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What's the longest you've abstained?


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Originally posted by GASkinsfan28

Lets see about a week and a half today just had the samthing happen with me and my freinds only one out so far.

But it is going to be hard off all christmas braek i will see my girl so much and can't do nothing!:cry:

Dude... She's gonna dump you.

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Originally posted by GASkinsfan28

Nah their is a lot of money on the bet as long i take her somewhere nice with the money plus i will have my liscense by then to.

Pluss i said i can't get none. She still can:tongue:

Hah, good luck with that.

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When my wife was pregnant with our 3rd child she started bleeding one night after sex. She went to her doctor the next day and he said no sex until the baby is born (I might have choked him had I been there). At the time she was about 2 months pregnant. I went through the next 7 months until the baby was born, plus another 4-8 weeks after birth before I "got lucky" again.

FORTUNATELY, we were in the middle of a major renovation of our home. We completely gutted it and rebuilt it...and I did most of the work. I was just too tired to take matters into my own hand(s) :)

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Originally posted by SkinsNut73


When my wife was pregnant with our 3rd child she started bleeding one night after sex. She went to her doctor the next day and he said no sex until the baby is born (I might have choked him had I been there). At the time she was about 2 months pregnant. I went through the next 7 months until the baby was born, plus another 4-8 weeks after birth before I "got lucky" again.

FORTUNATELY, we were in the middle of a major renovation of our home. We completely gutted it and rebuilt it...and I did most of the work. I was just too tired to take matters into my own hand(s) :)


You didn't at least get some dome!?

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So my question is, what's the longest you've gone without orgasm and how did you manage to do it? Help a brother out here. :) [/b]

Since I said "I DO" :laugh:

I keep telling her that Im gonna turn Bi_Sexual. Yep, if she dont give it to me than Im gonna have to go buy it. ;)

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Originally posted by afparent

I'm too old to remember or answer...but this is a funny thread..:laugh:

Ok, it had to be the six weeks I was in basic training

Man I didn't make it the whole six weeks, maybe that was TMI but, I was very aggravated with everyone in my flight so something had to be done.

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Originally posted by BIGGS_DADDY

Man I didn't make it the whole six weeks, maybe that was TMI but, I was very aggravated with everyone in my flight so something had to be done.

Too Funny!

When I was in Basic I was in charge of the Dorm Guards. We had one airman that regularly "took the stick" every night at 0300hrs. When asked by the guard on duty what to do about it, I told him to log it. So every morning, there it was: "0300hrs, All quiet except for Airman Blognowski performing bunk exercises." I made sure not to schedule him for Dorm Guard duty until the final few days of training. The color red his face turned and the pure horror in his eyes after reading almost 5 weeks of logs was priceless!!!

After Basic I went to Tech School at Keesler AFB. My roommate was a nice kid but I thought he was on the "sweet" side. He reminded me of George Michael from Wham. After a week or so he informed me that he "took the stick" at least four or five times a day. I tried to spend as little time as possible in our room after that.

But to answer the question, it would be the 4 months during training.

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I would say 1 month....there are some "sanity" pills that sorta take away those feelings of self-love....or with a partner....did not make my wife happy but as she has told me on various occasions, "you have two hands, take care of business"

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  • 2 years later...

I've gone about 2 weeks recently. It helps to have a friend do it with you, even though you're on the honor system with one another. It also helps to have other things occupying your mind. It does not help to be seeing a girl at the time, cause well, it's pretty much uncontrollable at that point.

I'm actually considering trying to hold out again. Right now though, I don't have much going on which will make it too hard.

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I've gone about 2 weeks recently. It helps to have a friend do it with you, even though you're on the honor system with one another. It also helps to have other things occupying your mind. It does not help to be seeing a girl at the time, cause well, it's pretty much uncontrollable at that point.

I'm actually considering trying to hold out again. Right now though, I don't have much going on which will make it too hard.

Hmmm. a few thoughts here.

"It helps to have a friend do it with you". Yes, I'm sure that watching any of my freinds (male friends, that is) masturbate would pretty much kill any urge to do it myself.

I should think that being on the honor system would go without saying! :)

"It does not help to be seeing a girl" - True. Although my experience is that, whether you're getting some or not, it makes no difference.

"I don't have much going on which will make it too hard". Yeah, I guess that helps too! :laugh:

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Hmmm. a few thoughts here.

"It helps to have a friend do it with you". Yes, I'm sure that watching any of my freinds (male friends, that is) masturbate would pretty much kill any urge to do it myself.

I should think that being on the honor system would go without saying! :)

"It does not help to be seeing a girl" - True. Although my experience is that, whether you're getting some or not, it makes no difference.

"I don't have much going on which will make it too hard". Yeah, I guess that helps too! :laugh:

:laugh: good ones!

I could try and further explain myself, but those were pretty funny. Seriously though, I cannot abstain by myself, but when i got 2 of my other friends to abstain with me, we all went 2 weeks before each of us finally letting the others know we caved in.

...and with a girl, makes a ton of difference, definitely cannot abstain at all (that's how my one friend went down, he met a girl during that time).

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Hell, Mormons are allowed to have multiple wives. He's probably saving up.:laugh:

And to asnwer the question...

If I don't get it at least twice a week, I break out in hives.

It's illegal to have more then one spouse in the U.S. People really don't understand the mormon religion.

BTW I'm atheiest so don't assume i'm mormon just because i stick up for them.

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