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Lavar - I hope you read this...

Dirk Diggler

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Just a couple things:

1) It's always someone elses fault with you.

It's either:

the coaches not using you correctly or

the coaches not being here long enough to use you correctly or

the defensive line not playing well enough in front of you or

the money you DIDN'T get in contract negotiations or

the team pushing you to come back when the Doctor and EVERYONE ELSE told you to take your time

2) Lavar, tell me you are not for real when you whine about people not patting you on the back for working hard to come back? What do you want, a fu(king cookie?

Why come back as quickly as you can from injuries? Why push yourself?

Because you owe it to your teammates who bleed B&G

Because you owe to your HOF coach and Greg Williams for working 80 hour weeks so you can get all the glory

Because you owe it to the fans who idolize you and to me for dying a little every time we lose

Because you owe it to your family who I'm sure loves and supports you

And God damn it you owe it to yourself

And if all that is not enough then you owe it to Snyder because of your contract that has made you the highest paid LB (and perhaps defensive player) in the league even though you've never come close to playing like it.

Quite simply- you get paid to play - playoffs or no playoffs. A true competitor understands that if they're keeping score, the game means something. Your teammates played that way until the final gun against Minny. They left their guts on the field while you were sipping Cristal in your luxury box.

3) I've no doubt that the turnover has made you less of an impact player than you could be. But let everyone else make those observations. We don't have to hear it from you. Don't tell me about what you could have done if this and that happend. Don't tell me how hard the pregnancy was, show me the baby.

And is it my imagination or are we bringing back every defensive coach on the team? Yet you still talk about turnover like it's a given. Nobody but the post wants to hear your ramblings so shut it.

4) I know a girl who is dating a very prominent college teammate of yours and she warned me about you back in October. She told me that you are just a time bomb and that you were only about the parties and the chicks and the fame at Penn State. She said that any time they lost, you were the first to point the finger at everyone but yourself. She said that you still have not changed one bit and that she'd feel very confident in saying that you'll never be anything but a poison pill. She said that Paterno was popping champagne when you left early because he you were the antithesis of the kind of Nittany Lion player he wanted.

I didn't post it on ES because I didn't want to believe it. I wanted to give you the benefit of the doubt. I wanted to believe YOU for so long. That the reason you weren't the second coming is because of the coaches or your teammates or your health. That all you needed was a few seasons with the great Greg Williams and we could finally see the true beast unleashed. All you needed was a little more time.

But it's not going to happen. It's never going to happen. And it's not because of Snyder or Gibbs or because of your knee. It's because of you, Lavar. Because you have no heart. Because you have no soul. Because you're only about the bling and about selling his jerseys and about appearing on TV. It's about everything but football. And that's not how it's supposed to be.

I hope you join Coles and Gardner and Bailey: Other talented players with chips on their shoulders who are about everything but the team. I'd much prefer the David Pattens and Walt Harris's who may not run as fast or jump as high but have more heart in their pinky nail than your collective asses combined. I hope you are serious about wanting them to want get rid of you. Because if it were up to me, you'd be someone else's problem tomorrow. I'm so glad I didn't buy your jersey because you are a gutless punk and you don't deserve to play for my team.

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If Lavar read this, he would whine to the press that the fans don't support him. Somebody please send him a hallmark card, make sure the baby bottle is just the right temperature, and when you tuck him in, make sure it's not too cold in the room. Lavar needs everyone's support. It's obvious that the coaching staff saying he's important and Snyder's money just isn't enough.

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Someone in another thread was asking, "what the cap hit would be if we traded or cut Lavar after June 1st?"

It would save $.540k this year and be dead cap space of $12.545M next year which is only about $400k above his $12.141M cap hit. The difference being of course that he would be ****ing for us; I mean playing for us.

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Originally posted by SkinsNatsFan


Good post.

Why can't we see, just once, one of these types actually mature over time?

Because most of these guys are emotionally crippled men living out teenage fantasies of fame and masculinity all rolled into one. Why are we amazed at it when these guys whine so darn much? I would soil my pants to make a tenth of what Lavar gets paid to PLAY A GAME! a hard game, to be sure, but a game.

We don't see them mature because most of them can't. Since high school, they haven't had to. They can get away with acting like morons (See also: Randy Moss), demanding outrageous things, and leaving their JOBS and TEAMMATES for even more money-- and someone will always pay it-- all because they've achieved level of skill that most of us only dream of.

Maturity? From a person playing a game? Pshaw. I'd as soon expect a blue whale to dance the tango with me on the head of a pin.

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Originally posted by Dirk Diggler

I know a girl who is dating a very prominent college teammate of yours and she warned me about you back in October. She told me that you are just a time bomb and that you were only about the parties and the chicks and the fame at Penn State. She said that any time they lost, you were the first to point the finger at everyone but yourself. She said that you still have not changed one bit and that she'd feel very confident in saying that you'll never be anything but a poison pill. She said that Paterno was popping champagne when you left early because he you were the antithesis of the kind of Nittany Lion player he wanted.

Maybe that is why Courtney Brown did not sign with us.

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Hows this 06=12.14 Mil.

07=6.53 Mil.

08=9.13 Mil.

09=11.78 Mil.

10= 11.4 Mil.

and you feel you should take your sweet time coming back, trash the orginization and coaches, fail to support your teammates during the season by not being on the sidelines (or in the locker room-team meetings etc...) so that all your teammates would know you had surgery, but you love being a redskin!!!

We all know where that comes from-your contract.

Blow your smoke up someone elses a$$ , hope you win the grievance and void your cotract, the postons will not get you a better deal, and now you have expossed yourself to nfl fans as well-good luck.

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You guys are so quick to bash him so don't cheer for him when he has a good season. Lavar has given his time to this team off the field he has given more effort then you realize. He has blead burgundy and gold as all of you have. He has overstepped his bounds no doubt this time but give him the benefit of the doubt because this team needs him. This franchise needs him.

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Originally posted by skinstzar

He has overstepped his bounds no doubt this time but give him the benefit of the doubt because this team needs him. This franchise needs him.

We do not need more cancer and especially from a so called "Leader". This time? What about all the other mouth sessions. It's time for LA to shut up, work hard, gather some intelligence, fire his worthless agents, and play football.

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you know what , what have we done with the players we've had in the past 5 yrs. , nothing.. all of the the hype and promise in the world but nothing to show for it but either 5-11 or 6-10 , what the hell man.. if these players want love then win .. so to the playoffs and contend ... damn it , BEAT Dallas for once!! but don't cry and B*tch because you're not getting pampered when you get hurt.. please Lavar humble your self and play ball or get out.. Period

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