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Everything posted by Springfield

  1. Winter is half over and nary a flake here in VA. Just bring the warm weather at this point.
  2. I just got my vaccine about 2 hours ago. Kinda was a surprise that I’d be able to today, but I took advantage.
  3. If you’re not experiencing any symptoms I wouldn’t be too concerned.
  4. are you expecting any transmission symptoms? Bubbles means that there’s air in the fluid which isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Also, are you checking with the engine running or off (and what does the owners manual say to do)?
  5. So when can I get the vaccine. Should be soon, right?
  6. 3rd day with the car. Hadn’t figured that part out quite yet.
  7. You're a day late homegirl. Pulled into a street parking spot yesterday, heard the "cccrrrrrrrrrrpp" and my heart sank. The rubber bands they stretch onto these gigantic wheels offer exactly no protection. Don't remember the last time I nicked a curb but this did it. Already looking into wheel repair. I nearly cried. Wife said, "Well, at least we got that over with, and at least it was you and not me."
  8. Oh, here's my new Model 3 on the day I got it. Named it Rudolph (the reindeer, not the corrupt politician) It's fast. Like ridiculously fast. I don't know that I've ever been in a car so fast, let alone drive one. Launching feels like you are shot out of a cannon, or like a roller coaster that starts from a dead stop (Flight of Fear or Volcano, for the old school Kings Dominion heads). Auto pilot and Auto steer are two things that actually caught me by surprise. I never use cruise control. These two features make driving on highways a breeze. Just set it, and the car does the rest. Goes as fast as you want, follows the cars in front of you as far away as you want. Slows down and speeds up with traffic. Changes lanes when you put on your turn signal. Keeps the lanes very, very well. I was amazed. I have no info about the Model X. Couldn't even tell you what their base price is. Bears noting that at least on the Model 3, the base model leaves enough to be desired that you'll naturally gravitate towards the more expensive models. I can say that I'm not a huge fan of the wing doors though. Seems like they might get in the way, such as in a garage where side space is limited.
  9. I have a cable card $4.99. I use 3 Tivos (one Bolt and 2 Minis) instead for my equipment. I haggled with them enough that only one of my discounts actually expires. It's $10, so we will see if I bother calling to complain and have it rolled back or not.
  10. My current cable bill makes it hard for me to want to cut the cord. I have gigabit internet. The highest tier of their TV offerings. HBO Max (which that I could cut as I get it for free with ATT). It looks like I could get YTTV or Sling, but those are like $50 a month or so and I'd miss out on MASN (which isn't a big deal), but the convenience of standard TV would also be lost... for not a whole lot more.
  11. Yeah, that's what my experience is as well. Fios is the clear winner as far as quality, but it's nice to have competition.
  12. So I don't want much basketball but it sure seems like the team sucks even harder with Westbrook on it. Go figure. They gonna fire the coach soon, right?
  13. Yeah that’s kinda dumb. Not playing rookies. We all know that speed is killer and Chara, Ovechkin and the older folk are just slow af.
  14. Hey did you guys hear that the Caps signed Chara????!!
  15. I’m gonna blow it on some crazy OTM TSLA calls yolo!!!
  16. Gym hasn’t been incredibly crowded, but the PF I go to has been ok about making sure people don’t get too close to each other’s. Annoyingly so at times. Only 3 incline benches to do free weights at, which kinda sucks. Get it where you can I suppose. still 50/50 times on masks. I wear a UA sport mask the whole time, but people take them off when on treadmills and stuff.
  17. Looks like you could hang a couple TV’s from that bad boy.
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