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Darrell Green Fan

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Everything posted by Darrell Green Fan

  1. Yep every game so far went the way I had hoped. I wanted to see BB get blown out, and I want Buffalo to do well. Dallas game was exciting and of course awesome in the way they lost. Not just the last play, their mental mistakes all game were astonishing. Now I'm hoping Mathew Stafford shuts up the critics tonight.
  2. Curious as to what the Steelers will do at QB I did a search. I literally did not see the name Dwayne Haskins in any article I found.
  3. I wasn't all that far off on my prediction before the start of the season. Of course I didn't predict the DL would play so far below expectations the way they have.
  4. @MrJLgave this a thumbs down. Would you care to elaborate? Did you see Chase Young getting the edge or being run behind the QB? Do you not have a concern about that? Please respond. @MrJLgave this a thumbs down. Would you care to elaborate? Did you see Chase Young getting the edge or being run behind the QB on a regular bass? Do you not have a concern about that? Please respond.
  5. I'm still not convince Chase has the physical tools to be dominant pass rusher. I'll keep saying it because nobody seems to want to respond to this point but Chase Young does not have the explosive first step to get the edge, the go-to move for all great pass rushers. He had it in college, a lot of that was being first off the snap and of course he was not playing NFL OTs. Until he gets the edge he will just be a good player and not much more IMO.
  6. This is what I continue to be amazed about. On January 7th I expected Trump's political future to be over and his supporters would acknowledge the obvious. But they can't or won't and it's not just bad guys. My best friend and I have had a number of discussions, he actually has been radicalized into believing it was Pelosi behind the riot to make Trump look bad. After he had already been defeated. Simply astonishing, and as we all know there is no way to reason with them.
  7. This is exactly how I feel. Just like with Dan Snyder justice will never be served and it is just so frustrating.
  8. Well seeing as Gibbs had control of personnel and went all in on Jason Campbell `and Brunell we know who is to blame for that.
  9. The same posters proposing Tribisky are probably the same posters who were pimping Sam Darnold a year ago. Guys first round busts rarely if ever work out in a new spot. MM was not a bust like Mitch but we know what he is and it's not good enough. But sadly this is where they find themselves, being forced to take guys like this. If you expect dramatic improvement from the QB position with this route I suggest you think again.
  10. Never is a figure of speech and not to be taken literally. Just as you can't say I will never win a slam dunk contest even though we all know that won't happen.
  11. But he is not a rookie. Will the flattening of the learning curve suddenly make his arm strong and accurate? No that will never ever happen, he will never be good enough to be a starter on a team with actual title aspirations. Never.
  12. While all of this is true this is a Taylor Heinke thread. We are evaluating Heinke here and the evidence is overwhelming where you sound like you are making excuses for his poor play as you point out his good run in December while ignoring the other games both before and after that run.
  13. Yes @method manhad it right, I had Wright and Wager mixed up. Bobby Wagner is a beast, I watch him whenever the Hawks are playing.
  14. I'll continue to ask because I never get an answer. What happened to the Congressional investigation and the November deadline to produce requested material? This story has completely died.
  15. I wanted the team to sign Bobby Wagner this year, I still do not understand why that didn't happen.
  16. The last of the TH defenders speaking up. Cool. Look man we were all impressed with TH in that playoff game. The point was always that this was one game and the NFL road is littered with QB who came out of nowhere and flashed for a game or 4. Garnew Minchew played as well or better than Heinke for the first month in Jacksonville, after Luck bailed unexpectedly Brissett actually looked good for the first 4-5 games. But the truth always comes out. The evidence that Taylor is not the answer is overwhelming at this point. I personally believe you can make up for the lack of arm strength but only with precise accuracy. Sorry Taylor just does not have the accuracy to make up for his limitations and it's not even close.
  17. Oh I don't believe a word Daniel Snyder says. But again this was a coach, a coach who was later hired. Not sure which one it was but I see no reason for him to lie about this. I do believe Snyder is embarrassed at the results, there is no doubt in my mind he wants to win desperately. But as others have noted he still thinks he's the smartest guy in the room and his ego is a huge problem. He can hire a great Team President but that won't change things like the Sean Taylor debacle because Dan Snyder is still in charge.
  18. Those very vocal TH supporters are looking very small today. Again as has been posted many times NOBODY here wanted him to fail, I have only seen one poster say they didn't like him. Most all of us liked him and wanted to succeed. But when posters go overboard and come off as if they are smarter than us, well they deserve to be called out on it. Instead one of them lashes out, simply not a good look. Just admit you were wrong and we can all move on, attacking those who turned out to be right is not the way to go.
  19. The last sentence is the key. But let's back up. I firmly believe he wants to win. One of the coaches he hired said Snyder told him in the interview that he is embarrassed at the results of his team. It's showed in his willingness to spend huge money on free agents and coaches. So I firmly believe he wants to win and feels these losses more than we do. But back to your last season he has at times "hired football guys and let them do their job". But then he screws it all up by marching into the draft room and ordering the Haskins pick or enabling Robert Griffin to turn on his head coach. That sort of thing has killed this franchise.
  20. I kind of see it this way too. What' really sucks for the fans is what we want is what he wants. The silver lining to all these lost seasons snd embarrassing defeats is he feels it worse than I do. Because I don't think there's any question he wants to win, he just doesn't know how
  21. We remain in Bizarre Land. Most every one of us thought Trump's political future was over on January 7th. But his supporters are, well I do not have a word. My best friend is one. He claims he read the entire transcript and didn't see anywhere where Trump incited this riot. He also believe Nancy Pelosi is behind this to make Trump look bad. They have collectively lost their minds and I just don't know what to think. I saw 2 are headed for trial. Is there any doubt a jury will have one of these cult members on it and thus preventing convictions? This could be a very dangerous first trial, it could convince others who have been charged to not plead guilty and roll the dice with a jury.
  22. I would not stop rooting for the team if they played in Virginia. I have stopped rooting for the team because the owner is a disgusting POS and will never be removed.
  23. Just kill me. I agree with the sentiment, Goodell is a puppet for the other owners who fear a force out will result in a complete **** storm. Therefore there is no hope. The Congressional involvement seems to be dying out, I'll ask again what ever happened to the November 6th deadline for the league to produce the requested material?
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