was using anti-vaxxers (who tended to be liberal back then) as an example that both parties have their own sets of loons. At this point the Republican party is just professional trolls. They get off on how upset other people get at their stupidity.
  3. I always assumed the Nick Adams Alpha Male account was parody. He's not quite as good as the Three Year Letterman account but pretty solid.
  4. Nowadays MTG wanna talk like she got something to say But nothing comes out when she moves her lips, Just a bunch of gibberish The congresswoman acts like she forgot about Dre
  5. When will the persecution of George Santos and his family stop? First the Holocaust and now this.
  6. Promotion/Relegation combined with FFP are no joke. Dan literally learned nothing from his NFL days and I could legitimately see his leadership pulling Liverpool or Man U into the Championship with Leeds-sized problems to go along with it. As an Evertonian I'm salivating, except that Everton might be facing off with those clubs in the Championship once Moshiri and Danny do their respective magic.
  7. lol, they don’t have the votes to pass a rules package right now.
  8. Lol I’d love to see rogers stage a counter revolt and push away enough votes to keep this going.
  9. We need to start a petition to let the House Clerk officiate the coin toss at the Super Bowl. She’s more than earned it.
  10. Chill out libs, George is just acting out his trading signals from his days on the NASDAQ floor with Goldman Sachs.
  11. Interesting.. only 2 nominees this time around. Also, David Trone is back from surgery, so Jeffries will be back to 212.
  12. I think there are multiple things at play: 1) Attention is absolutely something they crave. Most of these people wouldn't be qualified for any job that pays anything close to what a congressional salary pays. Staying in the news is part of their business model for the books, speaking fees, "consulting jobs" for their spouses, etc. 2) They are incredibly proud. As @PleaseBlitz pointed out, going into the election, McCarthy believed he could becomes speaker without their support, and he basically told them to pound sand. Now that he needs them, they're not going to easily forget what he did to them, and they will humiliate them. 3) Part of the Republican message is that the Federal government is broken. The only way to keep that true is to keep sabotaging it. As long as nothing gets done, the Treasonous 20 can keep claiming they're trying to fix things with new leadership but they're too small to make a difference.
  13. MS-NBC just brought up a good point-- if the House can't name a speaker in the next two years, then there is nobody to count the electoral votes and finalize the 2024 election. There's no way that happens IMO but how crazy is that? Honestly, that's the least of our problems in that scenario. Staffers don't get paid, ordinary business we never hear about doesn't happen (e.g.: extending VA or various government agencies with bipartisan support, debt ceiling, new budget, etc.)
  14. This thread popping up reminds me of the Fresh Prince episode where Uncle Phil has to give a eulogy for another judge he despises. He stresses over what to say about such a person and when the day of the funeral comes, it turns out everyone at the funeral actually disliked the deceased judge as well. Uncle Phil asks the audience if they want to say anything nice about the deceased, and points to one person. That guy gets up and yells, "I'm just here to make sure he's dead!" https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/ea0d84ee-95b6-4ed8-a769-9d79c86d2b45
  15. I get visibly annoyed hearing that line. The rest of the country literally elects the worst human beings on earth (Boebert, Gaetz, Jordan) to Congress and then they turn around and claim DC is the problem. Washington DC, having zero voting representatives or senators, and having 3 electoral votes (only since ~1960) that have never decided a presidential election, is literally the only place in the country that can complain about our federal government with no accountability on themselves.
  16. People forget its not just the 11 votes over the last three days-- its 8 weeks of internal negotiation.
  17. I don't see how this ends anytime soon. If McCarthy gives away anything more, he might lose the handful of moderate Republicans who actually want to get work done in the next two years. If he doesn't budge, he doesn't have the votes. If they unveil a new speaker candidate, they're back at square one-- the new candidate will have to make concessions to moderate and batshiat candidates to get the votes he/she needs. A consensus candidate might really be the answer, though I imagine one of the concessions would have to be that we stop talking about Hunter Biden's Laptop. I don't know where you'd find enough Republicans to support that. Only 2 of the 10 that voted to impeach Trump are still in congress.
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