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Everything posted by Corcaigh

  1. Dumb criminals. Steal $41million and still drive a Mazda.
  2. You owe me royalties for stealing this from me in this quality thread on the same topic: And someone call these guys:
  3. If Martha is admitting to being over 30 then odds are she’s probably passed 40. And maybe Martha doesn’t want her partner eyeing up some 27-year old. The age threshold and disparity starting to make sense.
  4. If they are targeting customers who dropped out early after middle school then maybe that high school cafeteria vibe is upscale and aspirational?
  5. The tables and chairs have that high school cafeteria ambience. And there’s a not-small segment of the female population who are not advertising that they are over 30.
  6. Has anyone started a GoFundMe for the Central Patk Five to place a full-page ad in the New York Times about Trump’s convictions?
  7. He falsified business records 34 times for the purpose of covering up a crime. Presumably he split up the payments into smaller amounts to make them stand out less. You can argue he might have been charged with just three felonies if he had bundled everything together, but i don’t know if this makes it much better.
  8. Somewhat off topic, but I'd like to see a remake of Taken where Liam Neeson's daughter is abducted by the Greys.
  9. And the keyboard of the writer of the Dem emails has a functioning key for a period. Trump’s doesn’t and they have to use an exclamation mark at the end of every single sentence! EDIT: I checked my Junk folder and there are more Trump fundraising emails from yesterday there. Would ten separate emails in a single 24 hour period in bold fonts, yellow highlighting and exclamation marks convince you to take action? Or just think it’s confirmation that Grandpa has lost his marbles?
  11. An email account I don’t use anymore, and certainly has never signed up for political messages, got SIX fundraising spam messages from Trump in the 24 hours after the verdict. They are written in a style of 1995 internet by someone has just discovered html tags to change fonts and color.
  12. There’s the statement in the article: ”This means there could be anywhere from as few as 0.006 to as many as 100,000 active, communicative civilizations in our galaxy, with the actual number likely being on the lower end.” We have one data point that would seem to indicate that 0.006 civilizations in our galaxy is an underestimate by several orders of magnitude. Theoreticians 🙄
  13. White Rhinos are endangered, and Black Rhinos are critically endangered species. Aside from Jill? And the host acted offended, as the paid panelists all know it’s theater and they aren’t supposed to say that out loud.
  14. Sure, both political parties will always have lunatics and fanatics on their fringe. But at the moment the lunatics and fanatics of the GOP are the mainstream. And that’s different.
  15. Michael Cohen went to the Dark Side and has tried to redeem himself. Are you pure enough of mind and of sufficient willpower to avoid being drawn to the Dark Side like Cohen?
  16. Those two, and the Bushes, and the Cheneys, and McConnell, and just about anyone who might be remotely rational are all branded RINOs. What used to be a smear from the far right for centrist conservatives is now applied to anyone not loyal to Trump. Even DeSantis has been called a RINO FFS.
  17. The cult mentality is also prevalent in very wealthy and smart people, not just Bubba rolling coal. Somehow they got on the slippery slope and kept consuming more and more dumb ideas via social media and cable news and can't accept that they are now so divorced from reality that they essentially are in a cult. They won't actually identify policies like the old politicians used to but now it's the Dems are communists, pedophiles, or just FJB. And once you are deep enough in the hole anything you want is true ... for example, Stefanik (the #4 GOP politician) stating that those convicted and imprisoned for January 6 are "hostages". She's an example of a "lost cause". In a more civil society, she would be chained to a rock and let birds of prey eat her alive. I see (a few) people in my neighborhood living in ~ million-dollar homes with Trump stickers on their cars, FJB, 'Let's Go Brandon', and flying the Gadsden flag (Don't tread on me). I'm a little curious about which rights they think Biden and Obama took away from them in the 12 (out of the last 16) years the communist pedophiles have been in the White House. I remember being on a tourist boat cruising along the Intercoastal Waterway in Florida and there was a $10M mansion flying a flag that said "Obama = Communist". That person had acquired enormous wealth and was living a life of the greatest luxury and yet defined themselves around such ignorant false idiocy. No idea is too dumb for some of the American public.
  18. A significant problem has arisen with the conviction of Trump, specifically his future arrest.
  19. Larry Hogan is the only senior GOP person I’m aware of who seems honest and who has said to respect the verdict. Maybe McConnell will say something as he walks off into the sunset to stand up to all the abuse over the years from Trump, or more likely he’ll just grovel as before:
  20. I’d wish that were the case so that the GoP could return to rationality, but we crossed that line years ago, and certainly after Jan 6. And yet the three candidates to replace McConnell and lead the GoP in the Senate (Scott, Comyn and Thune) have all condemned the verdict. These are supposed to be the adults in the GoP.
  21. A UK friend, when he first moved over here to work in a physics lab, took a while to learn that a coworker saying "How's it going?" was NOT an invitation for a 30-minute update on his research program.
  22. There are internal documents from gun manufacturers (discovered after legal action by Sandy Hook parents) that discuss product placement in video games such as CoD to specifically target minors and make products such as the AR-16 more desirable to this group of future customers. It certainly seems immoral to me, but is it illegal, and enough for the gun manufacturers would be found liable by a jury?
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