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Lavar - I hope you read this...

Dirk Diggler

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Just a couple things:

1) It's always someone elses fault with you.

It's either:

the coaches not using you correctly or

the coaches not being here long enough to use you correctly or

the defensive line not playing well enough in front of you or

the money you DIDN'T get in contract negotiations or

the team pushing you to come back when the Doctor and EVERYONE ELSE told you to take your time

2) Lavar, tell me you are not for real when you whine about people not patting you on the back for working hard to come back? What do you want, a fu(king cookie?

Why come back as quickly as you can from injuries? Why push yourself?

Because you owe it to your teammates who bleed B&G

Because you owe to your HOF coach and Greg Williams for working 80 hour weeks so you can get all the glory

Because you owe it to the fans who idolize you and to me for dying a little every time we lose

Because you owe it to your family who I'm sure loves and supports you

And God damn it you owe it to yourself

And if all that is not enough then you owe it to Snyder because of your contract that has made you the highest paid LB (and perhaps defensive player) in the league even though you've never come close to playing like it.

Quite simply- you get paid to play - playoffs or no playoffs. A true competitor understands that if they're keeping score, the game means something. Your teammates played that way until the final gun against Minny. They left their guts on the field while you were sipping Cristal in your luxury box.

3) I've no doubt that the turnover has made you less of an impact player than you could be. But let everyone else make those observations. We don't have to hear it from you. Don't tell me about what you could have done if this and that happend. Don't tell me how hard the pregnancy was, show me the baby.

And is it my imagination or are we bringing back every defensive coach on the team? Yet you still talk about turnover like it's a given. Nobody but the post wants to hear your ramblings so shut it.

4) I know a girl who is dating a very prominent college teammate of yours and she warned me about you back in October. She told me that you are just a time bomb and that you were only about the parties and the chicks and the fame at Penn State. She said that any time they lost, you were the first to point the finger at everyone but yourself. She said that you still have not changed one bit and that she'd feel very confident in saying that you'll never be anything but a poison pill. She said that Paterno was popping champagne when you left early because he you were the antithesis of the kind of Nittany Lion player he wanted.

I didn't post it on ES because I didn't want to believe it. I wanted to give you the benefit of the doubt. I wanted to believe YOU for so long. That the reason you weren't the second coming is because of the coaches or your teammates or your health. That all you needed was a few seasons with the great Greg Williams and we could finally see the true beast unleashed. All you needed was a little more time.

But it's not going to happen. It's never going to happen. And it's not because of Snyder or Gibbs or because of your knee. It's because of you, Lavar. Because you have no heart. Because you have no soul. Because you're only about the bling and about selling his jerseys and about appearing on TV. It's about everything but football. And that's not how it's supposed to be.

I hope you join Coles and Gardner and Bailey: Other talented players with chips on their shoulders who are about everything but the team. I'd much prefer the David Pattens and Walt Harris's who may not run as fast or jump as high but have more heart in their pinky nail than your collective asses combined. I hope you are serious about wanting them to want get rid of you. Because if it were up to me, you'd be someone else's problem tomorrow. I'm so glad I didn't buy your jersey because you are a gutless punk and you don't deserve to play for my team.

Wow... Sounds like some1 needs a hug

i look at it like this

i would rather see Lavar here then with another team where they will use him the right way and he starts playing at probowl form again then when time comes for him to get revenge on us he is all over the field causing turnovers and making plays

LaVar as a Redskins over LaVar as a Eagle or some other team that would know how to use him

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I don't know how any true Redskin fan can hate on LaVar. What games were you guys watching. The man has been a play maker, heck i'm sorry, a force to be wreckoned with since he came into the league. Who cares about what some girl from college said about him. It's all about production baby. Being a football player through college myself, i know how people can start saying things about you, especially when you are good. The bottom line is people look for the bad in you and not the good. You know glass half empty-glass half full thing. I also know that great coaches find ways to use great talent. My friends, LaVar Arrington is a great player. You don't find talent like that very often. Lavar, if you read this, know that this brother in Va. supports you. i hope you get a chance to get back out there and do what you love to do. Some people may not understand that, but trust me i do.

