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Spaceman Spiff

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Everything posted by Spaceman Spiff

  1. Uh oh @Riggo#44is here! Can't wait to see what truth grenades he's gonna drop! Maybe another great post about DC income vs Baltimore income?
  2. Orioles young talent or Nats young talent, who would you take? Of course who knows what the future holds, that's a no duh statement.
  3. That's actually a pretty hilarious idea. I'm not clicking this ****, pinecone.
  4. I just got an ad on YouTube for the Trumpinator Bobblehead. I can't believe this ****.
  5. Wanna trade the Nats future for the Orioles future? You're lying if you say no.
  6. Hard to find a buyer for a shack when you’re next to the nicest house in town.
  7. I don't really need to see stars competing in the dunk contest in order to care about it. It'd be cool of they did, but seeing someone like Ja Morant jumping over someone he pulled out of the crowd isn't going to make me change my mind, I don't think. It's still the same thing. Like, Harold Miner is still memorable if you're of a certain age. I'd just like to see something that I haven't seen before...but I think after 40-ish years of dunk contests most everything has been done.
  8. @purbeastis right. I keep tuning into the dunk contest out of habit and thinking/hoping that someone will do something we haven't seen before. IIRC, the year Vince Carter won, there seemed to be the same malaise. I don't know how accurate my memory is but I seem to remember thinking that the dunk contest was old, stale and everything had been done. Then Vince Carter came in and took it to a whole new level. But that was over 20 years ago, now it's just guys pulling really tall former players out of the crowd and leaping over them. I don't want to say that everything has already been done, but it's looking that way. The highlights from the dunk contest were boring as ****. I fell asleep after the 3 point contest and the Steph/Sabrina thing...actually, the Steph/Sabrina thing was the highlight of the weekend for me, I wasn't expecting that. I dunno how Silver thinks he can make guys want to play defense in an all-star game but good luck trying. Half those guys would rather not be there, all of them want to avoid injury.
  9. The NBA can scrap the skills challenge from Saturday night. What garbage.
  10. Came into this thread all excited to see some smokeshow that’d end up on Mugshawtys but then I find out it’s old Rachel Dolezal, which was massively disappointing. But then I see TTBs still fooled into thinking that she’s some kind of mocha and it’s all good
  11. If Texas flipped blue, the idiot conservatives that are cheering about the exodus of people from California to Texas are going to stop and realize that those people didn't leave their politics behind.
  12. The Tourist on Netflix. I didn't know what to expect here but I've been really, really surprised. Takes place in Australia and it opens with this guy driving in the outback in his little piece of **** car. And he gets run off the road by an 18 wheeler, no explanation as to why. Wakes up in the hospital with amnesia....kind of a cliche, but it gets interesting, fast. He's out to figure out who he is, why he wound up there, etc. The characters are well done, the acting is great, ESPECIALLY the bad guy who's kind of on a Bardem in No Country For Old Men kind of a vibe. He's tremendous. I'm on the 4th episode. Wife isn't interested for some reason so I'm gonna watch when I can but I highly recommend it.
  13. I'm going to inject a little bit of levity here because...well, I want to. I just had a flashback to a certain poster not named here had an absolute meltdown text message about this time last year when I aped a Bill Burr skit to demonstrate how old Biden is, explaining that Jackie Robinson hadn't broken the color barrier in MLB when Biden was born:
  14. Philly's got some cool spots. Can say that about any city though. But whatever. **** them.
  15. Hey hey hey. Haven’t you leaned where you are? There will be NO TALK of the reports today about Joe Biden’s dementia.
  16. Ah, right, what was I thinking. We've got the worlds foremost expert on all Kyle Shanahan ****ups right here. Sorry I didn't ask you first, TTB!
  17. We shouldn't be here to rehash what happened in that game, I'm sorry I brought it up. That said... He was the head coach. Gotta take control if you think the coordinator is screwing up.
  18. Garbage jerseys for a garbage fanbase.
  19. RIP to one of the greats.
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