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Dream Job??

Johnny Punani2

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What would you like to be doing for a profession other then the current one your in now? I think people who are unhappy in their jobs can answer this pretty quickly but it is also for people who are happy in their current profession as well.

For me personally, I am happy being in Meteorology and I wanted to do this for a long time but I'm also very interested in Cosmology and Astrophysics and would love to find out what makes the Universe work. I've read several books on the string theory and other theories(Theory of Everything) and the stuff blows me away.

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Well as someone who works on string theories and the theories of how this universe is put together I'd like to say that there is nothing I would rather do.

Do you realize that my career path doesn't require a 9-5, lets me sit around thinking about cool problems and talking to really smart people about the fundamental problems of the universe, and go to conferences around the world?

And that's not even the best part. I get to teach too. And not kids who don't want to be there, but kids who are genuinely interested in the subject I'm teaching.

It might be great to be a rockstar drummer, but you know, I've got it pretty good.

(I love how your post lead into mine so beautifully by the way)

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I would love to work for the redskins organization or a company that cares for its employees. The job wouldn't have to be the best paying job as long that I enjoy what I'm doing. Teach Redskin history to the players. After I get done with them they will fight to the bitter end.

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For me, I absolutely love my job, but since you asked the question, I'll give an answer. From an early age I wanted to play professional baseball, but after several injuries and surgery on both my elbow and shoulder on my throwing arm, that dream turned to jello, just like my arm. The one thing I wanted to do was have a great year then sign a blank contract and tell the team to pay me what they felt I was worth. Making a point about playing for the love of the game would have been worth it to me. ML players are not starving anyway.

With my injury history, which included many, and I mean many, injuries, I actually went to school for sports medicine, but am now in the defense industry and love it. I can't complain about how it worked out.

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:doh: I like what I do, but no longer like the place I work..........Actually, I started looking for another job today. As long as I'm working with my hands, and challanged, I'm generally happy. Not many places in my area take care of their workers, and it has caused me to hop around since moving to FL.

My dream job would be owning a shop, doing restoration of mechanical antiques. Motorcycles, cars, tractors & equipment, flywheel engines, you name it. I have done this for many years now out of the house, and doing it fulltime would be killer.

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Originally posted by Ignatius J.

Well as someone who works on string theories and the theories of how this universe is put together I'd like to say that there is nothing I would rather do.

Do you realize that my career path doesn't require a 9-5, lets me sit around thinking about cool problems and talking to really smart people about the fundamental problems of the universe, and go to conferences around the world?

And that's not even the best part. I get to teach too. And not kids who don't want to be there, but kids who are genuinely interested in the subject I'm teaching.

It might be great to be a rockstar drummer, but you know, I've got it pretty good.

(I love how your post lead into mine so beautifully by the way)

Really? That's awesome!!

What do you think of Michio Kaku?

I've read his book Beyond Einstein: The Cosmic Quest for the Theory of the Universe and thought it was very interesting and easy to understand.

I'll have to ask you some questions then...:D

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yes really.

I haven't read anything by him, so I can't really answer. I read a few pages on amazon and it did seem to say true if vague terms.

The special on NOVA a little while back was really good too. The ultimate Universe or something like that.

PM me anytime or start a new thread if you want to involve others. I've come up in a few threads with this info and have had some good conversations here. So yeah, PM, post whatever.

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I love what I do. I get to work will all types of people and am around cars all the time. I get to attend auctions and buy

several cars at a time. Not many can say they look forward

to coming to work every morning.

My other dream job would be have both of Diehard's choices in

his Question For Men thread!


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While I like my job collecting economic data, I'd really like to change what economic data I'm collecting or get into the analysis (I'm working on the job switch to cover getting new info on our medical industries).

As much as I enjoy this work, it's still not what I would do if I won the lottery.

My dream job would be to open up a Ronald Mcdonald type house where the parents can stay while their kids are in the hospital and where the kids can be discharged to when they are going to need to be back and forth to the hospital. There is one near Hopkins, but the demand is soooo much greater than the space they have.

I'd want to open another one in Baltimore or near St. Judes in Memphis. With a wife who is a pediatric nurse, I think the two of us would have a lot to add. I think I could learn enough about the financial side to do it in a rather short time period.

It's kind of my pet hobby to think about. My goal is to have a reasonable estimate of what kind of money it would take to start up by next year...but we'll probably never do it. Instead, we're looking at an only slightly easier goal of adopting medically fragile kids.

Anyway, you asked for a dream job.

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My job sucks, but it pays the bills.... barely.

I'd love to be a professional musician - make money playing my guitar (and maybe singing) and traveling.

Barring that, I'd love to be a full-time luthier (guitarmaker). I do it in my spare time now, but I'm a long way from being able to make a living at it.

In college and grad school, my dream was to work as an economic analyst for the defense dept. Unfortunately, I didn't make the cut.

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I worked at one of my dream jobs for a while (economic analysis) but I did it for policy wonks who sent me a policy they desired to implement/support and I had to figure out why such a policy was an excellent idea. Another type of analysis resulted in my client asking me if I understood what I wrote; when I said I did (innocently thinking he wanted me to explain it in layman's terms), he told me to re-write it until I couldn't understand it. I realized I needed a new dream job (and that old dream of being a football star had died when I realized I s*cked at football back in high school).

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I love my job, the only down side is that I don't think I'm paid for the amout of the load that I carry. But it's still a great job.

My dream jobs would be:

Video Game tester

Redskins beat writer

PGA Golfer

Pro Musician


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