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Personally, I feel like I have an obligation as a fan to agree with Dirk. I've been a Skin's fan since the early 70's (before LAVAR knew what a football was). Lavar doesn't have a true appreciation for what a Championship caiber team player really is. Many men have left their blood & sweat on the grid iron for minimal money compared to his spoiled ass. Im a Lavar fan , but it's not all about him. And if his heart were in it firstly he would be writing Daniel Snyder a check off of his own convictions. Snyder has promoted LA very strongly and believed in his dedication to the organization who has made him one of the highest paid players in the game.

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I don't know how any true Redskin fan can hate on LaVar. What games were you guys watching. The man has been a play maker, heck i'm sorry, a force to be wreckoned with since he came into the league. Who cares about what some girl from college said about him. It's all about production baby. Being a football player through college myself, i know how people can start saying things about you, especially when you are good. The bottom line is people look for the bad in you and not the good. You know glass half empty-glass half full thing. I also know that great coaches find ways to use great talent. My friends, LaVar Arrington is a great player. You don't find talent like that very often. Lavar, if you read this, know that this brother in Va. supports you. i hope you get a chance to get back out there and do what you love to do. Some people may not understand that, but trust me i do.

You sound just as clueless as Lavar.

It's all about production, huh? All about talent? And it's all on the coaches to utilize that talent?

How about accountability? Dependability? Attention to detail? Intelligence? Being a team player? Do those qualities count for anything?? Apparently they do to this staff and that's why your boy isn't playing.

The bottom line is that no one is picking on Lavar. This is not "the man" trying to bring you and "your dawg" down, hommie. Lavar has brought this all on himself. Lavar has no one to blame but himself - though that won't stop him from trying. Maybe you should go read my post again since that was the point of it and it went completely over your head? Or perhaps you just have the same poisonous attitude as Lavar and like him, you'll never learn.

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If you're still reading ('doubt you've even seen this thread) ...

I couldn't disagree with the originator of this thread more! Lackluster LB Holdman missed a BIG play on Sunday, and yet he's somehow the superior LB! Right! :rolleyes:

I love Gibbs, I'm ticked at Coach (Ego) Williams, and I want the truth from our Head Coach! That's all we're asking.

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this is getting dumb now , nice post im sure you feel better , i doubt he will read it and i really doubt you should be buying into everything you read and hear about LA , some may be true and there is something obviously going on here but dont take this overboard and make it some kinda personal thing, kinda gives me the creeps in a stalkerish way =O ...i have never heard anything bad about LA til this year and maybe its because hes been happy and he doesnt show his a$$ til hes unhappy , but i am gonna give him the benefit of the doubt for now ......if he is stinkingup the joint then i think we should bounce him over to DE or make him a pass rush specialist or something our D neeeeeeeeeeeds it ><

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PortisFan101 wrote:

Dirk Daggler,

I find it amusing that you seem to have personal hate towards Arrington. It is not only childish, but unwarranted.

The guy wants to play. He isn't. Is that a reason to hate the guy?


I'm very confused about your post...

I saw no hatred in DD's post. I think his emotion was almost pleading in the sense we all want LaVar to shape up and play like he was meant to play the game. Instead all he has become is the Poston's whiney biatch and that is a tragedy. He really could have been one of the greatest. Now he looks like he will be one of the greatest disappointments.

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What's going to happen if Lavar gets in the game at KC and causes/recovers a fumble? Many here now will be changing their tune. Maybe the problem is that they will be wrong about him THEN not now. (cue twighlight Zone theme...)

I very much agree with the passion of this thread and even have felt the same way throughout this "Free Lavar" or "Fire Lavar" period. I just think we forget that this guy makes plays that ring out for weeks. I see the guy say he's a Redskin then hold up the org for more money. I see the guy blame 2-3 coaches in a row. I also see him pancake QBs, strip RBs and tip or catch passes meant for WRs. These are things that no other player on our (albeit NICE) defense are NOT doing.

