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Everything posted by Springfield

  1. Speaking of which. What's the best real broker that isn't going to charge me a bajillion dollars? Thanks!
  2. Yeah, after all this is over I'm getting out of RH and into something... better. RH is just so easy to use and its cheap. The problem is, they are clearly as crooked as an 8 year Donald Trump presidency. It's too bad that we are in the here and now with GME and I can't simply pull my funds from RH and transfer them to another broker for use tomorrow morning.
  3. they borrowed Robinhood’s money to buy GME stocks. These people were probably in the money and being RH’s money, they sold the shares because of “market volatility”. Of all the ****ty things that RH did today, I feel that selling people’s investments that were owned technically by RH was the least.
  4. Thats it. They bought on margin and RH closed at RH’s discretion.
  5. Yes. After I (hopefully) **** them in their faces, I’m going to pull all my money out of RH and take it somewhere else.
  6. i literally have one share I got yesterday. I was happy making money off of BB and AMC. Now here I am wanting to hate buy a stock because of what some two bit trading platform did.
  7. So I’ve heard. I wonder if they’ll ever open up trading on GME et all again. I think they’re going to try and let Melvin recoup their shorts before they open it up. If they open it up at all I’m going all in on GME cause **** Melvin and **** Robinhood.
  8. Damn y’all Robinhood is corrupt as hell. You can sell, but you can’t buy. If that isn’t market manipulation then I don’t know what is.
  9. Blockbuster Video!!!!!!! (More exclamation points makes it a better buy)
  10. Whole portfolio is up 273% so far today and I'm feeling greedy.
  11. I have 30 shares at $2.12 average cost. Also a 22c ($23.05 break even) option for 1/21/2022. So I'm loving this.
  12. I've been sitting on the sidelines but I might go all in on GME today. It's a glorious thing, watching Reddit just completely **** over Wall Street on GME. Right now, I'm riding up BB and AMC cause GME is so damn expensive.
  13. So, what’s the difference between the ability to be tested daily and vaccinating athletes? Aren’t they important to returning to normalcy and aren’t they leaders and role models? There’s something sadistic to me about saying “athletes don’t get to cut in line”. As if there’s no benefit at all to the public at large to getting athletes vaccinated. It’s not like there’s a huge number of them to really, really tip the scales. It’s a drop in the bucket.
  14. I mean, why don't we just vaccinate all of the team's players?
  15. It’s interesting that this thread popped back up. Its me, the guy whose Nest Cam was hacked about 2 years ago, and I started this thread. I’ve recovered from the mental anguish of someone hacking into my cameras. My wife is pregnant again with our 3rd baby and well... the need for a baby monitor of sorts is going to arise. I still have both of the Nest Cams that were hacked, and guess what, I think I’m going to hook one of them back up for the baby’s room. This time I’m going to make the password a long and unused password on any of my other accounts. Most importantly, I’m going to enable 2FA on the system so that if the password were to be guessed, they’d still need my authority to get in. Wish me luck fam.
  16. https://www.instagram.com/p/CKUVgwkh5a1/?igshid=egfv3yx966o5
  17. It’s silly. NHL: Play a full contact sport in the most risky of all arenas with little to no face protection. Also NHL: Don’t fraternize with your teammates without a mask.
  18. That’s odd. I got my first dose on 1/11 and exit scheduled my second dose for 1/29. Sure hope that I’d be good to go for dose 2 already. Like shouldn’t they have dose 2 on reserve?
  19. Wow, why wasn’t Trump doing any of this stuff?
  20. I head Biden is pushing a vaccine rollout. Can anyone explain how that’s supposed to work?
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