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Spaceman Spiff

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Everything posted by Spaceman Spiff

  1. **** this mother****er right in the neck. Republicans/conservatives thinking that they're the last bastion of being fiscally responsible has gone out the window and it's been that way for years. Trump spent a **** ton of money and kicked the can down the road well before Covid-19 happened. This ****sucker is just pissed that Biden isn't spending money on the **** he wants to spend money on...but to come out on national TV and say they shouldn't be joining hands with Democrats is just ****ing ridiculous. IIRC, a couple weeks ago the Democrats gave them practically everything they wanted for illegal immigration reform but the Republicans didn't want to sign off on it because they didn't want to give Biden a win this close to the election. **** these ****suckers with a rusty tire iron. There are no adults on that side of the aisle and its ****ing pathetic.
  2. Goddamit, don’t you dare try to cover up for his memory lapses! Who’s side are you on!?!??
  3. One good thing from tonight, a lot of Jets fans are upset that Woody Johnson and his trollop were on stage with Trump this evening. I feel like that easily could have been Dan Snyder at one point. For once we can point and laugh at another team's owner and not have to worry about ours.
  4. I'm pretty sure I can go find great puff pieces on Tomsula from when the 49ers hired him as a head coach. "bUt sPiFf! qWiNn iS uh mUcH bEtTaH cOaCh! AnThOnY LyNn iS gUnNa UnLoCk BeE-WoB!" That's probably true, but the point is that there's always warm and fuzzies and great "behind the scenes" stories that crop up any time a new coach is hired. Pardon me while I roll my eyes at the fact that Michael Jordan's in-practice punching bag turned smug head coach is a great friend of Quinn's. JFC, Keim is acting like it's a miracle or some **** that Quinn didn't blame others when asked about 28-3. Anyone who knows anything about interviewing should know how to answer a question like that, of course you don't point fingers at anyone who deserves it, you shoulder the blame and look for other answers. Reporting on it like ****ing Dorothy walking out of her front door and seeing color for the first time is insulting. I'm stoked as **** that we have a different owner, but I'm still not getting fooled this time. Just because Snyder isn't here doesn't mean that this is automatically going to be better. Odds significantly increase now that he's gone but I'm still skeptical.
  5. Wait till the Knicks get good and TTB jumps on that bandwagon.
  6. Handwriting samples. Guarantee that Caitlyn Jenner still writes like a dude. Am I kidding? You be the judge!
  7. Appropo of nothing, this was a cool documentary: They also posted the full 30 minute MJ interview:
  8. I'm really just here to give you a good ribbing since I'd heard it from you for years I hope the Nats youth movement goes well and that these two teams can meet in a I-95 Series someday.
  9. I think it raised a bunch of eyebrows yesterday because he's also been hurt. And I think there have been whispers of him playing through injury or taking too much time coming back from injuries. Also, I think there's a lot of people out there that think these guys should love it since they make so much.
  10. I thought he said something similar when he was in DC, right?
  11. Uh oh @Riggo#44is here! Can't wait to see what truth grenades he's gonna drop! Maybe another great post about DC income vs Baltimore income?
  12. Orioles young talent or Nats young talent, who would you take? Of course who knows what the future holds, that's a no duh statement.
  13. That's actually a pretty hilarious idea. I'm not clicking this ****, pinecone.
  14. I just got an ad on YouTube for the Trumpinator Bobblehead. I can't believe this ****.
  15. Wanna trade the Nats future for the Orioles future? You're lying if you say no.
  16. Hard to find a buyer for a shack when you’re next to the nicest house in town.
  17. I don't really need to see stars competing in the dunk contest in order to care about it. It'd be cool of they did, but seeing someone like Ja Morant jumping over someone he pulled out of the crowd isn't going to make me change my mind, I don't think. It's still the same thing. Like, Harold Miner is still memorable if you're of a certain age. I'd just like to see something that I haven't seen before...but I think after 40-ish years of dunk contests most everything has been done.
  18. @purbeastis right. I keep tuning into the dunk contest out of habit and thinking/hoping that someone will do something we haven't seen before. IIRC, the year Vince Carter won, there seemed to be the same malaise. I don't know how accurate my memory is but I seem to remember thinking that the dunk contest was old, stale and everything had been done. Then Vince Carter came in and took it to a whole new level. But that was over 20 years ago, now it's just guys pulling really tall former players out of the crowd and leaping over them. I don't want to say that everything has already been done, but it's looking that way. The highlights from the dunk contest were boring as ****. I fell asleep after the 3 point contest and the Steph/Sabrina thing...actually, the Steph/Sabrina thing was the highlight of the weekend for me, I wasn't expecting that. I dunno how Silver thinks he can make guys want to play defense in an all-star game but good luck trying. Half those guys would rather not be there, all of them want to avoid injury.
  19. The NBA can scrap the skills challenge from Saturday night. What garbage.
  20. Came into this thread all excited to see some smokeshow that’d end up on Mugshawtys but then I find out it’s old Rachel Dolezal, which was massively disappointing. But then I see TTBs still fooled into thinking that she’s some kind of mocha and it’s all good
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