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ESPN: Parcells Uses Slur Talking About Trick Plays

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Monday, June 7, 2004

Parcells Uses Slur Talking About Trick Plays

ESPN.com news services

IRVING, Texas -- Bill Parcells caused a a stir during his news conference after Dallas Cowboys minicamp Monday with offensive remarks. He called surprise plays used in practice "Jap plays," referring to Japan's 1941 attack on Pearl Harbor.

"You've got to keep an eye on those two, because they're going to try to get the upper hand," Parcells said about quarterbacks coach Sean Payton and defensive coordinator Mike Zimmer. "Mike wants the defense to do well, and Sean, he's going to have a few ... no disrespect for the Orientals, but what we call Jap plays. OK. Surprise things."

After a murmur in the room of reporters, which included a Japanese journalist, Parcells repeated, "No disrespect to anyone."

"Bill Parcells is a brilliant coach," John Tateishi of the Japanese-American Citizen's League, a national civil rights group told DallasNews.com. "Unfortunately, he is ignorant about racial slurs. I take great offense by what he said. Parcells ought to know better. He sorely needs more education on what is offensive and non-offensive to Japanese-Americans. I am shocked that he would say this."

Parcells later released a statement, apologizing for his comments.

"Today during my news conference I made a very inappropriate reference, and although I prefaced it with the remark, 'no disrespect to anyone intended,' it was still uncalled for and inconsiderate. For that I apologize to anyone who may have been offended," he said.

Cowboys spokesman Rich Dalrymple said the "organization apologizes to anyone who may have been offended."

Akira Kuboshima, editor of American Football Magazine in Japan, said he wasn't offended, though he knows many Japanese will be.

"There is a lot of chance for someone to feel offended," Kuboshima said. "To me, it was no big deal."

Parcells spoke to Kuboshima, offering what the reporter perceived to be an apology. Kuboshima said he was surprised more by the reaction of other reporters than the comment.

That comment was only part of Parcells' 45-minute session with reporters, in which he also talked about the team's quarterback competition, players at several positions and some of the new additions.

He said he isn't going to be as patient in his second season with the Cowboys.

After three straight 5-11 seasons, the Cowboys went 10-6 and reached the playoffs in their first year under Parcells. Still, he expects better in 2004.

"That doesn't mean we'll win more games," Parcells said. "That just means I think from head to toe that we have a chance to be better. I really believe that."

Wide receiver Keyshawn Johnson, who had two of his Pro Bowl seasons for Parcells while with the New York Jets, came to Dallas in a trade with Tampa Bay.

Vinny Testaverde was reunited with his old coach last week, leaving the Jets as a free agent. The 40-year-old quarterback will compete for the starting job with incumbent Quincy Carter and serve as a mentor to Drew Henson, who was added this spring after he quit professional baseball.

"These guys that were here last year, they've already bought into it. From that alone, we'll be a better team," running back Richie Anderson said. "We already know what to expect. He's not going to allow certain things to happen or go on."

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I'm of half Japanese descent, and I take no offense to the comment. However, what a stupid and boneheaded thing to say. Why? Because there are some sensitive people will take offense to such a statement. Therefore, why say such a thing at all? Moronic. You think Joe Gibbs would ever say something like that?

Note that I chose TheDane, my other half of ancestry, as my handle because TheJap is definitely not an appropriate name.

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Originally posted by LadyNRedskinsfan

has parcells been hangin out with junior seau???

Football players and coaches are a different breed. This stuff is TAME compared to the stuff in the lockerroom.

They're football players.... let's not try to make them out to be anything more than what they are.

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Man, when I saw the title of this thread I was all ready to rip into Parcells...but give me a break, this is the biggest crock of the day. I'm sure things 1000 times worse get said on a daily basis in every locker room throughout the league.

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Originally posted by Die Hard

Football players and coaches are a different breed. This stuff is TAME compared to the stuff in the lockerroom.

They're football players.... let's not try to make them out to be anything more than what they are.

Die Hard, I don't know about that. Yes, there's something to be said for not being overly sensitive. But a Coach has a responsibility to be a role model for his players. Although everyone needs to watch what they say, a Coach, IMO, needs to think about what he says more than a football player does.

(1) He represents the team; and

(2) He is teaching the players.

It can also be argued that people like athletes, in such a high profile and public position, need to be more sensitive in their choice of words.

