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Darrell Green Fan

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Everything posted by Darrell Green Fan

  1. Yeah I have been thinking the same thing. Let's worry about the next owner only IF there is going to be a next owner. I was thinking last night that the NFL has already knows what's in the report. If it was so damaging that they had to get rid of him they would have done that by now. I get it, it's only damaging if what's in it gets released. Still I believe the longer Snyder plays this game like Nixon the coverup will be worse than the crime(s).
  2. i refuse to get my hopes up but the NFL's statement does change things. While I agree this story is being overshadowed by the Super Bowl that ends on Sunday and this story is not going away, in fact it's gaining traction. My biggest hope is there is obviously some really damaging things in that report to make Snyder behave as he has. This is probably not a Nothingburger. And Congress is pretty invested in getting that report out and I don't believe that will take until January '23 when the GOP most likely takes the House.
  3. This is great and everyone should be flooding the sponsor's emails. Only problem for me is when i clicked the link for Fed Ex the email populated with text in Chinese. I didn't want to use the canned email so I wrote my own, now I will go down the list and send it to every other sponsor.
  4. Funny you posted this as I have been thinking the same thing. Mike Brown IS a terrible owner, like his dad as you said they were only interested in making money and the record was an afterthought. How guys with egos of billionaires can be OK with people laughing at them always puzzled me. But as poorly as they have been run for decades one franchise QB changed everything. And that boys and girls is why posters who still claim the way to go is build a roster and then plug in a mediocre QB are simply flat out wrong.
  5. You mean the guy who is under investigations having control of the narrative? Why would you be upset about that? LOL
  6. The NFL is my favorite league by far. It's the only sport where I can turn on a game with 2 teams I have no rooting interest in and still have interest. I will never watch the Dodgers play the Cubs but I will watch the Rams and the Bears. So it is so frustrating that I hate the league, specifically the owners as Goodell is only carrying out their wishes, but enjoy their product so much.
  7. I am so angry at all of this I am seeing red. I can't even imagine what those victims are going through. Our only hope is pressure from sponsors, we all know this. But with ratings as they are that may be an uphill battle. It is amazing that it appears that they will get away with this scandal. In this Me Too era when this sort of thing is no longer tolerated it's frightening that this appears to be the case. I'd like to say stuff like this always comes out but I have my doubts. Can we even imagine what is in that report that would make the league behave as they have? I can't support this man's team anymore, I have had enough. I'm a scorned lover, I hope they get killed every time they play. I do have much respect for Ron Rivera and I feel badly for him. But he knew who he was getting into bed with when he took the job so that's on him.
  8. Yeah but Congress also asked for specific documents on a specific day in November, the NFL blew off the deadline, and we heard nothing more about it since then. So we'll see.
  9. My only hope, seeing as it's not been reported that this was not in the original report, is this does change things for the league. Now I know better than to get all hopeful that they will do the right thing for a change, seems they have other issues to deal with this week. But it's a start. I'll ask again, are there other witnesses to testify and could more stuff possibly come out?
  10. So glad this is now being covered nationally. When I didn't see anything on ESPN I was concerned that this is now a local story. The only way this will bring him down is if sponsors speak up, that's why they need to keep this in the news.
  11. I just looked at ESPN.com, not a word about this story WTF? I do agree that this is the first direct link to Snyder and that is significant. I also believe the NFL claiming this is new information (nonsense) and that gives them the opportunity to act further. I still am not getting my hopes up, haven't followed it closely are there more victims to testify and possibly more to come out tying Snyder directly?
  12. Yes this clown show even got the dates wrong on their new logo.
  13. This is kind of where I am as well. The final of a million straws for me was Snyder trying to intimidate the victims into not testifying. I just can't do this anymore. I tried a few years ago to change to the Ravens. But my heart just wasn't in it. Then they drafted Chase Young and like an idiot I got sucked back in. But Chase is clearly another Lavar Arrington, they are still the same old tired ass team and this sounds like the perfect time for a clean break. I'll commit to the Red Zone Channel because the NFL is my favorite sport by far, and root for the Ravens as best I can. But the Washington Commanders can kiss my ass.
  14. This is perfect for this team. They announce a crappy name after everyone knows what the name is the day after Brian Flores throws a nuclear bomb at the league and will be what everyone will be talking about and the day before Congress investigates the sexual harassment victims.
  15. I'm not arguing that, I agree with you. I'm pushing back at the argument that since they earned a ton of money this does not matter to them that people hate them. Well if it keeps them out of the Hall of Fame I do believe they care.
  16. I hate this argument. First off nobody is giving you $150 million, players earn that money for being the best in the world at their particular skill. What they earned has zero to do with how players feel about being inducted into the Hall of Fame. And you better believe it matters to them. A lot. Sparky Anderson said it was a much bigger for him than winning a ring and we know how they feel about winning rings. By being hated so much Clemons and Bonds are now out of the HOF forever and that does matter to them.
  17. A friend has just turned me on to The Righteous Gemstones. It's in its second season on HBO, earlier episodes are available on demand, at least on Comcast. John Goodman plays this televangelist and his family is most of the cast. It's pretty much brilliant.
  18. Great write up, because of course I see it the exact same way. Hard not to pick a GB/KC SB. But I'm rooting for the Bills and Rams for Stafford.
  19. Wondering what his excuse makers will come up with then. It was never Dwayne's fault, the coach didn't want him!
  20. Yep every game so far went the way I had hoped. I wanted to see BB get blown out, and I want Buffalo to do well. Dallas game was exciting and of course awesome in the way they lost. Not just the last play, their mental mistakes all game were astonishing. Now I'm hoping Mathew Stafford shuts up the critics tonight.
  21. Curious as to what the Steelers will do at QB I did a search. I literally did not see the name Dwayne Haskins in any article I found.
  22. I wasn't all that far off on my prediction before the start of the season. Of course I didn't predict the DL would play so far below expectations the way they have.
  23. @MrJLgave this a thumbs down. Would you care to elaborate? Did you see Chase Young getting the edge or being run behind the QB? Do you not have a concern about that? Please respond. @MrJLgave this a thumbs down. Would you care to elaborate? Did you see Chase Young getting the edge or being run behind the QB on a regular bass? Do you not have a concern about that? Please respond.
  24. I'm still not convince Chase has the physical tools to be dominant pass rusher. I'll keep saying it because nobody seems to want to respond to this point but Chase Young does not have the explosive first step to get the edge, the go-to move for all great pass rushers. He had it in college, a lot of that was being first off the snap and of course he was not playing NFL OTs. Until he gets the edge he will just be a good player and not much more IMO.
  25. This is what I continue to be amazed about. On January 7th I expected Trump's political future to be over and his supporters would acknowledge the obvious. But they can't or won't and it's not just bad guys. My best friend and I have had a number of discussions, he actually has been radicalized into believing it was Pelosi behind the riot to make Trump look bad. After he had already been defeated. Simply astonishing, and as we all know there is no way to reason with them.
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