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Everything posted by Springfield

  1. Wednesday, my dudes and babes.
  2. See guys, there’s gonna be plenty of vaccines for the rest of us because there’s lots of stupid people in really important positions.
  3. We also have two kids who play well together. That said, I wish they had outside influences other than Blippi and Roblox.
  4. My kids, 6 and 4, don’t know any better. They’ve never been to school. So, assuming we all go back to normal next year, they won’t even notice. The excitement of going to school for the first time will just be shifted one year. One can hope.
  5. WE do. But my point was more that the president would claim it himself rather than waiting for US to.
  6. Queue Trump taking full credit for its authorization.
  7. Just hoping that we can go back to regular school next school year at this rate. We are doing a “well enough” job teaching our 5 year old at home. It consists of me or my wife teaching him for about an hour a night, after we get home from work, 4 days a week. He’s good with math and English, the basic stuff he needs to know for kindergarten. He will be fine. Our 4 year old is slated to go back to preschool in person (church) 3 days a week next month. They just released an email stating that they were still on track to resume.
  8. So how long do we go before the economy collapses? Think we make it to Biden’s term. Sure seems like we have a ticking time bomb here, especially since we are going to be closing down most service industries again.
  9. That’s cool. I have an epipen for bee stings. I think I’ll still get the vaccine though, cause I think bee venom is the only thing I’m really allergic to... and even that, I can’t say exactly how bad that allergy is and hope I don’t have to find out if you get my drift.
  10. I’m allergic to bees. But I’m not allergic to the flu vaccine. I get the sniffles in the winter and spring at times but not enough to take allergy medicine. I don’t think I’m allergic, but the whole thing seems very vague.
  11. How the hell are you supposed to know if you’re at risk for severe allergic reaction?
  12. Every year, some jackoff has to remind us all of how Die Hard is a Christmas movie. Hell, maybe they even think it’s the BEST Christmas movie. Every, single, year. Go choke on a wet sock.
  13. I can’t wait to beat the **** out of Christmas with my lights, and gifts and giving and **** like saying Merry Christmas.
  14. Anyone heard of this cat Jarren Benton? I just discovered him myself, thanks to AM but I really dig his flow and the beats he’s rapping on are usually fire. Apparently this dude is 39 and his been out a while but I’ve never seen him in the mainstream.
  15. Sweet. On to the Senate where it will inevitably rot and die.
  16. Don’t worry, about half of those in front of you will probably refuse the vaccine
  17. Random political thought. I haven't been paying very close attention to politics since about a week or two ago. I feel like I can breathe, not be concerned about the state of the country for a little bit since we have an adult and don't have to be concerned about some half-brain turd tweeting hate every 2 hours 7 days a week.
  18. So as it turns out, my 33 year old cousin has taken the Moderna vaccine as part of their trials. She got her second shot on Monday of this week. I asked her a few questions about it. First, with the first shot the said the side effects were more severe than any other vaccine she’s taken before. Mainly regarding pain and irritation around the injection site. It hurt enough for a couple days that she couldn’t sleep on the arm. She then got tested for antibodies and a PCR test. Her antibodies had built up and she did test positive for Covid. So the vaccine was effective. She said that the second shot had more severe side effects. The pain at the injection site was there but she also had a mild fever (100.0ish) and fatigue for a or two. But is was impressed that she took place in the trial and am happy to see it coming along. She did remark that people may put off the booster shot because of the side effects which is concerning. She also said that the first shot will give the body some immunity, how much though isn’t known.
  19. Well guys this is how Trump will **** us for years to come and one of the major problems with the democrat party. They’re ******* that just let the right wing walk all over them. Their (unrelated) next move is to hold democrats hostage or shut the government down. Watch it happen and watch democrats bend to this.
  20. AM radio blows. How a professional sports team was broadcasting on AM radio is ridiculous. Plus, who the hell even are these broadcasters?
  21. Yeah the advisor at the dealer said I’d be getting a 2021 model, so that’s what I’m expecting. He went through all of the differences so I’ll know the difference.
  22. They’re roomier. My wife’s coworker had a 3 and traded it in for a Y. I specifically want a car that’s fast as balls. Really I gotta name this thing? Well then, thanks for the preparation so I won’t have to come up with one on the spot.
  23. whys it gotta be a her? That’s sexist. Just kidding. I’ve never been one to name my cars. They’re utilitarian devices to me, not members of the family. Don’t hold against people that do though. That’s what we called our dog’s penis
  24. I didn't go FSD. I got a Model 3 Performance in Multi coat red with black interior. We didn't go white cause we want our kids to ride in the thing too and I feel like white will just get destroyed. The car they let us drive was the M3 LR+. They didn't have sport mode, or whatever the faster acceleration and better handling locked on us. The advisor showed us all the settings. It sure felt plenty fast when we drove it. I got up to like 80 mph when coming onto the Dulles Toll Road in Tysons very quick. I only assume that the Model 3 Performance is going to be even more insane. I already joined the TMC forum. Checked my account multiple times today to see if there was any update but of course there wasn't. I did order the home wall charger today, I want that to be ready for when the car gets here.
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