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Whats funny about it is that he was aware ahead of time that some folks were going to be offended by the term. Cause he pre-faced his comments with that "no disrespect intended to Orientals" line.

Then proceeded to use the slur anyway. DUH. :laugh:

I think Coach Parcells could've found another way to describe the surprise, sneak attack plays he's got in his playbook. :)

But even though I loathe the Cowboys, I too hope that no one makes a REALLY big deal about this.

But you know there are folks out there just LOOKING for reasons to be offended. :)

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Hysterical. Not laughing with the Tuna. Laughing at him. I think the reporter was probably not as insulted as he says, though. It gives HIM press. However, what was Bill thinking? He even saw it coming out of his mouth, PREFACED it with a "preparatory" statement (apparently another flub), and LET IT GO! Man, oh man.

I guess he's beyond having to worry about ANYONE'S feelings.:rolleyes:

The rest of the article seems to go into him restoring his (almost) camelot with the old Jets players. Hope he doesn't spoil the stew he started last year. ;)

He should have gone to New York, but I doubt they'd have had him back. Too bad he's probably gonna give us at LEAST one ass-whoopin' this year. It's just that way in this division.

Way to go, Bill. :doh:

(edit)- Interesting that he said, " what WE refer to as.."

I guess the whole staff walks around talking like that.

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Originally posted by TheDane

Die Hard, I don't know about that. Yes, there's something to be said for not being overly sensitive. But a Coach has a responsibility to be a role model for his players. Although everyone needs to watch what they say, a Coach, IMO, needs to think about what he says more than a football player does.

(1) He represents the team; and

(2) He is teaching the players.

It can also be argued that people like athletes, in such a high profile and public position, need to be more sensitive in their choice of words.

Have you ever played football?

Joe Gibbs is a rarity.

Coaches are football coaches. They aren't role models. They don't need to be. They don't have to earn respect... they command it.

Go to a university/college football practice. Listen to what the heck comes out of their mouths. It ain't pretty. That's just the way they are.

So you can imagine how difficult it is to put them in a room of PC reporters with a mic and an agenda... and ask them to be on their best behavior.

I'm not going to fault the guy.

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Whenever you preface your remarks with "no disrespect intended". You have already offended someone. That has to be the dumest way to start a sentence anyway. All your saying is " I'm about to say something stupid, so forgive me.".

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Same thing in the military. "With all due respect Sir", which means " I'm pissed and going to open my big mouth and hope I don't get court-martialed ". Well. so I've heard anyway. I never actually..well..you know..when I was in.... :halo:

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Originally posted by Die Hard

Have you ever played football?

Joe Gibbs is a rarity.

Coaches are football coaches. They aren't role models. They don't need to be. They don't have to earn respect... they command it.

Go to a university/college football practice. Listen to what the heck comes out of their mouths. It ain't pretty. That's just the way they are.

So you can imagine how difficult it is to put them in a room of PC reporters with a mic and an agenda... and ask them to be on their best behavior.

I'm not going to fault the guy.

DH, no, I have not ever played football. However, I don't have to have played football to know the sh*t that comes out of peoples' mouths during competitive situations. Second, A large part of my point was that a person in a public position needs to watch what he says, and perhaps I didn't make that clear enough. Another part of my comment was that he's a public face for the team; he needs to be extra careful of what he says, since he represents the Dallas Cowboys. I don't think Jerry Jones wants a main figure in the Cowboys' organization to be pegged as racist. Reflects poorly on the organization.

My other comment about teaching the players, maybe it's true, maybe its not. My college psychology class taught me that a person in a position of power is often able to use his position to influence others thoughts.

I don't want to make this a bigger deal than it is, but the bottom line is that he used a racial slur. In my opinion, for reasons other than sensitivity, he should not have done so. If you want to dispute that, then I will gladly argue the point.

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Guest SkinsHokie Fan

I honestly think this is dumb to get a hub bub over but even BP knew this would cause some up roar.

Being in a high profile position, especially in America, you simply cannot do that. Hell Ronaldo after winning the World Cup said he was gonna have sex right away but in America you better damn be careful about being offensive. Even though he probably says all sorts of stuff in the locker room

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Since this is Parcells I see nothing bad happening, but if you think it was someone else not as liked what do you think would happen??

Say it was Millen or a coach that isn't that popular and hasn't won a ring do you think he would have a job??

I think the entire world has become just and excuse to say you are insulted by what someone said. These crazy PC people have to much power now.

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