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Spaceman Spiff

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Everything posted by Spaceman Spiff

  1. We agree that social media isn't a place for kids. In regards to the bipartisan tongue lashing, I think our elected officials feel the need to haul guys like Zucker**** into the halls of Congress to berate them every once in awhile so they can feel better about themselves and perhaps gain some modicum of respectability in the eyes of Americans for about 5 minutes. You can say what you want about Zucker**** and facebook (for the record, I can take or leave him and I don't use facebook), but at least the guy built something. And that thing he built certainly has faults and issues but I think it bothers guys like Tom Cotton that people aspire to be the next Zuckerberg way, way more than they aspire to be the next Tom Cotton or Josh Hawley. Cotton and Hawley and the rest know that the only way they can get a tech CEOs attention is to haul them into DC and give them that tongue lashing which is silly and ridiculous and as @Corcaighcorrectly pointed out, is a stupid circus. What they'll never understand is how hard it is to build something like a facebook and have it run smoothly and perfectly and without issues and complexities and try to be on the lookout for issues such as this because they're too chicken**** to do it. It's a stupid dog and pony show that allows uninformed Americans to think for a bit that the elected officials are actually looking out for our best interests instead of being bought and sold by their special interest groups and lobbyists. I wish Zuck or one of the other CEOs would have the gall to clap back with something like that.
  2. NY Times: https://www.nytimes.com/2024/01/31/opinion/taylor-swift-travis-kelce-republicans.html IMO, they're gonna come for her and regret it, big time.
  3. Rubenstein stepped down as chairman of the Kennedy Center on Monday, agreeing to stay on until a successor is found to follow his 27-year reign, during which he donated $111 million to the national cultural arts center. "I am 74 years old," Rubenstein said Monday, per the Washington Post, "an age which is too young to be president of the United States, but generally considered to be old enough for other things.” This guy is great. https://www.usatoday.com/story/sports/mlb/orioles/2024/01/30/baltimore-orioles-sold-david-rubenstein-arougheti-angelos/72414024007/
  4. **** this might be it. Snyder and Angelos gone within a year of each other. ****ing unreal.
  5. Because there's one significant name off the board. I don't know how many are left that are realistic or good for us. But there's one more off the board, thus making EB's chance (although slim) stronger. Look at this as a game of musical chairs, in other words.
  6. The Commies should have at least said "Before you do that, at least meet with us." Or even better "Hey, before you make any final decisions, let us know because we want to be able to meet with you to put our best offer on the table." Maybe they did those things and he still took the raise and stayed and didn't give the Commies the chance. Who knows? I don't want EB being the coach but we have to recognize that it's a stronger possibility now than it was 24 hours ago. So, the sky might be falling a little bit.
  7. No, but enough to make him stay. He's already comfortable where he is, he just got more comfortable. Well, then they knew it'd work. That's good for you, then.
  8. Yes. This. You guys don't know the power of a counter offer. Well, maybe some of you do. I'd bet that this is exactly what happened. Make no mistake, the Lions didn't want to be out there searching for Johnson's replacement. Do any of you think they'd want to be trying to fill a hole on their coaching staff? No, they gave Johnson a raise.
  9. Sure, it's on them. I mean, a bunch of people here seem to think the HC job for the Commies is, like, a really good opportunity, one that anyone should be lucky to have. How the Commies weren't able to keep him on the hook until they arrived to meet with him face to face is their fault.
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