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Everything posted by Springfield

  1. I don’t own the shop. And I also own a gas powered SUV. But I get your gist. There’s a part of me that feels like owning a Tesla is sacrilegious but I think I’ll get over it.
  2. Yeah, we never closed in March and April either. What did happen is people stopped driving (and they still haven’t been driving as much). Our March and April numbers were down 50-60% year over year. So far this year we are down 10% year over year. That doesn’t seem like much but on a 4 million dollar business, that’s 400k. Nearly half a million dollars. And when someone like myself, that gets incentivized based on stuff like this, it stings. Like, I’m not gonna starve, but it has me worried that we will need to layoff people. That it’ll be difficult to come back as a business from an extended closure of non-essentials. Yes.
  3. Frankly, I can’t afford that. I can’t just not work again. I can’t have people not leaving their homes to come to my business. I run an auto service shop. I need people driving and I need cars to work on. Quarantine is not an option for me.
  4. Well, I guess the only bright side (for now) in Nova is that the hospitalization rate is still low and the rate of death is still close to zero. Naturally, you'd expect these things to climb UNLESS the driver of case load is younger people. Of course, it's only a matter of time before those younger people start to infect the older and more at risk population again. We know what we need to do, just need to stick with it. Masks, distance, wash hands. Don't stay indoors with a group of people for too long. The end. This vaccine can't come soon enough.
  5. This is going to be the longest 3-6 week wait in the history of time. One man can only watch so many Tesla Model 3 videos telling them that the M3P is the fastest car in it's price range and it isn't even close. I want to drive again now. I drive cars for a living (in addition to all the other fun things I do to fix cars). I've NEVER driven a car like this before.
  6. So I just ordered a 2021 Model 3 Performance. It's gonna be red and will arrive December 12-31. Test drove a M3 LR+ today. It's unlike any car I've ever driven. So stoked. @CousinsCowgirl84 what up!
  7. Looking more and more like Dukes was a cost cutting move to me.
  8. I'm just waiting until you dunces announce something so I can sit in line until it times out and I'm out of luck.
  9. 8% positive rate in Fairfax county when it was 3% a month ago. Who’s going to pay us when we can’t work?
  10. Nor do they for me, but if you go to a grocery store or gym (I don’t really go to restaurants) you’ll find people all over not respecting social distance and wearing their masks improperly. And this is the Nova area, where people have been following the rules more closely. I hope Joe passes some sort of relief for all Americans who can’t work when we lift restrictions again.
  11. Everyone else around us is as well. It’s only a matter of time for us. People are tired of being restrained. It’s been 8 months, almost 9. Our businesses need to stay open because otherwise we are all poor. We’re just gonna have to let it burn through and hope we all get lucky.
  12. These ****ing guys are gonna hook me again. I've got until 5:00. Better run through this queue fast.
  13. Yay bots. I should have listened to @purbeast and got the script.
  14. I verified my address, had it in my cart. Done. ****'s out of stock.
  15. Digital bundle showed available again on Gamestop. Tried clicking and no luck.
  16. At first it said to keep refreshing since they were adding stock. Now it just says out of stock.
  17. I would have been cool buying the extra controller, the $100 in online money, a year sub to PSN+ and the dumbass camera. I'll eat the $60 for the cam to get the system.
  18. I'll give Walmart another go but that **** is probably full of bots. We'll see.
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