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Everything posted by balki1867

  1. LOL, I don't think they have the votes to do that right now either. If they could they almost certainly would. Forcing McCarthy to dickpunch himself over and over again is part of the negotiating strategy for the Treasonous 21.
  2. In all seriousness, I don't think they can stop. They literally have two options-- 1) have another vote; 2) adjourn. Last night, they got a small victory in their ability to adjourn, and all it meant was that they didn't embarrass themselves on primetime TV for all of america.
  3. LOL based on John James nomination speech, I don't think they have the votes yet. They must've realized overnight that blaming the Dems for their disfunction was not a winning strategy. He's openly poking fun at his own party- "we got small win last night, finally a moment of unity," (I assume in reference to their ability to vote together on adjourning). EDIT: I physically LOL'ed at his Detroit Lions joke. "I'm a Lions fan, so I'm an expert at snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. Let's not do that with our house majority."
  4. Oh wow, the Republicans are going after each other in the 5th round of nomination speeches.
  5. I imagine a consensus pick would have negotiated the same kinds of backstops that the far right as asking for (e.g.: a snap vote to remove the speaker), although moderates would be far more likely to use it judiciously (i.e.: no moving goalposts). If the speaker strayed, they could remove him/her and throw the house back into chaos.
  6. I doubt that. The speaker's role used to be highly respected but it's essentially become a thankless whipping boy since John Boehner had the job. Jordan knows that, which is why he'd rather hand it to someone like McCarthy and beat up on him instead of taking any actual accountability for his party's inability to do anything. Also, you mis-spelled Gym Jordan.
  7. I hate that I agree with Matt Gaetz about anything, but how was that even allowed to happen? You think Pelosi purposely did it to give the humiliation of having to move out again?
  8. I mean... Gaetz pays high school girls money to do this to him, so maybe we should take a moment to applaud McCarthy for, er, taking things into his own hands.
  9. yeah it seems like now some of these clowns provide teenage boys a playbook for how to behave like trash. I remember friends in college that would regularly quote Rush Limbaugh (I’ve heard, “feminism was created by unattractive women to make them relevant to mainstream culture,” way too many times from guys who couldn’t even talk to a girl) to get the same effect, but people like Tate are that on steroids.
  10. I'm actually surprised given the number of people dying because of Fentanyl-laced cocaine at the moment.
  11. LOL I'm getting Billy Joel vibes from that quote-- "He can kill with a smile, he can wound with his eyes He can ruin your faith with his casual lies And he only reveals what he wants you to see, He hides like a child but he's Kevin McCarthy to me"
  12. I assumed the problem was going to be that she'd been kicked out and banned from another MSG venue for doing something (i.e. being drunk and disruptive) and the facial recognition caught her, in which case I'd be all for it. This one seems excessive, but an event ticket is a revokable license, and the MSG has the right to do whatever. It's just not great PR when they kick people out for working for a company MSG is having a beef with.
  13. On the flip side, using the term, "Marshall Law," did provide for some quality memes about The Real Slim Shady taking over the White House.
  14. Feeling insulted requires a certain level of self-awareness and shame that MTG simply doesn’t have.
  15. You just described the entire midwestern and southeastern US.
  16. I’ve always loved the idea of extra time being 20 minutes of 10v10 with no goalies and no golden goal. After that, you institute the golden goal. I know people will complain it’s not “pure” but it’s better than penalty kicks imo.
  17. My favorites are the pollsters who ask questions like, "Do you think Joe Biden's plan to fastrack legal status for illegal immigrants if they convert to Islam will cost him any votes during the election?"
  18. I think the COVID lockdowns were a turning point for a lot of this kind of stuff. I have friends who ended up 100% remote at work and they rarely interact with anyone outside their household on a personal level. Meanwhile they work all day with Fox News repeating headlines every 30 minutes for literally HOURS. I'm not exaggerating. I have a good friend from college with whom I had a mini-tradition where once a year, we'd drive to campus, watch a football game, and grab a burger/beer at our favorite bar. I didn't even bring it up with him this year because he could turn literally anything into a political discussion. The last time we drove down, I mentioned seeing a sushi restaurant on campus (something that would never exist 20 years ago). He went on a rant about the student loan crisis, how his tax dollars were bankrolling the life of luxury for college students, and how his kids would never even see the benefit of any of this, because all the admissions were going to immigrants thanks to our out of control immigration policies. I know we likely always had some pretty different political views, but I have no f'ing clue what's gotten into him. He's an otherwise brilliant dude. It sucks man.
  19. Another one I just remembered: When I lived in the Detroit suburbs, I was in a bar one night in Hazel Park, which is a very white and very blue collar suburb (i.e.: if you drive straight north out of the city, it's amongst the first suburbs when you cross 8 Mile Road), so it can be a pretty "rough around the edges" area. I was using the bathroom and this guy using the urinal next to me asks me, "Hey are you Indian?" I'm not sure where this is going so I just say, "yeah... why do you ask?" "Well I got a question for you. I have this coworker at work. And every time the boss comes by and tells us something, as soon as he leaves, my coworker says something under this breath, like 'BAIN CHOAD' What does that mean?" "Your coworker is saying 'Sister F****r' in Hindi every time your boss walks away." He was laughing his butt off at that one. He walked out of the bathroom in front of me, and yelled across the bar (this was a small place) to a different friend, "Hey Steve, you're a BAIN CHOAD"
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