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Everything posted by Corcaigh

  1. I think Alec Baldwin in ‘Glengarry, Glen Ross” plays this kind of character better. ”You see this watch. This watch costs more than your car.”
  2. From Eraserhead, I loved the last line in this dialog. Mrs. X: There's a baby. It's at the hospital. Mary X: Mom! Mrs. X: And you're the father. Henry Spencer: Well, well that's impossible! It's only been... Mary X: Mother, they're still not sure it is a baby
  3. Well at least that gives people a reason to be on the LinkedIn cesspool this weekend for a reason other than posting the usual self-congratulatory bull****. ”Attacked for who I love …”, no, I think it’s a matter of choosing to express that love in the form of having sex in the workplace, and on video.
  4. Follow up question … what act would he consider to be showing disrespect for your workplace. Never mind. I don’t want to hear the answer.
  5. “and the purported USB drive was a ginger mint.” It’s a common mistake.
  6. Ben is a little ill informed if he is unaware of the connections between tap dancing and racism. Minstrel show anyone?
  7. Gifts for the 12 Days of Christmas only up by 2.7% overall this year, thanks in no small part to the eight maids a milking and nine ladies dancing not increasing prices at all. https://www.pnc.com/en/about-pnc/topics/pnc-christmas-price-index.html
  8. I’m with the haters on this one. Tap dancing ruins everything, including Christmas. But I suppose I can be thankful that there wasn’t some acapella singing.
  9. If you are a woman of child-bearing age, should your medical insurer now also negotiate rates for your legal fees incurred in political disputes?
  10. He just misunderstood what was expected of him when he was told that he’d be streaming live.
  11. Her doctor is saying that the abortion is medically necessary. How is Paxton allowed to disagree with this and practice medicine without a license?
  12. I think they are coaching the team. He looks like one of the cast of Trailer Park Boys.
  13. Yeah - she seems to be like many big names in the music business who have been screwed over by agents, managers and record companies, and now assert more control. That alone is hardly enough to rise to person of the year other than being one of the largest players, and being a solo (relatively young) female who took control. Two arguments are her ‘crossing over’ into prime time NFL and bringing millions of her fans with her, and encouraging younger folks to register to vote (and how that has triggered some of the right-wing Twitterverse). And yes, The Federalist is writing articles headlined like this:
  14. That’s getting close. I should have included ‘entitled’ as he, like other members of the British Royal Family, spend their abundant leisure time speaking on topics where they have absolutely no expertise.
  15. The correct term is ‘inbred halfwit German divorcee.’
  16. If he was a good father he would already have taken his daughter to see Taylor Swift in concert:
  17. Is that a type of small dog? Sam Altman? What the **** has he accomplished? I’d go with Former Twitter/X advertisers as the clear winner. Cue the outrage from the right that Elon is not the only person under consideration.
  18. Elon again playing 5-D chess. People who want to exit the app are taken to the Home Screen. People looking to go back to the Home Screen exit the app.
  19. **** that guy. He is Irish MAGA-equivalent. Imagine if you were a black professional and people assumed Flavor Flav was the role model for “your people.”. Who is the equivalent for white Americans? Steven Seagall?
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