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What's the longest you've abstained?


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Looking for some pointers here...a couple buddies of mine proposed that we have a contest to see who can go the longest without gratifying themselves, ala Seinfeld Master of your Domain. I don't think I've gone more than 2 weeks without either masturbation or sex since age 14 and I really want to take them to school on this.

So my question is, what's the longest you've gone without orgasm and how did you manage to do it? Help a brother out here. :)

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Well in that case, it's been almost three years now for me.

Mainly for me it has taken self control and behavior pattern establishment. You put forward as good an effort as you can at self control and establishing behavior patterns that become a second nature to you sort of like the Pavlov's dog theory, and it is a lot easier. It is probably not the same for everybody though and it is probably a lot harder for many people.

And being sort of a loner anyway, there is not as much temptation for me as for a lot of other people. I mean I don't usually hang out with other people at colllege too much or go to parties, (the rowdy kind anyway) and I spend a lot of time reading, studying for school, writing, and hanging out on the internet on messege boards.


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Originally posted by visionary

Well in that case, it's been almost three years now for me.

Mainly for me it has taken self control and behavior pattern establishment. You put forward as good an effort as you can at self control and establishing behavior patterns that become a second nature to you sort of like the Pavlov's dog theory, and it is a lot easier. It is probably not the same for everybody though and it is probably a lot harder for many people.

And being sort of a loner anyway, there is not as much temptation for me as for a lot of other people. I mean I don't usually hang out with other people at colllege too much or go to parties, (the rowdy kind anyway) and I spend a lot of time reading, studying for school, writing, and hanging out on the internet on messege boards.


DAMN. Thats a lot of ball snot....

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Orange, How the hell are you going to know if the other guys aren't cheating on the bet? How would they know if you cheated on the bet?

To answer the question I think it was about a 2 month long period 4-5 years ago. I was transfered to NY metro division to help out on the fiscal year end push to deliver homes to our customers. I lived in one of our homes for a month away from my family. It was one of the hardest things I have ever had to do. You never really appreciate your wife and family till you are forced away from them. I missed seeing and hugging my daughter and talking to her. I really missed cuddling with my wife and falling to sleep with her next to me. I think that was the hardest thing.

It gave me a whole new respect for our fine young men and women in the armed forces.

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Originally posted by OrangeSkin

Honor code, Tommy...I trust these guys, for the most part. :)

i dont think people will like if they cant hold out, its too natural to really matter I feel. Funny thread though, remember the Seinfeld where George stops having sex, and becomes somewhat of an intellectual, only to have sex right before he was supposed to help Jerry give a speech and looked like a total fool instead.

I guess maybe a month or so.

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Originally posted by afparent

I'm too old to remember or answer...but this is a funny thread..:laugh:

Ok, it had to be the six weeks I was in basic training

My basic training was 8, plus another 10 weeks of training after that. So for me, it was 18 weeks. There was always rumor that the Army put something in the food that killed your sex drive. I think that it was being around all guys that killed mine, but I can't be 100% sure :laugh:

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This is just human sex we're talking about right?

I mean, just in case anyone needs to know ;)

I got you all beat. Desert Shield/Storm. Try finding a little privacy in the desert. Plus, you get an eerie feeling, out there in the middle of no where with nothing but stars in sight, that God himself is watching :)

At least thats what I hear.

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Originally posted by TODD

I know a 18 year old mormon who hasn't done it for two years. They are very disciplined people.

Hell, Mormons are allowed to have multiple wives. He's probably saving up.:laugh:

And to asnwer the question...

If I don't get it at least twice a week, I break out in hives.

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Originally posted by visionary

Well in that case, it's been almost three years now for me.

Mainly for me it has taken self control and behavior pattern establishment. You put forward as good an effort as you can at self control and establishing behavior patterns that become a second nature to you sort of like the Pavlov's dog theory, and it is a lot easier. It is probably not the same for everybody though and it is probably a lot harder for many people.

And being sort of a loner anyway, there is not as much temptation for me as for a lot of other people. I mean I don't usually hang out with other people at colllege too much or go to parties, (the rowdy kind anyway) and I spend a lot of time reading, studying for school, writing, and hanging out on the internet on messege boards.


It's been... WHAT!?

Holy freakin' god man!

And you seem to be in good spirits!!

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