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Official "The Shield" thread.


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And who else thinks that the City Controller who owes Vic a favor is going to spill the beans that there IS no impending review board meeting? That should go over well.

Very strong season.

Exactly what I was thinking. It should hit the fan when he finds out...cant wait for him to confront Claudette about it.

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Shane's wife has always been a C-word and is in perfect form again this season.

Interesting build-up episode...Shane is clearly feeling desperate. I'm wondering if he is trying to get in with the Armenians so they will take out Vic for him.

And it looks like adios for Hernan. I'll bet anything Aceveda's developer friend is a gang informer. He has been getting a lot of otherwise inexplicable screen time this season.

3 more episodes to go!

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Interesting build-up episode...Shane is clearly feeling desperate. I'm wondering if he is trying to get in with the Armenians so they will take out Vic for him.

And it looks like adios for Hernan. I'll bet anything Aceveda's developer friend is a gang informer. He has been getting a lot of otherwise inexplicable screen time this season.

3 more episodes to go!

i think hernan is dead. the aceveda is running his mouth way too much and undermining claudette in the process.

i think shane maybe just building up cash so he can make run out of town if he needs too. i think shane is acting just like vic. it was extremely clever for him to detail all their mis-doings to blackmail vic. now he can go back to work and vic can't afford for shane to be caught as lem's killer. if anything shane can roll out and STILL drop the dime on vic.

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So did Vic giving the head gang banger his cell phone with hernan's incoming call give hernan away or was it Aceveda's developer guy?

Could have been how relatively obvious the guy was in the cage,, giving Vic backwards looks, little nods, etc.


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Was that not Hernan dead at the gas station?

That was the Iraqi guy Shane was muscling earlier.

BTW, anyone else notice there was another video camera running in the gas station that he did not catch? Sloppy work, Cletus.

Oh, and nice cameo by Leela Bundy :)

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So did Vic giving the head gang banger his cell phone with hernan's incoming call give hernan away or was it Aceveda's developer guy?

The phone was too much of a plot device not to have it come back in some way. I think Vic screwed up -- or at least will think he did later.

Walton Goggins is a fantastic actor. Guy should win an emmy.

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"The Shane Identity " complete with Franka...well done!

Another solid outing last night. Hiatt has grown on me...I actually hope he will be back. And Goggins continues to act his ass off - what a season on the edge.

Great scene with Vic and Ronnie talking about Terry. You have to wonder how Ronnie really feels about that whole mess.

Two more episodes!

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i thought this season is supposed to be the last?

I thought so too originally, but they have already started shooting for next year.

If they know they're not coming back after next year, they will be able to run wild with the storylines. Should be great.

They may even finally get back around to the whole Dutch is becoming a serial killer angle.

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Billings really did come alive this season, I think its too obvious that he will push Dutch into seriel killer mode but I think the gay angle is funny and they have jullian to play with on that(a little pay back to the strike team captian). Vick I think will get sucked into the Aremnian mob and that chick will try to destroy him, and he will some how come out smelling like roses. The obvious thing would be for that marriage to destroy him, but the propper out for Vick is something that he has zero controll over and zero ability to gain controll over.

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Dutch keeps holding the vending machines over Billings' head, so he had to do something. That was too funny, seeing Dutch going over to get comfy and she was already getting her freak on. :laugh: I wonder what Dutch is gonna do now. Next week looks to be a great season finale, especially with Vic having a photo of Aceveda's BJ.:rotflmao: Aceveda can't explain his way out of that.

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Just a guess on next weeks -

Everything seems like Shane is about to kill Vic's family, at the end, you find out shane just saved Vic and his family and kills the girl.

Probably gets hurt in the meantime. Vic gets mixed feelings about shane after that....

Just a guess....

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Next week looks to be a great season finale, especially with Vic having a photo of Aceveda's BJ.:rotflmao: Aceveda can't explain his way out of that.

I love how they tie in the entire history of the show. Hell, that was 2-3 seasons ago when Aceveda got on his knees. And then the money train gets thrown back in the mix.

What a great show. I can't believe it's already the finale. I keep expecting this show to get worse, but it's getting better. Shows like 24 are decent in their own right, but can't compare to the grit of Shield. The writers deserve a TON of credit for keeping it interesting for this long.

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Now, maybe I'm hoping too much, but I did notice last night they showed scenes for what they called the SEASON finale,,, not series finale.

Is it possible the Shield returns?

even as the main story of Vic is boiling down they have brought up new stories that are compelling, they have shown meat in other characters that could be brought to the forefront..

I can dream, right?


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