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Spaceman Spiff

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Everything posted by Spaceman Spiff

  1. That's ****ing PIGGLY WIGGLY, PB. I suspect the soundtrack at a Piggly Wiggly would be Ted Nugent.
  2. Nowhere did I say that I was uncomfortable, counselor. I just don't like ****ing Crystal Waters.
  3. Sir, I find it offensive that you'd want to say that I'm shopping at an LGBTQ grocery store, especially when you've painted yourself as an ally to the LGBTQ community and are punching down when you're trying to make a joke. Be the change you want to see and stop pretending like straight people can't support LGBTQ businesses by shopping there.
  4. Also, when I go to the grocery store, I don't mind if they have some music in the background, but I draw the ****ing line at dance music. I don't need to hear 100% Pure Love by Crystal Waters while I'm trying to find the right pickles to get my sick wife. The ****s next, C&C Music Factory?
  5. I love fast food, but even I won't stoop to going to KFC for anything.
  6. Yeah, your fast food addiction is killing you. The weight you've gained might be some muscle. Especially if you're biking, you can add muscle to your legs quicker than you think. I've lost weight before two ways. First, was Keto....and I did a version called dirty Keto where I just ate everything in sight as long as it was protein. Didn't matter where it came from, so if I was out and about, I'd hit a drive thru and get a burger and toss the bun. I also worked out pretty hard. The other way and the more sustainable way is to track your macros. Carbs, fats and protein. Look up how to create a diet based on macros for yourself and you'll see the weight come off.
  7. Pretty sure that isn't a chess move!
  8. That's a simp take, Death Magnetic is an awesome album. Saying "everything after Justice sucks" has been said so many times and is such an unoriginal thought, the echo has been going on since '92 and you're on the tail end of it. That's a band that's not afraid to take chances and do whatever they want to do. Respect will be paid.
  9. This is what it's come down to. dick measuring over how long it takes to clear driveways.
  10. The way you talk, I figured you'd have a 1,400 foot driveway. 700 foot driveways are for plebians.
  11. Hunter Harvey has always had outstanding stuff, it's just been a matter if he can stay healthy. That's a guy to root for.
  12. This is a bit unfair. Load is solid. There's some good tracks on Re-Load. I took my favs from each and made a playlist last summer that's been in steady rotation.
  13. Dude, if you can't cook a hamburger what the hell is going on over there? Just drove past the Mazda dealership, saw TTB out there slingin.
  14. I'm not trying to be funny, but I'm glad you enjoyed it. The dude is so, so nice. He really is. But there's just a lot of social cues he doesn't pick up on.
  15. I'm more interested in the stereo system from 1996. Move Buzz out of the way, does that thing have a tape deck? What Idiot's Guide are you reading? What dish from Jacuqes Pepin's book are you whipping up? Aren't you the dude that eats a bowl of potato chips with a spoon? Why does your Commies mug have feminine curves? What the **** is up with artsy Kleenex box?
  16. He texted me and Dave yesterday with separate "I miss you!" texts. Then proceeded to inform me that he's been going through some personal problems and when I didn't bite on asking the question on what those personal problems were, he proceeded to inform me that he's having some issues with his marriage. I told him that he should maybe find a men's group at his church (again, very religious) to help him out. Encouraged him to keep running, that'll help with some of the stress that he's experiencing.
  17. Haven't gone to a dealer since 2018. Last three cars have been all purchased on Craigslist, used, for cash. It's kind of like ****ing without a condom on a first date from a rolling the dice perspective, but if you're okay with that, then it's not a big deal. Two of the cars have been great, one was a disaster but the upsides have been no car payments and no dealerships to deal with. Negotiating is easier. I don't hate walking on the lot and have hostility towards the industry like the OP does, but I certainly don't miss it either.
  18. Is @Lombardi's_kid_brother still around? He was a few weeks ago. Good opportunity for him to remind us how smart he is, right here.
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