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Lavar - I hope you read this...

Dirk Diggler

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how can you make judgements on a man you dont know?

How can you? I think it's been repeated ad nauseum out here that we all want him to get on the field and succeed and be a monster. But only when he's got the system down pat and the extremely experienced and competent coaching staff thinks he's ready to.

What's the problem?

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What's funny is that everyone keeps saying how Lavar isn't worth anything. How he's only out for himself and that he doesn't have the brains to play defense.

And then they say, "let's trade him for a high number one pick and a player."

As if.

Either he's a good player and worth a high pick to another team, or he's a POS like you all say and he isn't worth much to a team.

Which is it?

Could it be that our defense is playing so well that we realize we don't need him and we could get another player? I guarantee you that if our defense was stinking it up out there, fans would be screaming to get Lavar back out on the field.

Every other fan on here used to have a pic of Lavar in their sig... now suddenly he's overrated. lol. Same ol story. It's why fans here hate Coles, Westbrook, S. Davis, and the rest. Predictable.

Letter to Lavar? Like he's gonna read this. Pffft. Just call it what it is: Someone writing to vent their frustrations about wasting another high first round draft pick and screwing up the salary cap further on a player that we can't even use correctly. Someone wanting other posters on this site to say, "Great post man! I feel that way too!"

I've said since the beginning, we should've paid Champ and let Arrington go. You don't pay a 4-3 linebacker that kind of money... they can't earn it. 4-3 linebackers are a dime a dozen in the NFL... shutdown corners aren't.

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True fans don't hate on him. They support him. True fans just want this to work out. True fans know he can help us. The author of this post couldn't be further from a true fan. He is a hater who believes something he heard from a gilr who dates some guys who played football. You lost all credibility with that one homey.

You just want it to work out, eh? Well isn't that sweet. Let's all hold hands and play ring around the rosey.


If life were only so simple. If only the past 5 years of bull$hit Lavar has put the team/owner/coaches/fans through could just vanish like a fart in the wind and we could all start from scratch. It could be like the day he was drafted - pure joy.

But that's not reality. And it will never be reality because Lavar is who he is and he's not changing for anyone. If you can't embrace Joe Gibbs (and he never did, not even from the very beginning) then you are a lost soul. You are hopeless. And you never were Redskin material to begin with.

I don't hate the man. I don't care about him enough to hate him. I wouldn't waste my energy hating him. I just wrote this post as a way to announce that I was done with him and to explain why. That I had given up on him. I just wanted to clarify that. If you want to call it hating - whatever. I have yet to see you make any meaningful contribution to any thread and I doubt you are even cabable of doing so. :ciao:

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He has not said one negative thing about this team.

He said the team intentionally cheated him out of money.

He said the team was to blame for rushing him back from injury last year after he admitted to the public it was HIM doing the rushing back.

He said the team didn't "handle" his injury properly in the off-season to where they didn't keep his team mates informed of his status. :rolleyes:

He said the coaches don't tell him why he's not playing yet Joe Gibbs says he has had more talks with him than any other player, ever.

He goes on the air weekly and tries to make the coaches look bad because in his mind there's no way anything is his fault. - That's where the problem is. - He doesn't accept responsibilty. - It's not a question of whether or not what he's doing is right or wrong, it's doing what he's told.

In January 2004 when Gibbs came back, all you heard about from the players from years' past talk about was accountability and how Joe Gibbs will bring accountability back to the Redskins. Think about that for a minute, think about the way Lavar acts and think about the only guy who doesn't get on the field on defense.


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That's where the problem is. - He doesn't accept responsibilty. - It's not a question of whether or not what he's doing is right or wrong, it's doing what he's told.

I agree with this. I believe he thinks he really knows better than the coaches do on many things, including when it comes time to either do what the scheme says his responsibility is, or do what his eyes and instincts tell him to do. Those two things probably frequently conflict, and Lavar ends up doing what he wants... not what he's told to do.

That will give up big plays and that will lose games for you... and make the coaches lose their minds (and faith in the player regardless of that players measurables and potential).

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Hey!!!! The guy typed a bad word!!!!!!:silly:

Really ya'll should be ashamed. I was told that the things I said were disrespectful about the way the team is handling this. It is funny how ya'll can get on here and disrespect someone that ya'll don't even know!! I guess it is cool, but it sure wasn't when I did it.

If you listen to just about every sport show, and every ex-player that has nothing to do with this, and isn't in the league now. All of them say that management has really done a terrible job with this.

I thought it was all about the team here. The guy is still a part of the team. He has not said one negative thing about this team. Put most of us in that situation and a lot of us might not have handled it so wonderfully.

Look none of us know what is really going on, but we all should be able to look back and say, "something ain't right", but to attack this guy like that just doesn't seem right to me. Especially since he has not said ONE bad thing about the fans, the team, the coaches, or anybody else.

You all REAL REDSKINS FANS will soon get what you want. LA will be out of here, and then it will be someone else. Let's just see who it will be the next time, and how quickly you will turn on him also!!!!!

I see you don't understand the rules. Figure them out and come back when you do.

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I don't hate the man. I don't care about him enough to hate him. I wouldn't waste my energy hating him. I just wrote this post as a way to announce that I was done with him and to explain why. That I had given up on him. I just wanted to clarify that. If you want to call it hating - whatever. I have yet to see you make any meaningful contribution to any thread and I doubt you are even cabable of doing so. :ciao:

Your insight in this Lavar situation over the past few weeks has been great.

It let's me know that the Redskins are a normal organization with idiot fans just like every other NFL team. Thanks for bringing me back down to reality in thinking that this board and this team has fans that are insightful, as well as down right knowledgeable.

Your posts over the last week or so cleared it all up man, no need to start a glory thread about why you are done. But hey, thanks for your support :bfd:

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i'm tired of the lavar arrington hate.

he's talented with no discipline.

we got it.

now when it the front office gonna grow a pair and trade him to the vikings for their TE (the one gibbs wanted last year) and a high draft pick?

pull the trigger already dannyboy.

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I'm not going to jump on LaVar, he hasn't disapointed me on the field yet, he is the best LB in football, and I'm glad to have him locked up with us.

I hope your kidding! Lavar is a good player but take off the blinders because he's not even close to being the best.

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Lavar...these folks don't tend to you and your family. Many have trashed you on the board along almost every possible line of thought: you're over rated; your injuries are understated; you aren't a team player; you're a me first guy; you didn't earn your pro bowl honors; you're undisciplined; you suffer intellectual short-comings.

my advice: take the short-term financial hit. stick the middle digit to these folks and sign with the Iggles at the first opportunity. we'll then find out whether you are truly a second rate player who deserves to sit on the bench while your team is generating zero turnovers....or whether you really are over-hyped. better yet - go to the pukes. either you'll become a liability for them...or one of the most colossal mistakes this organization has made in a long, long time.

it's a business brother. tone down the public rhetoric and get the H out of Dodge if it isn't working for you and the team doesn't want you. peace be with you.

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