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Lavar - I hope you read this...

Dirk Diggler

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Some things are really starting to chime in here. Gibbs won't keep cancerous people on the team. If Coles didn't make enough of a statement maybe Cutting Lavar will. Obviously we cannot quite do it yet. So... When can we... Anways after venting my anger obviously I am all for Lavar and Gibbs working this out. I love Lavar and hope he becomes a great player, but for christ sake WTF is your problem. Seriously why is he mad, I don't even know. He has no reason to be mad. He was paid the entire time to "rehab" while sippin champagne in the VIP during games and practice. Yet he's mad about what?

Here's the thing I am most surprised about. What's the deal with him and Gibbs not "developing any relationship." Gibbs developed relationships with every single player on the team and all at the same time. What do you just need to be the teachers pet so you can consistently get what you want? If he is sincere and Gibbs really hasn't developed a good relationship with him or for that matter many of the other player's maybe some of the hearsay about Gibbs inability to deal with todays players is true. So while of coarse I am in no way bashing Gibbs intentionally I am simply speculating when I say... What is he good for if he can't deal with players... OR create a successful offense with arguably the most talented personnel in the league??????????

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Nice post DD -

Does anyone know what Lavar's address is so I can send him some flowers and balloons to let him know that we the fans are thinking of him and hoping his surgery recovery is going well? Apparantly that is all he wants is just some appreciation for the pain he is going through for the team... I'm willing to be the bigger man here and give him what he wants... just tell me where to send the bouquet and it is there...

What more does he want? I feel like the fans AND the media have done a great job of laying off him so he can recouperate but then he responds to being out of the spotlight with this... I don't understand. someone has spent too much time with the Poston's recently.

LA - I always liked your potential, and I never want to see you lining up on the other side of our QB (especially after ending Aikman's career), but I am wondering if you will ever live up to it. Last year I thought you were really stepping up, even if not in play, in leadership in the locker room and in the media, but maybe we just all thought wrong.

How long do teams wait based on potential? I feel like Courtney Brown, Lavar, and Chris Samuels are all still spoken of as "having great potential" - at what point does a team (like Cleveland did) say it isn't worth it? Certainly Samuels and Arrington have had better careers, but neither has lived up to their contracts or potential...

Hoping that buges helps samuels reach it and lavar gets his act together to lead this D to #1 next year...


Lifelong skin fan - been lurking the boards for a while now - first time post...

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i feel like the walls are caving in around me. first smoot took the $$$ and ran, then sean taylor doesn't feel the need to practice and wants a new contract after one good season, now lavar is bashing the skins organization and is in no hurry to come back. i hope we have an awesome draft because this offseason has been dreadful so far.

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Originally posted by englitdaudelin

I would soil my pants to make a tenth of what Lavar gets paid to PLAY A GAME! a hard game, to be sure, but a game.

We don't see them mature because most of them can't. Since high school, they haven't had to. They can get away with acting like morons (See also: Randy Moss), demanding outrageous things, and leaving their JOBS and TEAMMATES for even more money-- and someone will always pay it-- all because they've achieved level of skill that most of us only dream of.

Maturity? From a person playing a game? Pshaw.

And writing a novel just putting words on paper......

Maybe, just maybe, they achived that level of skill by working harder than anyone else. Maybe they reached that level because they worked harder than anyone else and became stronger than anyone else. Maybe they reached that level because they worked harder than anyone else and became stronger than anyone else and became smarter than anyone else. Maybe they reached that level because they worked and ignored people who told them they couldn't do it.

This ain't hollywood, if you ain't got it, you can't buy it. And sleeping with the coach won't get you a starting roll.




Ya know, you could make 1/10th of what LaVar makes if you soiled your pants on the internet!

:laugh: :yikes:


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What kills me is that Lavars dad was RUN OVER by a tank in Viet Nam. He learned to walk again with a prostetic leg and I'll bet ya he never ****ed once.

We have to hear this kind of news from the standard bull**** liberal media but Lavar, "tell me it ain't so."

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Dirk...get a grip. You are in dire need of some reality pills. It's a business - big business. Players are so much cattle. They know it. Football will chew them up and spit them out in a heartbeat...and injuries are the prime avenue in this disposable little drama. this is a minor episode. if you want to preach values....how about some posts for the former players who can't walk more than 3 paces...or have died from roids abuse.......anything better than some closet fascist desire to silence a player who speaks out in frustration.....

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Wow, are you a whiney *****.

Lavar is frustrated over another surgery. He wants to be on the field helping this team and feels left out.

I think you and your source need to chill out. This board is full of pathetic whiners but this takes the cake. LMAO

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Originally posted by Lavar5150

Wow, are you a whiney *****.

Lavar is frustrated over another surgery. He wants to be on the field helping this team and feels left out.

I think you and your source need to chill out. This board is full of pathetic whiners but this takes the cake. LMAO

I will not say DD is a whiney *****, or this board is full of pathetic whiners. I think this board is full of die-hard fans who as just as tired of loosing and having all this controversy year after year, we all want to bring glory back to the Redskins.

but I do agree with everything else you have said, I also think LaVar is a very emotional player, he gives his heart and soul when he plays, and I do think he feels left out. I love the passion LaVar brings to this team and he is just as frustrated as we are, I think this was just his way of venting and I hope this all gets brushed under the rug and we can move forward. You had some good thoughts Lavar5150.

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Originally posted by fansince62

Dirk...get a grip. You are in dire need of some reality pills. It's a business - big business. Players are so much cattle. They know it. Football will chew them up and spit them out in a heartbeat...and injuries are the prime avenue in this disposable little drama. this is a minor episode. if you want to preach values....how about some posts for the former players who can't walk more than 3 paces...or have died from roids abuse.......anything better than some closet fascist desire to silence a player who speaks out in frustration.....

:logo: Dirk is just expressing his opinion....just like Lavar did. My response to you sir is this.....maybe they should get into another line of work then. Period.

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You think this is bad......let's see. Coles whined and complained. He is back in New York. Lavar got it going with his case against the Redskins. This is nothing. All you Sean Taylor worshipers don't want to hear this but just wait when it is his turn to stand on the soapbox. That will be truly nauseating. Hey coach Gibbs...I feel for you. The egos you are dealing with are truly selfish to the max. Dirk, nice post. It is nice to see someone get on here and call it what it truly is. Just because the guy is a Redskin doesn't mean the BS can't happen here. It does happen here and it gets real tiresome and very counterproductive to what Gibbs is trying to do. I love Lavar too. You know what though LA.....I have adopted this approach during the offseason as I have watched some big fricken mouths leave this town....."Gentlemen, we lost our asses with you. We can sure as hell lose without you." If you don't like it Lavar...hit the road Jack.

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scott.....uh huh.

he's making his livelihood. pray tell...while you are screaming for beheadings...what have you done to warrant even having a vote about how another man earns his living?

this is all small potatoes. you wanna sack a guy who is hurt precisely because he was giving his all for the skins? he spoke out wihtout drawing any real blood and you want the lynch mob mounted and riding?

I know - make it a real issue, boycott until Lavar is history, and see how that flies for team morale!!!!

let it die. Gibbs will work it out.

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Hey Dirk, I don't care what everyone says, but you nailed it on the head. You said a mouthful dude! I too, am sick of Lavar and his whining. Finally, somebody called it like it is on Lavar. He never does anything on the field and still has not proven a damn thing.

We were the second or third best defense last year and that was without Miss PreMaddona on the field. I wish Lavar would just Shut up and just play ball.

Now, all this truly means is that we definitely have to draft a LB on the 23rd. We can't rely on Lavar...

In Joe gibbs we trust!

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