If the coaching staff is telling the media the truth, Lavar will have to change to succeed. I understand that questioning what our coaching staff says is blasphemous around here so I'm NOT going to do that even though I simply think Lavar's in sombody's doghouse. I would like to ask this question: Isn't a "little bit" of lieing NECESSARY for a coaching staff when it comes to the media and (GASP) the fans?

Quite frankly I'm afraid to click "post" on this one. It's truly a Lavar Arrington burning-in-effigy thread. :D

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What's going to happen if Lavar gets in against KC or anyone else and causes a forced fumble we recover? We'll all cheer and be glad he's around AND that the staff is finally comfortable enough with him to play him. No one is rooting against Lavar's success. In fact, I suspect he'll absolutely destroy people initially upon returning.

The point is that when he returns we realistically can expect it'll happen when he's developed the trust and confidence of a very good staff. When that happens, with his natural ability, he'll be a rare player in the league. Now, given the stuff of today, I suspect he may be done here. He just keeps making things worse.

The most unfortunate aspect of Lavar's return to the lineup should that happen is also the best part. If he comes in and plays great, it'll be seen as a great tribute to the coaching of our staff that got him ready to play and produce while minimizing the types of errors that have plagued his career. And, of course, when he does well, people who already lack an understanding of the game will simply not realize how good they have it and jeer Williams for not doing it sooner.

I'll be super pumped when Lavar is back in the lineup because for the first time in his career he's got a coach strong enough and WILLING to demand more of Lavar than Lavar has ever been. When he gets it out of him, it'll be a wonderful thing to behold.

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What's going to happen if Lavar gets in against KC or anyone else and causes a forced fumble we recover? We'll all cheer and be glad he's around AND that the staff is finally comfortable enough with him to play him. No one is rooting against Lavar's success. In fact, I suspect he'll absolutely destroy people initially upon returning.

The point is that when he returns we realistically can expect it'll happen when he's developed the trust and confidence of a very good staff. When that happens, with his natural ability, he'll be a rare player in the league. Now, given the stuff of today, I suspect he may be done here. He just keeps making things worse.

The most unfortunate aspect of Lavar's return to the lineup should that happen is also the best part. If he comes in and plays great, it'll be seen as a great tribute to the coaching of our staff that got him ready to play and produce while minimizing the types of errors that have plagued his career. And, of course, when he does well, people who already lack an understanding of the game will simply not realize how good they have it and jeer Williams for not doing it sooner.

I'll be super pumped when Lavar is back in the lineup because for the first time in his career he's got a coach strong enough and WILLING to demand more of Lavar than Lavar has ever been. When he gets it out of him, it'll be a wonderful thing to behold.

I would love to see him do well here and soon. It's unfortunate that he has somehow created a wall between himself and the team. Anyone seen Andyman here lately? ;)

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It's been posted before; there's more to him not playing than we're being told. I'd love to see him playing too. The problem now is that when he finally does play he'll be trying to prove himself and he'll overplay and screw up. The fact is, he hits like a freight train and we need some guys to knock some blocks off and put the fear of God in our opponenets, kinda like ST does. Time will tell.

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Don Banks wrote this regarding the Lavar situation (I don't beleive it's been posted) ...

Speaking of me-guys, it's good to see the myth of LaVar Arrington, superstar, being debunked in Washington. Arrington has been an undisciplined, freelancing type of player since he came out of Penn State in 2000, and his inability to both know and carry out his assignment within the defense drove former Redskins coordinator Marvin Lewis crazy in 2002.

Redskins assistant head coach/defense Gregg Williams has finally called Arrington's bluff and is keeping him off the field (Arrington has played a total of three snaps in the past two weeks). That Arrington is a three-time Pro Bowl selection speaks to how much the voting is both a popularity contest and an exercise in reputation carrying more weight than reality.

