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Everything posted by balki1867

  1. LOL in the movie version of this, I just picture everyone going to jail, while the film ends with Melania and Barron walking away with sunglasses on.
  2. Should we be more concerned that JD Vance graduated from Yale Law and doesn't actually understand the law, or that he graduated from Yale Law and can't spell "Apple" ?
  3. Holy sh*t I was on a criminal jury in Illinois last year and getting a hold of our personal information would've been really difficult. The lawyers only ever knew us by our juror numbers-- the only time my name was ever used was on the jury duty check we got every day. I know it's a grand jury and a different state, but there needs to be some serious inquiry how personal information of jurors got in the hands of whoever posted it on those rightwing sites. (It's doable-- in my case, a friend of the defendant could've followed me to my car, but they'd either need to follow me home or have someone run my plates-- it would've been a fairly obvious paper trail either way).
  4. As an engineer, I'm always amazed by the ingenuity of early engineers. Humans literally want to the moon using a computer far less sophisticated than the one in your pocket right now.
  5. LOL, I wonder if this is like the "leaked" Supreme Court Roe decision, where it ended up likely being a conservative who wanted to ensure none of the conservative justices got cold feet at the end.
  6. I'm aware of what thread I'm in- and honestly its funny if it was actually true. It's just that the dude isn't a satire writer, he's just a liar.
  7. If he expects the stock price to spike upwards, he needs a Put option to make money (not a call option). The call option would be helpful is he did something that cause the price to drop. Also, that volume of options to a single buyer on a smallish company is going to get all kinds of SEC attention- people have been caught doing less, and without bragging about it on Facebook.
  8. Beating the Blue Jays is always special. F you Cito!!!
  9. Lol, there’s a history with public swimming pools (or the lack of them). When public services started getting integrated during the civil rights movement, many locales went out of their way to shut down public swimming pools to avoid the ignominy of having white kids share the same chlorinated pee water as their black and brown counterparts.
  10. LOL, I lived in the Detroit suburbs for a few years when Valenti first became famous, and every time I hear his name, I only think of one thing (jump to 4:20 for the good part):
  11. The impeachment thing seems weird to me— the Democrat-run senate would set all of the rules in the hearing and they can turn it into a complete spectacle to tear apart the “evidence.” They’d essentially do the exact opposite of what the republican-led senate did for TFG in burying his impeachment as quickly as possible. Its not a winning strategy for winning over middling voters.
  12. I remember reading that Snyder was obsessed with the $6B number, which was part of the reason that the Rockets owner pulled out. The $60M fine (bringing his net sale down to $5.99B) is karmic justice.
  13. Damn, I had no idea he was a WWII veteran. What an incredible life. RIP.
  14. Lots of conflicting emotions tonight— these are all things that happened today. my college best friend and his wife just had their second kid. Josh Harris. my dad suffered a detached retina (for the second time in 5 years) and it sucks watching him get old. the Orioles just took sole first place. im at that age where life is weird— I have a front row seat to the best and worst of it, and I can draw meaning from small things because I understand their context. I obviously knew about the ownership deal and the Orioles potentially taking first place when I woke up toda, and those are things that connect me to my 9-year-old self. But I also know that my dads health and my best friend becoming a father for the second time are clearly more important. Somehow those events all get filed together under July 20, 2023 in the anthology of my life.
  15. Irsay was in the background walking out of the conference room when Schefter was reporting live in ESPN. Irsay looked... less than sober.
  16. This reminds me of the fan takeover in Canton when Green and Monk got inducted to the HOF. I remember reading that the organizers had never seen anything like it for an HOF induction. I’ve lived in the midwest since college but my parents drove from DC to Canton and said every rest stop on the way was full of people wearing burgundy and gold.
  17. Jerruh looks like a little kid wearing his dad’s suit. Also he should definitely not be joking about being seen with a pretty woman. He’s got his own set of scandals.
  18. Random thought-- I wonder if the $250M "loan" negotiated into the sale is a backstop for any remaining legal loose ends. I.e.: The new ownership owes Danny $5.8B at closing and then $250M in a year or two-- I imagine that if the team has to pay out any sort of remaining legal settlements, it comes out of the $250M.
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