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Everything posted by justice98

  1. Amongst final cuts so far: WR Trey Quinn OL Ross Piersbacher
  2. I'm not anti-chain restaurant like some people. I can go to Olive Garden and enjoy it.
  3. This offense needs all the work and positive momentum it can get. I would not want to go into week 1 with this group barely playing and learning a new offense.
  4. Don't forget Sellers came out of college and was in such demand, he had to go to the CFL for a few years before he found a home here.
  5. What physical evidence are they supposed to produce? An alien in a duffel bag they smuggled out of a top secret, secure facility? What they have produced is documentation, names, and locations to where the physical evidence is and who has it. It's up to Congress now.
  6. The first unit OL lived down to expectations. They're singlehandedly gonna cost Ron AND Bienemy their jobs after the season. All this talk about Bienemy's coaching style won't matter cuz they're gonna torpedo the offense and nobody's gonna want him back.
  7. That ending made zero sense. Logan Paul might be the most must-see person on the entire roster. It's incredible how good he is at this.
  8. On paper, I'm less optimistic about this OL than I was about the OL we opened the season with last year. I dont see talent upgrades at any position.
  9. Any scenario where Wylie winds up at guard is an epic fail and probably contributes to a bad season.
  10. They even billed him from Hagerstown for a while at first, then they changed it to Los Angeles.
  11. He's not just making random claims. What he presented to the IG was all the evidence he used to make the claims and the IG thought it was all legit. What he says publicly is just the tip of the iceberg to what he's provided officially to the authorities. He wouldn't be a whistleblower if he didn't have something to substantiate his claims, which include the names of the people with first hand knowledge. The IG and Intelligence Committee has this information.
  12. Do people think Grusch is a nut? He turned over his evidence, he's not just pulling this stuff outta the sky.
  13. I'm astonished they're going into training camp with this OL. This group is gonna get beat like a drum. I leave open the possibility they could overachieve, but I'm not optimistic.
  14. If they dont fast track the site selection process, I dont think this stadium sees the light of day until 2030, at the earliest. At 27, Terry Mclaurin might literally have played his entire career and be retired by the time this thing opens.
  15. They should have let him back out of the deal when he tried to. But they saw that payout and said "Nope, no takebacks". I'm convinced that he's behaving like a guy that doesnt care whether Twitter lives or dies.
  16. Heard Theismann on with the Junkies this morning. I'm gonna miss Joe squirming trying to be diplomatic and downplaying his relationship with Snyder every time it gets brought up. Gotta be tough when you're beloved and your homie's a despised scumbag. lol
  17. I still don't get why Russell by himself without Medhurst was seen as the best move they could make.
  18. The funny thing to me are some of the reactions, like cheese and bread with no meat is the wildest thing they've ever heard of. lol
  19. They're 58-72 when Kuzma plays, and that was with Beal and Porzingis on the roster. What makes anyone think they'll win any more games just by Kuzma existing on the roster? They'll lose a ton, dont worry.
  20. Lamelo's gotta play though. If he misses half the season, nobody should be surprised.
  21. That contract is very tradable. If he sees the end of that contract, I'll be surprised. But that said, this roster (Kuz included) is still very much in the mix for a top 3 pick next year.
  22. Porzingis is only 27 too. I guess one guy was under contract to get a return and one guy wasn't.
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