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Spaceman Spiff

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Everything posted by Spaceman Spiff

  1. Great to see the Wiz out and running on this team. Wouldn't know Dallas has the highest ppg in the league this year, they look lost.
  2. Absurd, brainless fun. If those movies are on HBO I will stop and watch them for sure. People love to hate on them, but what do you expect? Cheesy lines, bad acting, great car chases, over the top stunts and explosions. I'm assuming this is Paul Walker's last movie, I might go see it in the theatre's come April.
  3. Really came close to cutting the cord. Moving into a new building and getting fios which I'm pretty excited about since I do a lot of photography and uploading images to dropbox quickly will be nice. So I signed up for the cable TV, too, which gave me two boxes in my new apartment plus the internet (no land line) for an affordable 86 per month. A few minutes after I hung up the phone for placing the order, I thought about DVR. DVR! Can't live without it. Didn't say it was included in my initial plan, assumed it was. Wrong. It's an extra 30 bucks per month, I think. Then the guy upsold me when he told me that to get the NFL network and other sports channels, I needed to upgrade. I gritted my teeth, said ok. Now the bill is 133 per month, Which I can afford, and honestly I don't mind the additional channels but the cheapskate in me has a bone to pick with the monthly DVR subscription. Why should I have to pay to record shows on your fancy HD box, fios? So I've been researching DVR boxes that you can purchase at walmart, target, best buy that'll record your shows so you don't have to pay the monthly subscription fee. I'm thinking on pulling the trigger on one of these in the next few days before the installer comes out but I'm not sure which to get. Does anyone have experience with these?
  4. Stoked about Pierce, this is awesome news. Swift move by EG to replace Ariza.
  5. Yeah, but it's somewhat understandable. It's ****ing Cleveland. They get dumped on left and right, they never win anything, they've had their hearts ripped out numerous times. So when the kid that gets picked on finally has something go his way, he gets a little ****y.
  6. Pretty much. The writeup was excellent. Dude has a good head on his shoulders.
  7. Pretty happy to see this, actually. Didn't think I would be. Hate the Heat. I hate Miami and their fans. Plastic city, plastic people, plastic fans. How many hot women are you going to see wearing Heat jerseys from here on out? Zero. I used to hate LeBron, now I've grown to appreciate him. I can't say that I "like" him, but I respect him. He's a damn good basketball player and he's learned to handle himself well over the years. He's grown up. He stays in the East so it sucks for Wizards fans but I don't mind a guy who wants to go back to his original team and try to lead some younger players to the promised land. It's a better story than him going to a random team like LA, Houston, etc. Of course, ESPN has a giant boner right now. It's gonna get old, quick. Side note: ESPN has to be pissed that SI.com got the story first
  8. It's ok. The music they choose from the early 80's is pretty good. I think the actors are pretty good, but somethings lacking so far. I think it's got some big shoes to fill with Mad Men and Breaking Bad being on that same network as well as Walking Dead...I've watched three episodes and haven't been totally impressed but not completely bored either. It better start going somewhere soon though. I love The Americans. Doesn't get much more fun than that show, IMO. Jealous of anyone watching Breaking Bad for the first time, too.
  9. They've really been pissing this one away. Still have a chance here but they need to get smart, quick. Hill throwing that ball away could be huge.
  10. Wiz are peaking at the right time. Awesome guard play betwee Wall and Beal, Nene and Gortat are giving an awesome presence down low. Ariza is giving great minutes. Awesome to see, finally a DC team kicking ass in the playoffs.
  11. Saw Draft Day on Friday night. Mildly entertaining. I did like the climactic scene where Kevin Costner pulled off some trade wizardry, even though it's highly doubtful anything like that could really happen.
  12. It's only about to get better. I've never felt about a tv show the way I felt about Breaking Bad. I also like Justified on FX. Entertaining show, not on a Breaking Bad level but it's a good time. I like Olyphant.
  13. The Americans is starting back up on Feb 26th, looks like. I'm pissed that it's not out on Netflix or Amazon Prime.
  14. Keep giving it to Webster in the corner. Only thing that looks like it's working.
  15. This looks like the same team as it's always been. Faces change, results are the same.
  16. What's up with Glen Rice Jr? Heard all through camp about how he was a beast, he hasn't played tonight. Every year I keep telling myself I'll get back into the NBA and start watching the Wizards again. Hopefully this year it sticks.
  17. Last few movies I've seen: The Iceman: Saw this in the theatre, absolutely loved it. LOVED it. Was thinking about it for two days after I saw it. Michael Shannon plays Richard Kuklinski, a notorious Mafia hitman in the 60's through the early 80's, a true story. Shannon was awesome, the movie was great, everything. Chris Evans plays another hitman, he did a great job. Winona Ryder plays Kuklinski's wife. Despite how awful the guy is, he has a code and you find yourself rooting for him. All he wants to do is provide for his family and protect them. Ray Liotta is in it, too. If you like Goodfellas, Casino, Donnie Brasco, you'll like this. It might not have the major starpower for the main character role but Shannon does great work. The Great Gatsby: ****ing hated it, and I still can't put my finger on why. Decent story, I don't think the acting sucked but...I suppose I hate everything Baz Luhrmann does. Silver Linings Playbook: Really liked it, thought it was hilarious and moving at the same time, too. Great acting all around. Man of Steel: Really wanted to like it but it wasn't that great. Got really tired of seeing Superman and whatever bad guy he was fighting throw each other through building after building and leaving skidmarks the size of Fed Ex Field in whatever town or field they were fighting in, only to have no scratches on Superman and his hair perfect. Never thought he was in real danger, never thought he had to compromise anything. Also hated the blatant product placement that was going on throughout the entire movie for some reason. Definitely better than the one from a few years ago but still not all that great.
  18. Just saw The Iceman tonight. Pretty damn good. Michael Shannon plays Richard Kulkinski, a mafia hitman who is suspected to have killed over 100 people. Winona Ryder plays his wife, Ray Liotta plays his boss and Chris Evans plays another killer in the movie. Shannon kicks ass, great portrayal of a stone cold killer. Great time piece, too...takes place in the mid 60's to early 80's, the clothes, cars and overall feel are great. Really liked it, one of the better movies I've seen in awhile. Trailer: Also, the new Angelika theatre in Merrifield is awesome. A buddy of mine and I went to go see Star Trek last Friday night and met up at Tysons. Parking was a ****, it was like Christmas over there. Spent 15 minutes trying to find a spot. Annoying teenagers everywhere, we just left and caught a later showing at Angelika. Easy to get to, easy parking, adult crowd.....can get beers in a bucket while you watch the movie. Theatres are nice, plenty of legroom. A little pricey, though....but if you're tired of Tysons, its a great alternative.
  19. O rly. She's pretty much a non-factor for me. I think she's attractive but wouldn't miss her if she was replaced by someone else. On the flip side, her presence doesn't bother me a whole lot, either. What do you find irritating about her?
  20. She's not a giant part of the movies, though. In fact I forgot she was in the 2nd one until she came up in the end.
  21. Yeah, I started Season 2 right after the intense ending to Season 1, it just couldn't match it. ---------- Post added March-27th-2013 at 12:07 AM ---------- Does anyone like Sons of Anarchy? Netflix is suggesting it to me but I'm not really feeling the premise. I haven't seen it mentioned in here, either.
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