Arrington's done in Washington. It's not a matter of if he and the Redskins will part ways. It's just a question of when and how.


Is it a coincidence that two of the top defensive minds in football have been unable to trust Lavar enough to make him an every-down linebacker? I don't think so. I find it arrogant of posters to claim that the coaching staff is somehow discriminating against Lavar or is underevaluating him as a player. Have you watched hours and hours of film analyzing Lavar's every move as an NFL player? Have you had the opportunity to watch him in practice? It would be much easier for Gregg Williams to simply put Lavar in the starting lineup. He doesn't enjoy answering the same questions and hearing the same story about Lavar day in and day out. As Don Banks pointed out, it's well-known throughout the NFL that Lavar is a liability on defense. When explaining Lavar's lack of playing time on Monday, Gibbs stated that because of Denver's tendencies to run counters and bootlegs, Williams chose not to put him in the game.

It's time to put this discussion to rest. Lavar is a free-lancer, either unable to or unwilling to play within the confines of a defensive system. He couldn't play effectively for Marvin Lewis and now he can't play effectively for Gregg Williams.

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I'll be super pumped when Lavar is back in the lineup because for the first time in his career he's got a coach strong enough and WILLING to demand more of Lavar than Lavar has ever been. When he gets it out of him, it'll be a wonderful thing to behold.

bingo... exactly what it is all about

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I didn't hear anybody complain about the defense when we were 3 and 0. In fact, winning was attributed to how good Williams' defense is (without LaVar). Winning solves everything ... bad coaching, bad playing, bad weather ... everything ... There simply is no evidence at present according to the coaching staff that putting LaVar in the lineup will make a difference to the upside ... rather the opposite may be true.

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I didn't hear anybody complain about the defense when we were 3 and 0. In fact, winning was attributed to how good Williams' defense is (without LaVar). Winning solves everything ... bad coaching, bad playing, bad weather ... everything ... There simply is no evidence at present according to the coaching staff that putting LaVar in the lineup will make a difference to the upside ... rather the opposite may be true.

That's kind of what I mean.

We beat Dallas. People still complained LaVar wasn't playing. We beat Seattle. People still complained LaVar wasn't playing. His enablers weren't able to enjoy the team win. We come back and almost beat Denver in Denver during terrible conditions. Then same people say LaVar would have helped us win. There was a damn good chance we'd have also gotten blown up by Denver had he been playing.

He and Trotter cost us the game against Carolina in '03. LaVar also cost us the game against Miami that very same season. He played well under a disciplined Coach in '02, then our D took a huge nosedive the next year under a Coach he liked because he was allowed to do whatever he pleased. He's not going to win this war of ego with Gregg Williams, so he needs to stop the whining on the radio and just get with the program.

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That's kind of what I mean.

We beat Dallas. People still complained LaVar wasn't playing. We beat Seattle. People still complained LaVar wasn't playing. His enablers weren't able to enjoy the team win. We come back and almost beat Denver in Denver during terrible conditions. Then same people say LaVar would have helped us win. There was a damn good chance we'd have also gotten blown up by Denver had he been playing.

He and Trotter cost us the game against Carolina in '03. LaVar also cost us the game against Miami that very same season. He played well under a disciplined Coach in '02, then our D took a huge nosedive the next year under a Coach he liked because he was allowed to do whatever he pleased. He's not going to win this war of ego with Gregg Williams, so he needs to stop the whining on the radio and just get with the program.

I've never let the emotion of a win or loss not let me see things for what they are. This cat Holdman isn't Lavar period. People totally putting this on Lavar isn't right. The coaches are to blame too. Holdman can't get to the passer even on the weakside. So why is he there? Williams is sending him on blitzes and thats not the guy's forte' Its never been. Hell to tell the truth none of our linebackers are getting to the QB, even on blitzes. Lavar isn't all right in this but Greg Williams damn sure ain't either. To not play him at all and say its because he can't get my system is some straight bull*hit.

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