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Everything posted by Corcaigh

  1. 'Refute' when they mean 'deny'. You hear people saying 'I refute that' when they have offered nothing to refute it at all. I used to like the word 'grok' from Robert Heinlien's Stanger in a Strange Land, but now it's been stolen by the AI crowd. There's a whole lingo, where made-up words are used as a shorthand for concepts. Biopsychosocial is used in sports coaching. When it's explained it kind of makes sense to describe the concept but the first time you come across it you wonder what this bull**** is.
  2. Talking to an adult, they refer to their husband as 'hubs'. I think this is one of the few times you should be allowed to punch a woman in the face. Would agree with 'triggered' too. Used by someone who can't respond to criticism and so accuses the other person of being 'triggered'. I suppose I'm triggered by the word hubs.
  3. Dude is snitching on god saying it was all the big guy’s idea and he was just following the bosses orders. Prepare to be smited.
  4. Enjoying this … Crossings: How Road Ecology Is Shaping the Future of Our Planet
  5. Is this a question specifically about the snow, or in general?
  6. Is this a CrossFit warmup?
  7. If it’s simply a matter of the battery being too cold to accept a charge it’s a little incredible that this has been allowed to occur in production vehicles. My college undergrad project in 1984 involved charging a battery array and even as spotty drunk 20 year olds we understood the impact of operating temperature on charging characteristics. Every piece of electrical equipment is designed for certain operating temperature ranges. Even if it’s extreme cold your ****ing car being dead is a huge failure.
  8. They ‘approved’ it because of an appeals court ruling but don’t recommend investors consider it a worthy asset class. “In a statement, SEC Chair Gensler said that, in light of the court ruling, approving the products was "the most sustainable path forward," but added the agency did not endorse bitcoin, which is risky and volatile.“
  9. It’s a TV series literally about dull men digging a big hole and not finding anything significant.
  10. The title highlighted the ‘amateur treasure hunter’ aspect. Wondering if you can find reliable professional treasure hunters these days that will make house calls. My other takeaway is that if you are going to dig a 130 foot hole under your kitchen it’s more prudent to hire a professional with appropriate insurance coverage.
  11. Wondering how common this is in America’s poorest societies. Hinds County has a poverty rate of over 22% which is more than double the national average but there are parts of Mississippi far, far worse. https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/fact/table/hindscountymississippi/PST045222
  12. Here’s an earlier article from CNN that gives a little more background. Paupers or unidentified deceased buried in shallow graves. Authorities make minimal effort to notify relatives. https://www.cnn.com/2023/12/11/us/mississippi-hinds-county-paupers-grave-3rd-family/index.html
  13. One of the all-time greats of World football, winning the World Cup both as a player/captain and a manager, died yesterday aged 78. Probably best known to American audiences for being selected to Monty Python’s German Philosophers 11 versus the Greeks.
  14. As Oscar Wilde said, “The only thing worse than being talked about, is NOT being talked about.”
  15. Very, very sad to hear. He was young too. I enjoyed many a discussion with him.
  16. Politics in the USA in 2024 is … “not only did he get his second foot down in bounds, but your QB runs a pedophile ring.”
  17. A bit of a tangent … something I still don’t understand is how reasonable intelligent people fell completely down the MAGA rabbit hole. Four bright, wealthy individuals who I knew very well who were clearly GoP voters but showed no prior lunatic tendencies or intolerance were all in on hating any criticism of Trump and started frothing at the mouth about Pelosi, Obama and later Biden. To the point where you couldn’t talk to them at dinner or a backyard barbecue because they would bring up the subject and assumed you must not only hold the same views but want to rant about it. In two cases their wives persuaded them to shut the **** up in public but the others are still at it on the Facebooks. Some other folks I knew were definitely Trump supporters (and one even went on a MAGA boat outing) but didn’t see it was something to talk about with others. Not any Ivy League, Princeton. Lombardi’s_kid_brother? He was entertaining and a good foil for Zoony I think.
  18. Rereading that thread it became clear that Zoony is Q and/or RFK Jr.
  19. The Lawson Criterion originated in the 50s describes this. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lawson_criterion#:~:text=When the rate of production,is said to be ignited.
  20. This is mostly just puffery. The purpose of the National Ignition Facility (funded by the National Nuclear Security Agency Administration not directly by the Department of Energy who funds commercial fusion research) is to keep nuclear weapons designers and testers employed while there is a test ban in effect - protecting human capital so that they stay in the field while they can’t do what they are experts in. The NIF cost about $3.5Billion and has an annual budget of about $400M. However the DoE is willing to put a few tens of millions into inertial confinement research for commercial fusion power generation which uses the same principle. They separately fund research around magnetic confinement. https://www.energy.gov/articles/doe-announces-42-million-inertial-fusion-energy-hubs#:~:text=WASHINGTON%2C D.C. — The U.S. Department,of the Department's researchers into These NIF experiments are a dead-end for commercial fusion power generation. While they are producing a little more energy from fusion reactions than hit the target, several orders of magnitude more energy are required to initiate the experiment. And each experiment involved a single tiny highly-engineered target. And each experiment produces less energy than a shovel of coal.
  21. Gift card for his gaming platform of choice If she likes wine (and cheese) there are various vendors that do monthly subscriptions for wine and cheese pairings.
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